Costume Design
Cold autumn of 1942. Second year of war. Former Molotov city, which was renamed after the war to Perm. The Leningrad Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after Kirov is evacuated here and in the process of tense preparations for the premiere of the Gayane ballet. In 8 hours Khachaturian writes the most performed creation…
Costume Assistant
The film is based on the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, one of the most tragic and greatest poets of the 20th century. The authors follow her in Russia, then in immigration in Prague and Paris, and then her return to Russia where she committed a suicide a few month after her arrival.
Costume Design
Guerra civil rusa (1918-1920). Drama histórico basado en la figura de Aleksandr Vasilievich Kolschak, comandante y explorador del Ejército Blanco, que se enfrentó, en Siberia, al Ejército Rojo (organizado por Trotski) durante la guerra civil rusa. Kolschak era un antibolchevique convencido y partidario a ultranza del zarismo. Hombre casado, tendrá también que combatir un amor prohibido: Anna, la joven mujer de otro oficial, a la que conoció cuando conducía sus tropas hacia Siberia.