Lyudmila Gaintseva

Nacimiento : 1960-03-05, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Costume Design
A boy from a remote Ural village, who grew up without a father in a large family, managed not only to survive the hardships of a wartime childhood and post-war devastation, but also to become at the origins of the creation of the Group A anti-terrorist unit, which would later become known as the Alpha Group.
A Portrait Of A Stranger
Costume Design
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
El hijo del diablo (Tvar)
Costume Design
Igor está listo para cualquier cosa por el bien de la felicidad de Polina, y para compensar la pérdida de su hijo, la pareja se abre a un nuevo hijo. Pero en lugar de un niño ordinario de un refugio, una criatura mística que puede recrear los recuerdos se mete en su familia... Todavía no se ha encontrado una receta para siglos de sufrimiento, pero tal vez la clave de la salvación en el amor desinteresado por los demás. ... ¡Abre tu corazón! Dejála entrar ...
A Frenchman
Costume Design
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.
Costume Design
Nurick and Yaroslav are trying to robe a criminal boss. Unfortunately Nurick dies but returns to the world with a mission: to be the guardian angel of Yaroslav.
Costume Design
The film is an attempt to recreate the world of Marc Chagall and his myth within the genre of a folklore ballad. We are not exploiting Chagall's images, but are attempting to create a dramatized projection of his creativity onto the movie screen, relying on both, facts and fantasy (as Chagall himself would).The story is based on real events which occurred at the time of Chagall's short-lived period in Vitebskin in 1917-18, during which time he creates the Academy of Modern Art, inspired by his dreams of a bright and beautiful future. Many pictures by Chagall and Malevich are used in the film.
El Geógrafo Ha Vendido El Globo
Costume Design
El joven biólogo Víctor Sluzhkin por falta de recursos va a trabajar como maestro de geografía en la escuela regular de Perm. Él lucha contra estudiandes, tambien choca con el director de estudios, conduce a los alumnos de décimo curso a explorar el río, y finalmente, después de discrepancias se lidera una gran amistad. Víctor es algien normal. Bebe vino con sus amigos, trata de llevarse bien con la mujer y lleva al jardín de infancia su pequeña hija. Él simplemente vive…
Once there was a woman
Costume Design
A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.
Five Brides
Production Design
May, 1945... A young pilot Aleksey Kaverin stationed in Germany is going home to Russia for vacation. The problem is he needs to bring a bride. And not only to himself but to four his friends as well.
Costume Design
El agente del departamento especial "Piraña" Kirill Mazur y su colega Olga van al norte con la misión de liquidar un laboratorio de armas secretas submarinas bajo la apariencia de unas vacaciones. De repente, se encuentran en el mundo donde las leyes de la civilización se olvidan, y las mortales armas son guardadas por unos gángsters que son controlados por un nuevo "maestro de la taiga": Prohor, cuyo tiempo libre se dedica a la caza de humanos.
Poor Liza
Costume Design
A beautiful peasant girl is romanced and abandoned by a young nobleman.
The Policemen and the Thieves
Costume Designer
Brigands, Chapter VII
Costume Design
A witty, despairing French-Russian-Italian-Swiss art movie set in 16th-century Georgia, Stalinist Georgia, contemporary Georgia, and contemporary Paris, featuring the same set of actors in all four settings.
Если бы знать...
Costume Design
The plague of civil war reached a provincial town, where several noble families were stuck waiting for a train. The joy of hope was replaced by despair, fear of the future. No one knew how much was allotted to him in this life. Emotions boil, passions run high, hearts break, will is destroyed, pride is trampled. Each of the heroes survives in his own way, but all fell low. Ah, if you only knew when the long-awaited train would arrive in Moscow ...
Where Is Enohp Located?
Costume Design
Forty-year-old researcher Pavel is still single. And not because he likes to be free and unmarried, but because he is very indecisive - he does not know how to meet girls. Pavel’s parents are sounding the alarm - they really want to give their son "in good hands" and see their grandchildren. But he doesn’t like those girls whom Pavel’s mother is wooing. And then one day a master takes over - a cheerful, battered and excessively sociable brother of Pavel — Gennady. He has in his arsenal one effective way to get acquainted with any girl he likes, to interest her in his persona. Gennady is getting into a rage so much that he almost gets married, forgetting about the watchful wife, who always stands guard over their long marriage...
Montevideo Unit
Costume Design
A film about the drama of a talented doctor who fell into a chain of tragic accidents - the death of his wife, psychological trauma that led to the loss of his voice, imprisonment, his daughter's drug addiction and a suicide attempt - but who found the strength to turn the tide, not lose heart and save himself, his daughter and granddaughter .