Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy’s body was never found. Lucas, ten years old. How easy it all would have been if the ocean had taken the trouble to throw up a little-swollen child’s corpse onto the beach. Or if a local with alcohol in his blood and blood on his hands had ploughed him down at full speed. An indescribable pain. No more living, no more happiness, but at least no unanswered questions. Unfortunately, that is not how it is for Adam and Louise.
Young Jack
Estados Unidos, década de 1970. Seguimos al brillante Jack durante un período de 12 años, descubriendo los asesinatos que marcarán su evolución como asesino en serie. La historia se vive desde el punto de vista de Jack, quien considera que cada uno de sus asesinatos es una obra de arte en sí misma.