Michelle Osis


Dora, a young woman at the center of an unusual murder trial, is subjected to a psychiatric evaluation, and as the tests become more personal — and frightening — she begins to question the true motives of her doctor and is forced to live through the recreations of her past.
Original Music Composer
Grey (Lauren Beatty) es una joven cantante cuya medicación no impide que sueñe cada noche que es un lobo. Al menos hasta que, tras el éxito de su primer disco, recibe la invitación por parte de un famoso productor de música para trabajar con él en su remota mansión en el bosque.
Original Music Composer
Un hombre y una mujer gravemente heridos despiertan en un sanatorio abandonado solo para descubrir que un cuidador sádico posee las llaves de su libertad y las respuestas horribles sobre su verdadera identidad.
The Problem with Lady Werewolves
Two young women survive a vicious attack and begin to see themselves differently, believing they might be werewolves.
True Fiction
Original Music Composer
Avery Malone, una aspirante a escritora y bibliotecaria solitaria, obtiene su gran oportunidad cuando es seleccionada a mano para ayudar a su héroe, autor solitario, Caleb Conrad. Alejada de la remota propiedad de Caleb, Avery recibe su única tarea; participar en un experimento psicológico controlado en el miedo que servirá de base para la próxima novela de Caleb.
Las rivalidades, los secretos oscuros y la tensión sexual surgen cuando tres mejores amigos se encuentran varados en un yate en medio del océano bajo circunstancias sospechosas.
The Corporate Coup D'État
Original Music Composer
A democracy should protect its most vulnerable citizens, but increasingly the United States is failing to do so. This investigation blends the insights of experts with the experiences of citizens of the Rust Belt in the Midwest where the steel industry once flourished, but where closures and outsourcing have left urban areas desolate. It is here where Donald Trump finds some of his most fervent supporters.
Fake Blood
Original Music Composer
Rob Grant and Mike Kovac receive a disturbing fan video inspired by their previous horror movie Mon Ami, motivating them to investigate the responsibility of filmmakers in portraying violence in movies. In their pursuit of the truth they are unwittingly introduced to the real world of violent criminals and their victims.