David Worth

Nacimiento : 1940-03-02, United States


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia David Worth is an American cinematographer and film director. He contributed as cinematographer to more than twenty films, including Bloodsport, Any Which Way You Can and Bronco Billy. He also directed films including Warrior of the Lost World, Lady Dragon and Hard Knocks. He directed the 1989 film Kickboxer. Description above from the Wikipedia article David Worth (cinematographer), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Hazard Jack
A group of college kids get together for a weekend of booze and war games at an abandoned hospital. The hospital has become the haven for a PTSD stricken war vet coping and acting upon his delusions. Who will survive the game?
Hazard Jack
A group of college kids get together for a weekend of booze and war games at an abandoned hospital. The hospital has become the haven for a PTSD stricken war vet coping and acting upon his delusions. Who will survive the game?
House at the End of the Drive
Director of Photography
Cuando David King compra una casa en las colinas, muy por encima de la angustia de Los Ángeles, obtiene mucho más de lo que esperaba cuando extraños e inexplicables sucesos dentro y alrededor de la casa comienzan a tomar el control de su vida cotidiana.
House at the End of the Drive
Cuando David King compra una casa en las colinas, muy por encima de la angustia de Los Ángeles, obtiene mucho más de lo que esperaba cuando extraños e inexplicables sucesos dentro y alrededor de la casa comienzan a tomar el control de su vida cotidiana.
Headless Horseman
Director of Photography
Un grupo de jóvenes perdidos, pasan la noche de Halloween en un pequeño pueblo, con una leyenda oscura. Pronto se encontrarán con que les persigue un jinete sin cabeza, para intentar conseguir las suyas. Basada en la historia de Washington Irving, "La leyenda de Sleepy Hollow".
Tras un incidente en las calles donde se han criado, Raymond y Gabriel, amigos desde la infancia, son separados. Para sobrevivir, ambos aprenden artes marciales y se preparan para un sangriento retorno donde no les quedará más remedio que elegir un bando. En un mundo en el que las peleas están a la orden del día y no es fácil mantenerse al margen, Ray y Gabriel se verán forzados a luchar y enfrentarse uno contra otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Black Hole
Director of Photography
Un experimento científico rutinario, realizado en el marco de una investigación atómica, sale mal, provocando una explosión que deja la ciudad devastada y sumida en un enorme agujero negro. Pero lo peor llega cuando un equipo de científicos investigadores da con una monstruosa criatura intergaláctica que se alimenta de electricidad, dispuesta a acabar con cualquiera que se interponga en su camino.
Man with the Screaming Brain
Director of Photography
William Cole (Bruce Campbell) es un repelente americano que llega a Bulgaria con su mujer en viaje de negocios. Tras un incidente con una gitana que le golpea la cabeza queda en coma, mientras que al mismo tiempo su taxista (un ruso ex miembro de la KGB) es asesinado. Un científico loco (Stacy Keach) hará salir del coma a Cole, pero las consecuencias serán terrible...mente divertidas.
Raptor Island
Director of Photography
A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.
Héroes del aire
Iván, líder de un poderoso cártel de la droga, planea invadir y conquistar Petrovian, un pequeño país del este europeo. El criminal quiere instaurar aquí su propio estado, favorable a sus oscuros intereses. El gobierno de Petrovian, incapaz de enfrentarse al narcotraficante y terrorista, pide ayuda al gobierno americano. Una escuadrilla de élite vuela hasta Petrovian para derrotar al ejército personal de Iván. Es el comienzo de una guerra sin cuartel de consecuencias imprevisibles.
Terror en el abismo
Director of Photography
En un pequeño y tranquilo pueblo costero se han producido varios ataques de tiburones. Investigando el caso, el profesor Nick Harris encuentra un extraño diente. Tras consultar con la paleontóloga Cataline Stone, llegan a la conclusión de que pertenece a un prehistórico ancestro del tiburón blanco actual que se llama "Megalodón". La pesadilla no ha hecho más que comenzar.
