Director of Photography
Cuando Marija se entera de que su inestable novio ha desaparecido, se lanza a las calles con el propósito de encontrarlo.
Indre and Paulius haven't kept in touch lately; but as his foot is in a cast, she agrees to drive him out to a small town near the airport, where his brother and her boyfriend died.
Marius es un abogado de gran éxito con sede en Vilnius. Se obsesiona con Ali, un apuesto refugiado sirio que conoce por primera vez en una sala de chat en línea en Belgrado. Marius es rico y disfruta de una vibrante vida social y cultural. Sin embargo, siente que le falta algo. El viaje de Lituania a Serbia es relativamente corto, pero ¿pueden los dos navegar a través del abismo que separa sus vidas tan diferentes? ¿Y cómo lidian con los obstáculos de las fronteras físicas que se interponen entre ellos?
A Lithuanian doctor, priest and a war refugee Alexander Ferdinand Bendoraitis (1919-1998) resettles to the Amazonian jungle in the 1960’s and becomes a local hero: he establishes a boat- clinic network, the first jungle radio, starts the pacification of local indigenous tribes and builds the most modern hospital in Amazonia. However, as he gets involved in a brutal crime, countless fake narratives that he had created around himself begin to resurface.
Tekle and her young daughter, Ema, return from abroad to visit Dalia, Tekle’s mother. When Ema goes out to walk her dog, Dalia, fearing something terrible might happen to her granddaughter, starts looking for her.
Camera Operator
“Code of Tumas ” is an effort to show the well-known events and processes of history through the eyes of a direct person with a subjective and emotional look. Letters, publicism, all creations of Juozas Tumas Vaižgantas, also memories of his contemporaries make this reconstruction possible.
Director of Photography
A girl experiences strange body symptoms, which become an evidence of a Mobius-like topology of the Universe.
Después de que su actriz estrella, Indre, asesine a su madre, la cineasta de niños ricos Romas planea su escape de Lituania. Su novio mexicano Carlos les ayuda de mala gana. En el camino, Romas comienza a rodar una película experimental improvisada. A medida que los eventos toman un giro inesperado, sus secretos, recuerdos y emociones hacen que este viaje sea más salvaje de lo que cualquier película que Romas podría haber imaginado.
An NKVD interrogator is about to meet and question a talented writer he himself never was able to succeed. For to be strong and convincible he prepares for an interrogation and rehearses.
Director of Photography
Joan is 25 years old. She finished actors’ studies in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and was about to start acting in Russian Drama Theatre. But a war started in Ukraine and she decided to go there. Joan collects and transports materials for the soldiers to the battlefield in Ukraine. Joan tries to keep balance between being one day in war, another in peace. The film is a journey from one world to another and the line between these worlds is not clear. You must reconsider the meaning of “reality”. Everything is mixed up: the war is “there”, but it could be “here” anytime.
Director of Photography
This is a documentary film about five actresses of different generations who played the same role of Masha in Anton Chekhov's play 'The Seagull'. Masha is a woman who is in love with Konstantin, unrequitedly and for ever. This role left a mark of some sort in all the actresses' lives. The film is about parallels between their lives and the role they played, it is about the enclosed world of loneliness to which one comes and struggles to leave.