Несколько студентов колледжа собираются вместе на территории заброшенной больницы, чтобы в выходные дни развлечься пейнтболом и выпивкой. Они не знают, что больница стала убежищем для ветерана войны, страдающего посттравматическим стрессовым расстройством, и действующего под влиянием своих наваждений. И вечер для студентов перестает быть томным..
Несколько студентов колледжа собираются вместе на территории заброшенной больницы, чтобы в выходные дни развлечься пейнтболом и выпивкой. Они не знают, что больница стала убежищем для ветерана войны, страдающего посттравматическим стрессовым расстройством, и действующего под влиянием своих наваждений. И вечер для студентов перестает быть томным..
Director of Photography
When David King purchases a house in the hills far above the angst of Los Angeles, he gets much more than he bargained for when strange and unexplainable occurrences in and around the house begin to take control of his daily life
When David King purchases a house in the hills far above the angst of Los Angeles, he gets much more than he bargained for when strange and unexplainable occurrences in and around the house begin to take control of his daily life
Director of Photography
Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They find something strange and sinister happening there – bones and weird decorations line Main Street. The cause: local Wormwood legend says on All Hallows Eve one hundred years ago, a crazed man tortured the youngsters in town and then cut off their heads. In retaliation, the townspeople killed him by cutting off his head. Seeking revenge every seven years, he returns and takes seven heads from children in the town. Now the seven visitors find themselves hunted one by one as the Headless Horseman claims his due.
In a world where street gangs collide with the law, neighborhood friends, Raymond and Gabriel, must decide which side of the battle to join. This will be the ultimate fight - the one for power, family, and HONOR.
Director of Photography
Неудачный эксперимент с ускорением частиц в одной из квантовых лабораторий в Сент-Луисе, штат Миссури, приводит к образованию Черной дыры на Земле и смерти ведущего ученого Уильяма Хаузера. Коллега и давняя любовь Эрика Брайса, Шеннон Мур обращается к физику за помощью.Брайс и Шеннон приступают к работе, пытаясь найти в записях Хаузера подсказку: как уничтожить Черную дыру. Но они еще не знают, что возникновение Черной дыры привело к созданию еще одного существа, которое вышло за пределы лаборатории и разгуливает по улицам Сент-Луиса, поглощая энергию из электрической сети.
Director of Photography
The brains of a Russian taxi driver and a wealthy businessman are brought together in one body by a mad scientist.
Director of Photography
A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.
An small attack force is sent to an East European country to help neutralize a powerful drug syndicate.
Director of Photography
When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it
When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it
Director of Photography
Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
A biological experiment goes bad, this time releasing a gaggle of mutated great white sharks with a taste for human flesh. Soon enough, shark expert Nick West is on the case, leading a crew to study them and eventually bring them back into captivity. West's plans hit a snag, however, when Australian shark hunter Roy Bishop is called in to wipe out the fishy menace.
Отставной детектив отдела по расследованию убийств Винсент Свон получает почтовую открытку от серийного маньяка-убийцы, которого он считал давно погибшим. Кровавая Игра Пророка начинается снова…
Ее участники - ничего не подозревающие пользователи Интернета, которым предлагается ответить на несколько вопросов; ее правила просты - победивший в Игре остается живым... У Винсента личные счеты с Пророком - в свое время от рук маньяка погибла его дочь...
Director of Photography
Drama starring Tracey Birdsall
Drama starring Tracey Birdsall
Director of Photography
An ex-naval intelligence officer is forced to assassinate a CEO when his daughter is kidnapped by the Yakuza.
An ex-naval intelligence officer is forced to assassinate a CEO when his daughter is kidnapped by the Yakuza.
Director of Photography
Международные террористы готовят военный переворот в США. Чтобы предотвратить неминуемое кровопролитие, руководители спецслужб поручают сержанту Рэнсому создать отряд особого назначения «Американские тигры» из числа заключенных для ликвидации бунтовщиков.
Международные террористы готовят военный переворот в США. Чтобы предотвратить неминуемое кровопролитие, руководители спецслужб поручают сержанту Рэнсому создать отряд особого назначения «Американские тигры» из числа заключенных для ликвидации бунтовщиков.
When Merrill Ross (Michael Dudikoff) is thought to be a C.I.A. agent gone bad and teaming with some other alphabet named agency to take over the oil rich country of Qumir, he finds he's in the middle of a very explosive situation. Not knowing who he can trust, he's forced to use a process of elimination thru the chain of operatives he encounters.
