Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a legacy of childhood trauma, addiction, and loss. They must rely on their chosen family of artists and sex workers to help bring them through their dark night of the soul.
Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a legacy of childhood trauma, addiction, and loss. They must rely on their chosen family of artists and sex workers to help bring them through their dark night of the soul.
Bradley es un exboxeador con un matrimonio a punto de romperse que pierde su empleo como mecánico de coches. Debido a esta sensación pesimista, acaba decidiendo que su mejor opción es trabajar para un viejo amigo como traficante de drogas. Esta decisión mejorará su vida hasta que se ve envuelto en un tiroteo entre la policía y sus aliados; situación que le acaba llevando a la cárcel...
Jane es una veinteañera con autismo que tiene una sobreprotectora hermana mayor, Bianca, que acaba de comprometerse. Cuando sus padres anuncian que se mudan de Brooklyn a los suburbios de Nueva Jersey, proponen a las hermanas que se muden juntas. Esta sugerencia hace que Bianca se replanteé su situación y que reexamine la relación que tiene con su hermana.