Mike Tock


Ícaro y el minotauro
Icarus es el aprendiz de su padre, el inventor Daedalus, en su taller de escultura. Su vida da un vuelco al descubrir a un misterioso niño con cabeza de toro que vive escondido en el Palacio Real. Una amistad secreta une a los dos adolescentes hasta que el rey Minos encierra al 'monstruo' en el laberinto, construido por Daedalus. A la vez, Icarus pierde a su único amigo y la confianza que tenía en su padre. Cuando el príncipe Theseus llega a Creta para matar al minotauro, Icarus está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para salvar a su amigo de la infancia.
In the middle of preparing his apartment to have Mira live with him, Luc escapes to Svalbard. Stumbling drunk out of an Artic “Oktoberfest”, Luc meets Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin in the Arctic desert. Mike mysteriously abandons Luc in mid conversation. Intrigued, Luc decides to find Mike. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a Norwegian teacher. Luc rushes into the footsteps of Mike who remains elusive and volatile, Luc hunts a shadow, his own possibly.
Landscapes with a Corpse
Japanese photographer Izima Kaoru asks his subjects one question: How do you want to die? By following the artist on a journey to create new work, we find that the answers to this question are revealed in the fears and joys of both artist and model.