Terror en el abismo
En un pequeño y tranquilo pueblo costero se han producido varios ataques de tiburones. Investigando el caso, el profesor Nick Harris encuentra un extraño diente. Tras consultar con la paleontóloga Cataline Stone, llegan a la conclusión de que pertenece a un prehistórico ancestro del tiburón blanco actual que se llama "Megalodón". La pesadilla no ha hecho más que comenzar.
Time Lapse
Director of Photography
Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
Time Lapse
Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
Shark. El demonio del mar
A raíz de un experimento fallido, dos docenas de tiburones blancos se han adueñado de las costas de Ciudad del Cabo, donde han provocado varias muertes. Bajo este clima de terror, un experto cazador de tiburones consigue capturar una hembra embarazada.
La sombra del asesino
Vincent Swan es un detective retirado que, muchos años después de matar al asesino de su hija, recibe en casa una carta de su presunta víctima. Al mismo tiempo, los asesinatos en serie de artistas famosos comienzan de nuevo y Swan decide retomar el caso.
I Might Even Love You
Director of Photography
Drama starring Tracey Birdsall
I Might Even Love You
Drama starring Tracey Birdsall
Sin concesiones
Director of Photography
Hace muchos años Griffin participó en un atentado en Colombia, en el que murieron mujeres y niños. Ahora es viudo y vive con su hija Emily.
Sin concesiones
Hace muchos años Griffin participó en un atentado en Colombia, en el que murieron mujeres y niños. Ahora es viudo y vive con su hija Emily.
American Tigers
Director of Photography
Terrorists from all countries are to be reunited in order to join forces against their governments. The USA army notice it. A group of assassins, waiting in jail to be executed by firing squad get the chance to be exonerated if they participate in the secret mission of killing the terrorists. But they have to train under the strict military style of Sergeant Ransom.
American Tigers
Terrorists from all countries are to be reunited in order to join forces against their governments. The USA army notice it. A group of assassins, waiting in jail to be executed by firing squad get the chance to be exonerated if they participate in the secret mission of killing the terrorists. But they have to train under the strict military style of Sergeant Ransom.
Conspiración criminal
Cuando Merrill Ross (Michael Dudikoff), un agente de la CIA, es considerado como un loco que se ha unido a otra agencia secreta para apoderarse de Qumir, país rico en petróleo, se encuentra en medio de una situación muy explosiva. Sin saber en quién puede confiar, se ve obligado a utilizar un proceso de eliminación a través de la cadena de operativos que encuentra.
Lady Dragon 2
Director of Photography
A woman seeks revenge on the men who raped her and murdered her husband.
Lady Dragon 2
Ring announcer
A woman seeks revenge on the men who raped her and murdered her husband.
Lady Dragon 2
A woman seeks revenge on the men who raped her and murdered her husband.
Lady Dragon
Director of Photography
Kathy Gallagher (Rothrock),experta en artes marciales y anteriormente agente del servicio de inteligencia,sigue en secreto la pista del poderoso Ludwing (Norton) el cual hace responsable del asesinato de su marido el día de su propia boda.
Lady Dragon
Original Story
Kathy Gallagher (Rothrock),experta en artes marciales y anteriormente agente del servicio de inteligencia,sigue en secreto la pista del poderoso Ludwing (Norton) el cual hace responsable del asesinato de su marido el día de su propia boda.
Lady Dragon
Kathy Gallagher (Rothrock),experta en artes marciales y anteriormente agente del servicio de inteligencia,sigue en secreto la pista del poderoso Ludwing (Norton) el cual hace responsable del asesinato de su marido el día de su propia boda.
China Cry
Director of Photography
Drama establecido en los años 50, basado en una historia verdadera, sobre una muchacha joven, Sung Neng Yee, que se trae como parte de una familia china rica. Ella está ansiosa por formar parte de la "nueva sociedad" de Mao Tze Tung, pero pronto se desilusiona por la miseria económica que los cambios traen a su familia. En poco tiempo, las autoridades toman conciencia de los sentimientos de Neng Yee y la llevan a un campo de trabajo, supervisado por el sádico coronel Cheng.
