Michelle Osis


Dora, a young woman at the center of an unusual murder trial, is subjected to a psychiatric evaluation, and as the tests become more personal — and frightening — she begins to question the true motives of her doctor and is forced to live through the recreations of her past.
Sedenta de Sangue
Original Music Composer
Gray é uma cantora indie que está tendo visões de que é um lobo. Quando ela recebe um convite para trabalhar com o famoso produtor musical Vaughn Daniels em seu estúdio remoto na floresta, ela começa a descobrir quem ela realmente é.
Experimentos Macabros
Original Music Composer
Um homem e uma mulher acordam após uma cirurgia em um sanatório abandonado, sem nenhuma lembrança de quem são ou de como chegaram lá. Mas eles rapidamente descobrem que não estão sozinhos. Um médico enlouquecido afirma ser sua única chance de recuperação, mas o tratamento bizarro e as refeições de revirar o estômago a que os submete não passam de uma sádica brincadeira. E o pior de tudo é que apenas o médico sabe como libertá-los e tem as respostas horríveis sobre a verdadeira identidade deles.
The Problem with Lady Werewolves
Two young women survive a vicious attack and begin to see themselves differently, believing they might be werewolves.
True Fiction
Original Music Composer
Avery Malone, a wannabe writer and lonely librarian, gets her big break when she's hand-selected to assist her hero, reclusive author, Caleb Conrad. Whisked away to Caleb's remote estate, Avery is given her one and only task; to participate in a controlled psychological experiment in fear that will serve as the basis for Caleb's next novel.
Rivalries, dark secrets, and sexual tension emerge when three best friends find themselves stranded on a yacht in the middle of the ocean under suspicious circumstances.
The Corporate Coup D'État
Original Music Composer
A democracy should protect its most vulnerable citizens, but increasingly the United States is failing to do so. This investigation blends the insights of experts with the experiences of citizens of the Rust Belt in the Midwest where the steel industry once flourished, but where closures and outsourcing have left urban areas desolate. It is here where Donald Trump finds some of his most fervent supporters.
Fake Blood
Original Music Composer
Rob Grant and Mike Kovac receive a disturbing fan video inspired by their previous horror movie Mon Ami, motivating them to investigate the responsibility of filmmakers in portraying violence in movies. In their pursuit of the truth they are unwittingly introduced to the real world of violent criminals and their victims.