Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a legacy of childhood trauma, addiction, and loss. They must rely on their chosen family of artists and sex workers to help bring them through their dark night of the soul.
Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a legacy of childhood trauma, addiction, and loss. They must rely on their chosen family of artists and sex workers to help bring them through their dark night of the soul.
Um ex-boxeador que se tornou um contrabandista de drogas acaba sendo preso por causa de um acordo que deu errado. Dentro da cadeia, ele encontra vários de seus inimigos, homens que o obrigam a cometer atos violentos e brutais.
A young woman with Asperger's tries to find her first boyfriend with a little help from her older sister.