Cuando Tong Po, el sanguinario campeón de Kickboxing, deja paralítico a su hermano, Eric jura vengarse del hombre a quienes todos consideran invencible, aunque le cueste la vida.
Contacto sangriento
Director of Photography
Cada cinco años se celebra el "Kumite", un torneo secreto de artes marciales en el que se enfrentan, a vida o muerte, los mejores luchadores del mundo. Frank Dux, que trabaja eventualmente para la CIA, se convertirá en el primer occidental que participa en este torneo. Pero, para ganar, deberá derrotar al despiadado Chong Li, el vigente campeón.
La venganza de un soldado
Después de arriesgar la vida por su país en la Guerra de Vietnam, Frank Morgan regresa al fin a casa. El recibimiento que se le brinda no es el que esperaba, es más, es tratado casi como un traidor. Sin un futuro claro en la sociedad civil, Frank decide hacer un viaje más hasta el infierno para reencontrarse con la mujer que ama y la única razón para seguir viviendo.
Nunca es pronto para morir
Director of Photography
El agente secreto Drew Stargrove es brutalmente asesinado por el implacable Van Ragnar. En este film al estilo Bond, el hijo del agente, Lance Stargrove se ve envuelto en el peligroso e intrigante mundo de los agentes secretos y el espionaje.
La noche en que salvamos la Navidad
Director of Photography
Una compañía petrolífera está explorando lugares en el Ártico en busca de petróleo. Las explosiones en uno de los emplazamientos están afectando a la ciudad en la que viven Santa Claus y su familia (su mujer y los duendes elfos que trabajan con él). Santa teme que un nuevo emplazamiento de las máquinas y las explosiones acabe con la existencia de la ciudad; así que, toma cartas en el asunto e invita a descubrir los secretos de su trabajo y de sus instalaciones a la familia del ingeniero encargado de la empresa de petróleo.
Doing It
A couple decides to take a motorcycle tour of northern California and becomes involved in a series of sexually explicit encounters.
El guerrero del mundo perdido
En un futuro apocalíptico, la sociedad ha quedado alienada por el sistema. Un grupo de ancianos sabios conforman la resistencia que planea derrocar al régimen del tirano Prossor. Con la llegada de un guerrero motorista de espíritu libre, en el que creen ver al esperado mesías, intentarán lograr su objetivo, uniéndose también con distintas pandillas.
El guerrero del mundo perdido
En un futuro apocalíptico, la sociedad ha quedado alienada por el sistema. Un grupo de ancianos sabios conforman la resistencia que planea derrocar al régimen del tirano Prossor. Con la llegada de un guerrero motorista de espíritu libre, en el que creen ver al esperado mesías, intentarán lograr su objetivo, uniéndose también con distintas pandillas.
Body Magic
Director of Photography
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
Body Magic
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
Body Magic
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
La gran pelea
Director of Photography
Philo Beddoe y su inseparable amigo Orangután Clyde siguen dedicándose a las peleas clandestinas. A Philo le ofrecen una pelea con Jack Wilson, el campeón de la costa este, al que patrocina la Mafia. Cuando Philo por azar le salva la vida a Wilson, la Mafia secuestra a su novia para obligarlo a participar en el combate.
Bronco Billy
Director of Photography
Bronco Billy y su compañía deambulan y malviven de pueblo en pueblo con su espectáculo circense sobre el viejo Oeste. Cuando una rica heredera, abandonada por su marido en plena luna de miel, se une a la troupe, las cosas empezarán a ir peor que de costumbre.
A Great Ride
Cocky, overconfident motocross champion Jim Dancer and his more mature and levelheaded bike racing buddy Steve Mitchell decide to trek from Mexico to Canada via an unmarked off-road route. During their eventful pilgrimage the carefree fun-loving (and seeking) protagonists encounter a mixed bag of folks who include a perky middle-aged lady who wrecks cars for a living, two sexy swinging babes, a friendly farmer, and a hotshot aspiring motocross rider teen who challenges Dancer to a race. This latter episode ends in tragedy, with the kid taking a fatal spill off his bike. So the kid's gung-ho militant gun fanatic father decides to hunt Dancer and Mitchell down in his sinister souped-up truck.
