Joel Basman
Nacimiento : 1990-01-23, Zürich, Switzerland
Joel Basman (born 23 January 1990) is a Swiss actor.
Basman was born in Zurich, Switzerland, to a Swiss Christian mother and an Israeli-Jewish father, both of whom were tailors in the Swiss fashion industry. He grew up in the neighborhood of Aussersihl and was raised bilingual, speaking Swiss-German and Hebrew. He has one older sister who resides in Israel.
In 2004 he started his career and played a bold teenager named Zizou for the weekly soap opera Lüthi und Blanc.
In 2007 director Tobias Ineichen gave the main part to Joel for his film Jimmie. There he played an autistic boy. In February 2008 he got the prize Shooting Star for his part as a Russian teenager on the film Luftibus, written by director Dominque de Rivaz. In September 2008 Joel received the Schweizer Fernsehpreis (Swiss TV-Prize) in the category film. In October 2008 he got the prize for the best main part from Cinema Tous Ecrans.
At the Schauspielhaus Zürich Joel Basman acted 2003 for a youth-theatre project. In 2004 and 2005 he played with students, who were at their final project. He finished his studies at the"European Film Actor School" in October 2008.
In 2012 Basman got a part as Bertel in the three-piece TV film Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter (Our mothers, our fathers). He also played Pascal in the Swiss TV-film Ziellos (Aimless).
Joel Basman played as Sebastien Leclercq in a game called ‘Late Shift’ in 2016.
In 2018, Basman played the lead role in Wolkenbruch's Wondrous Journey Into the Arms of a Shiksa, picked up by Netflix.
Source: Article "Joel Basman" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Walter Stürm
Barbara Hug es una joven abogada que luchó contra el anticuado sistema penitenciario de Suiza en la década de 1980. Walter Stürm está preso y, a menudo, escapa de la cárcel y se le conoce como el Rey de las fugas. Cuando los dos se encuentran, se forma una alianza insólita.
Gavrilo Princip
Cuando un grupo formado por los tiranos y las mentes criminales más malvadas de la historia se une para desencadenar una guerra que matará a millones de personas, un hombre tendrá que luchar a contrarreloj para detenerlos. Tercera entrega de la saga 'Kingsman', ambientada muchos años antes de las anteriores y explicando el origen de la agencia.
Klaus Brasch
Thomas Brasch was born as a German-Jewish emigrant in England in order to move to the young GDR with his family at the beginning of the 1950s. His father Horst is primarily interested in helping to build the new German state. But Thomas prefers to realize himself as a writer and in doing so discovers his potential as a poetic rebel. His very first play was banned and soon afterwards he lost his place at the film school. When the tanks of the Soviet Union roll through the Czech capital Prague in 1968, Brasch and his girlfriend Sanda and other students try to call for protest in the streets of Berlin - and fail. His own father betrays him to the Stasi and allows Thomas to go to prison. After being paroled, he continues to try his hand at poet writing about love, revolt and death. In the GDR, however, you don't want to have anything to do with someone like him.
Barkeeper Willem
Viena, 1938. Los nazis acaban de anexionarse Austria y el notario Josef Bartok sabe que está en grave peligro. Mientras se prepara para huir, es detenido por la Gestapo y encerrado en un hotel reconvertido en prisión. Solo saldrá de allí si colabora con los nazis. Bartok no está dispuesto a ceder. Pero aislado, la soledad empieza a hacer mella en él hasta que consigue robar un libro de ajedrez, que será su punto de apoyo para mantenerse cuerdo y convertir la resistencia en un juego.
Hermann Hesse
En 1906, una joven madre, Hanna, no quiere más que liberarse de su papel burgués y sus limitaciones sociales. Huye al Monte Verità, donde, rodeada de la naturaleza idílica del cantón del Tesino y dedicándose en cuerpo y alma y con valentía al arte, se enfrenta a una dolorosa decisión. ¿Podrá volver con su familia sin renunciar a sí misma?
