Mike Tock


На острове Крит во время правления царя Миноса люди поклоняются богам Олимпа, которые внушают страх и трепет. Только глупец посмеет им перечить. Юный Икар в одиночку противостоит царю и Олимпу ради своего лучшего друга - таинственного мальчика с головой быка…
In the middle of preparing his apartment to have Mira live with him, Luc escapes to Svalbard. Stumbling drunk out of an Artic “Oktoberfest”, Luc meets Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin in the Arctic desert. Mike mysteriously abandons Luc in mid conversation. Intrigued, Luc decides to find Mike. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a Norwegian teacher. Luc rushes into the footsteps of Mike who remains elusive and volatile, Luc hunts a shadow, his own possibly.
Landscapes with a Corpse
Japanese photographer Izima Kaoru asks his subjects one question: How do you want to die? By following the artist on a journey to create new work, we find that the answers to this question are revealed in the fears and joys of both artist and model.