Takako Fujino


Japanese "kayo" film based on the song by Tsuzuko Sugawara.
Primavera precoz
Terumi Aoki
Un hombre casado de mediana edad, aburrido de la rutina cotidiana tanto en el trabajo como en su matrimonio, tiene una aventura amorosa con la hija de un colega suyo. Cuando su mujer descubre su infidelidad, tanto su vida como la de su familia quedarán completamente trastornadas.
Mother's Ambition
The Kumakichi Ishida family lived happily in a small house in Shibuya while their mansion in Azabu was requisitioned by the occupation forces. When the residence is released to them, Mrs. Ishida wants to turn it into a Western style hotel to recoup their fortunes, but returns to Shibuya, swindled and sober.
The Bronze Monster
In this four part mystery-adventure, detective Kogoro Akechi and the members of the Boy Detectives Club must capture the Bronze Monster, a giant metal monster that steals valuable clocks.