Takako Fujino


Japanese "kayo" film based on the song by Tsuzuko Sugawara.
Primavera Precoce
Terumi Aoki
Um jovem assalariado e a sua esposa lutam dentro dos limites do seu relacionamento sem paixão, enquanto ele tem um caso extraconjugal.
Mother's Ambition
The Kumakichi Ishida family lived happily in a small house in Shibuya while their mansion in Azabu was requisitioned by the occupation forces. When the residence is released to them, Mrs. Ishida wants to turn it into a Western style hotel to recoup their fortunes, but returns to Shibuya, swindled and sober.
The Bronze Monster
In this four part mystery-adventure, detective Kogoro Akechi and the members of the Boy Detectives Club must capture the Bronze Monster, a giant metal monster that steals valuable clocks.