Director of Photography
Банда грабителей - головорезов под предводительством садиста Диего совершает жестокое нападение и похищает у мафии 25 миллионов долларов в бриллиантах. Чтобы спокойно вывезти камни из страны, они тайно подкладывают их в багаж известного футболиста Сонни Сумарто, женатого на пятикратной чемпионке мира по карате Сьюзан Морган. Позже, пробравшись в дом Сонни, чтобы вернуть краденное, они зверски убивают футболиста и насилуют Сьюзан. И когда кажется, что план мерзавцев удался, отважная вдова обрушивает на головы убийц свою кровавую месть..
Ring announcer
Банда грабителей - головорезов под предводительством садиста Диего совершает жестокое нападение и похищает у мафии 25 миллионов долларов в бриллиантах. Чтобы спокойно вывезти камни из страны, они тайно подкладывают их в багаж известного футболиста Сонни Сумарто, женатого на пятикратной чемпионке мира по карате Сьюзан Морган. Позже, пробравшись в дом Сонни, чтобы вернуть краденное, они зверски убивают футболиста и насилуют Сьюзан. И когда кажется, что план мерзавцев удался, отважная вдова обрушивает на головы убийц свою кровавую месть..
Банда грабителей - головорезов под предводительством садиста Диего совершает жестокое нападение и похищает у мафии 25 миллионов долларов в бриллиантах. Чтобы спокойно вывезти камни из страны, они тайно подкладывают их в багаж известного футболиста Сонни Сумарто, женатого на пятикратной чемпионке мира по карате Сьюзан Морган. Позже, пробравшись в дом Сонни, чтобы вернуть краденное, они зверски убивают футболиста и насилуют Сьюзан. И когда кажется, что план мерзавцев удался, отважная вдова обрушивает на головы убийц свою кровавую месть..
Director of Photography
Бывшая агент разведки Катти Геанджер, в совершенстве владеющая искусством рукопашного боя, должна в одиночку разгромить могущественную империю гангстера Людвига Хауптмана, убившего ее мужа...
Original Story
Бывшая агент разведки Катти Геанджер, в совершенстве владеющая искусством рукопашного боя, должна в одиночку разгромить могущественную империю гангстера Людвига Хауптмана, убившего ее мужа...
Бывшая агент разведки Катти Геанджер, в совершенстве владеющая искусством рукопашного боя, должна в одиночку разгромить могущественную империю гангстера Людвига Хауптмана, убившего ее мужа...
Director of Photography
Drama set in the 1950s, based on a true story, about a young girl, Sung Neng Yee, who is brought as part of a wealthy Chinese family. She is eager to become part of Mao Tze Tung's "new society", but soon becomes disenchanted by the economic misery the changes bring to her family. Before long, the authorities become aware of Neng Yee's feelings and she is taken to a labour camp, overseen by the sadistic Colonel Cheng.
Братья Курт и Эрик Слоан отправляются в Таиланд, на родину кикбоксинга, чтобы доказать местным бойцам превосходство американской школы над тайской. Эрик, чемпион Америки по кикбоксингу, встречается в бою с Тонг По, чемпионом Таиланда.Тонг По оказывается сущим зверем. Он намеренно калечит уже обессилевшего Эрика Слоана, обрекая его на инвалидность. Курт поступает в обучение к мастеру тайской борьбы Зену, чтобы победить Тонг По и отомстить за парализованного брата.
Director of Photography
В Гонконге должны состояться подпольные соревнования по восточным единоборствам, к которым готовится и один из американских военнослужащих. В свое время, будучи ребенком, он стал приемным сыном японца- учителя каратэ, достиг совершенства путем упорных тренировок и в знак успеха получил священный японский меч.Он самовольно оставляет воинскую часть и отправляется в Гонконг на «Кумите». По следам молодого человека идет ФБР. Несмотря на все преграды, возникающие на пути каратиста, ему удается добиться победы и вступить в Братство Черного Дракона…
Frank Morgan risked his life for his country in the Vietnam War, but when he came home, no hero's welcome awaited him; instead he was branded a traitor. Nonetheless, he's about to make one more trip into hell to save the woman he loves and preserve her war-torn country.
Director of Photography
Лэнс собирается отомстить за смерть отца, погибшего от рук коварного злодея Велвета фон Рагнера. Велвет задумал уничтожить Лос-Анджелес, лишив его воды. С помощью сексапильного агента Данджи Диринг Лэнс преследует фон Рагнера и разрушает его планы.
Director of Photography
An oil company is exploring two Arctic sites for oil. The needed blasting at the first site rocks Santa Claus' North Pole village. He realizes that any blasting at the second site will destroy his home. He enlists the aid of a woman and her children to convince her husband (who works for the company) that the first site is where the oil they want is. Along the way, Santa explains all his secrets in delivering presents all around the world.
A couple decides to take a motorcycle tour of northern California and becomes involved in a series of sexually explicit encounters.
A nomad mercenary on a high-tech motorcycle helps bring about the downfall of the evil Orwellian government, the Omega.