Pink Champagne
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
Pink Champagne
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
Pink Champagne
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
Hard Knocks
Director of Photography
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
Hard Knocks
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
Frat House
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Frat House
Director of Photography
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Frat House
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Frat House
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Death Game
Director of Photography
George Manning is a well-to-do businessman, husband, and father. While his family is away on his birthday, he invites a pair of rain-soaked young women into his house to wait out an evening thunderstorm. The two girls seduce Manning and ultimately kidnap and torture him in his own home.
Death Game
George Manning is a well-to-do businessman, husband, and father. While his family is away on his birthday, he invites a pair of rain-soaked young women into his house to wait out an evening thunderstorm. The two girls seduce Manning and ultimately kidnap and torture him in his own home.
Matanza en el condado de Cuello Rojo
Una cantante de jazz viajando con su auto, se equivoca de carretera. El coche se le rompe cerca de una casa de campo aislada; y en ella viven extrañas personas...
Matanza en el condado de Cuello Rojo
Una cantante de jazz viajando con su auto, se equivoca de carretera. El coche se le rompe cerca de una casa de campo aislada; y en ella viven extrañas personas...
Matanza en el condado de Cuello Rojo
Director of Photography
Una cantante de jazz viajando con su auto, se equivoca de carretera. El coche se le rompe cerca de una casa de campo aislada; y en ella viven extrañas personas...
How Sweet It Is!
A couple are turned on reading fantasy letters to a sexually oriented newspaper and the fantasies are acted out in vignettes as they read.
How Sweet It Is!
Director of Photography
A couple are turned on reading fantasy letters to a sexually oriented newspaper and the fantasies are acted out in vignettes as they read.
Bloody Trail
Director of Photography
A Union soldier travels through the South right after the Civil War ends, and runs up against angry ex-slaves, murderous former Confederates and desperate women.
Bloody Trail
A Union soldier travels through the South right after the Civil War ends, and runs up against angry ex-slaves, murderous former Confederates and desperate women.
Adultery for Fun & Profit
Production Manager
Richard an attractive, virile young man living in a lush apartment, has a rendezvous with Janet. Janet is in the midst of a divorce proceeding involving a large settlement. At a climatic moment on Richard's bed, a photographer steps out of the closest and snaps a picture. It seems that Richard is a super stud for hire in divorce suits, he earns 10% of whatever money he saves the husband by enabling him to prove that his wife is committing adultery. His fee from Janet's husband is $10,000. He boasts that out of eight cases he's scored on seven. Women in the process of divorce are especially vulnerable and Richard, expert lover that he is, is able to take advantage of their insecurity. His next conquest is June. However, June's attorney, Manna was also Janet's attorney and he recognizes Richard in both sets of photographs. He visits Richard and threatens him with jail unless he agrees to a partnership.
Adultery for Fun & Profit
Camera Operator
Richard an attractive, virile young man living in a lush apartment, has a rendezvous with Janet. Janet is in the midst of a divorce proceeding involving a large settlement. At a climatic moment on Richard's bed, a photographer steps out of the closest and snaps a picture. It seems that Richard is a super stud for hire in divorce suits, he earns 10% of whatever money he saves the husband by enabling him to prove that his wife is committing adultery. His fee from Janet's husband is $10,000. He boasts that out of eight cases he's scored on seven. Women in the process of divorce are especially vulnerable and Richard, expert lover that he is, is able to take advantage of their insecurity. His next conquest is June. However, June's attorney, Manna was also Janet's attorney and he recognizes Richard in both sets of photographs. He visits Richard and threatens him with jail unless he agrees to a partnership.
101 Acts of Love
Director of Photography
A female doctor tries to help a married couple out with their sexual problems.