A nomad mercenary on a high-tech motorcycle helps bring about the downfall of the evil Orwellian government, the Omega.
Director of Photography
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
A photographer turns from sex to a search for love.
Director of Photography
После того, как бандиты похищают девушку Фило, отважному герою вновь предстоит продемонстрировать настоящие чудеса «высокого» искусства мордобоя!
Director of Photography
Иствуд исполняет роль меткого стрелка и ловкого наездника по имени «Бронко» Билли МакКоя владельца собственного циркового шоу в стиле «Дикий Запад». Жизнь обходится с героем неласково, и наш ковбой еле сводит концы с концами. Но вот он встречает наследницу огромного состояния, оставшуюся, по воле случая, без денег, вещей и документов. Несмотря на то, что эта девушка не умеет стрелять с завязанными глазами илихо ездить верхом, ей удается изящно заарканить… сердце Бронко Билли!
Cocky, overconfident motocross champion Jim Dancer and his more mature and levelheaded bike racing buddy Steve Mitchell decide to trek from Mexico to Canada via an unmarked off-road route. During their eventful pilgrimage the carefree fun-loving (and seeking) protagonists encounter a mixed bag of folks who include a perky middle-aged lady who wrecks cars for a living, two sexy swinging babes, a friendly farmer, and a hotshot aspiring motocross rider teen who challenges Dancer to a race. This latter episode ends in tragedy, with the kid taking a fatal spill off his bike. So the kid's gung-ho militant gun fanatic father decides to hunt Dancer and Mitchell down in his sinister souped-up truck.
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
A 1920s-era producer and his inamorata visit a brothel that specializes in movie-star lookalikes.
Director of Photography
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Director of Photography
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
The guys in the 'I Phelta Thi' fraternity want to live out all their fantasies before they graduate.
Director of Photography
Две молодые девушки приходят в дом бизнесмена, чья семья отсутствует в день его рождения. Они совращают его, а затем связывают и начинают мучить, заодно портя его имущество.
Две молодые девушки приходят в дом бизнесмена, чья семья отсутствует в день его рождения. Они совращают его, а затем связывают и начинают мучить, заодно портя его имущество.
A wrong turn on a jazz singer's road trip results in her car breaking down near an isolated lodge run by a faded starlet and a cocksure, volatile country singer.
A wrong turn on a jazz singer's road trip results in her car breaking down near an isolated lodge run by a faded starlet and a cocksure, volatile country singer.
Director of Photography
A wrong turn on a jazz singer's road trip results in her car breaking down near an isolated lodge run by a faded starlet and a cocksure, volatile country singer.
A couple are turned on reading fantasy letters to a sexually oriented newspaper and the fantasies are acted out in vignettes as they read.
Director of Photography
A couple are turned on reading fantasy letters to a sexually oriented newspaper and the fantasies are acted out in vignettes as they read.
Director of Photography
A Union soldier travels through the South right after the Civil War ends, and runs up against angry ex-slaves, murderous former Confederates and desperate women.
A Union soldier travels through the South right after the Civil War ends, and runs up against angry ex-slaves, murderous former Confederates and desperate women.
Production Manager
Richard an attractive, virile young man living in a lush apartment, has a rendezvous with Janet. Janet is in the midst of a divorce proceeding involving a large settlement. At a climatic moment on Richard's bed, a photographer steps out of the closest and snaps a picture. It seems that Richard is a super stud for hire in divorce suits, he earns 10% of whatever money he saves the husband by enabling him to prove that his wife is committing adultery. His fee from Janet's husband is $10,000. He boasts that out of eight cases he's scored on seven. Women in the process of divorce are especially vulnerable and Richard, expert lover that he is, is able to take advantage of their insecurity. His next conquest is June. However, June's attorney, Manna was also Janet's attorney and he recognizes Richard in both sets of photographs. He visits Richard and threatens him with jail unless he agrees to a partnership.
Camera Operator
Richard an attractive, virile young man living in a lush apartment, has a rendezvous with Janet. Janet is in the midst of a divorce proceeding involving a large settlement. At a climatic moment on Richard's bed, a photographer steps out of the closest and snaps a picture. It seems that Richard is a super stud for hire in divorce suits, he earns 10% of whatever money he saves the husband by enabling him to prove that his wife is committing adultery. His fee from Janet's husband is $10,000. He boasts that out of eight cases he's scored on seven. Women in the process of divorce are especially vulnerable and Richard, expert lover that he is, is able to take advantage of their insecurity. His next conquest is June. However, June's attorney, Manna was also Janet's attorney and he recognizes Richard in both sets of photographs. He visits Richard and threatens him with jail unless he agrees to a partnership.
Director of Photography
A female doctor tries to help a married couple out with their sexual problems.