En un futuro no muy lejano, después de que una catástrofe global ha acabado con casi toda la humanidad en la Tierra, una astronauta de élite de la Colonia Espacial Kepler debe tomar una decisión que selle el destino de las personas en ambos planetas.
Edward Teller
El matemático polaco Stan Ulam se mudó a Estados Unidos en los años 30. Allí tuvo que lidiar con la muerte de amigos y familiares mientras ayudaba a crear la bomba de hidrógeno y el primer ordenador.
Military Trainee
La historia del austriaco Franz Jägerstätter, objetor de conciencia, que se negó a luchar para los nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y acabó siendo ejecutado por ellos en 1943, para ser declarado mártir y beatificado por la Iglesia.
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Patrick "Sigi" Signer
After his parents' death, construction worker Sigi doesn't know what to do with his life. He can't do much with his pay, and as a working-class man, women aren't interested in him. But things start to change after a colleague advises him to start moonlighting as a private builder and he meets the beautiful Hannah.
Narra la tragedia del submarino nuclear ruso 2000 K-141 Kursk ocurrida en agosto del año 2000, y la negligencia gubernamental que le siguió. Mientras los marineros luchan por sobrevivir, sus familias luchan desesperadamente contra los obstáculos políticos y las ínfimas probabilidades de salvarles.
Chris (voice)
Croacia, 7 de enero de 1992: En plena guerra, se descubre el cuerpo de un joven periodista vestido con el uniforme de un grupo mercenario internacional. Veinte años después, su prima Anja Kofmel investiga su historia
La vida de Motti, presionado para casarse con una mujer judía ortodoxa, da un vuelco al enamorarse de su compañera de clase. Algo que su madre nunca verá con buenos ojos.
A wild genre mix between a boxer film, urban western, road movie and music video, set at end of the summer holidays in a drab neighborhood in the outskirts of Hamburg suburbia. Young boxing talent Mauser is preparing for a pivotal competition when his father kills his step-mother and flees. Trying to find his father, Mauser embarks on a journey through the world of music, psychedelia, violence, love and a biblical thunderstorm. And what is with the Native American? "Once upon a time in Indian country" is a story that radiates both, heat and poetry.
Henri “Papillon” Charrière está en la cárcel por un crimen que no ha cometido. Condenado a cadena perpetua y enviado a una prisión de la Guayana Francesa, salva la vida a otro preso, Louis Dega, un falsificador de documentos que decide ayudarle a escapar. Juntos planean el más increíble plan de fuga. Remake de la película de 1973 'Papillon'.
Un grupo de supervivientes de los campos de concentración nazis se asocian para montar un pequeño negocio de venta de ropa de cama, producto que por lo visto está muy demandado entre los alemanes, quienes además sienten la suficiente culpa como para no cerrar la puerta a un grupo de vendedores judíos. La idea es, por supuesto, reunir el dinero suficiente para irse de Alemania a los Estados Unidos. El simpático grupo, contagiado de la energía y la audacia de David, se pone manos a la obra, estafando a los clientes con la venta de lotes de sábanas “de París”, inventando de paso, para convencerlos, toda una serie de técnicas cínicas y pícaras, y bastante visionarias en términos de marketing.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Alemania, principios del siglo XX. La joven artista Paula Becker está decidida a seguir sus propias normas. A sus 24 años rechaza las convenciones establecidas y explora su estilo único, mientras florece en la comunidad artística de Worpswede, donde entabla amistad con la artista Clara Westhoff y el poeta Rainer Maria Rilke. Al casarse con el también pintor Otto Modersohn, cree haber encontrado a su alma gemela creativa, pero cinco años destinados a la vida doméstica hunden el espíritu de Paula, así que decide viajar sola al bohemio París, donde se embarca en un largo y esperado periodo donde su imaginación culmina e intenta autorrealizarse.
Sébastien Leclercq
Matt, a smart student, has to prove his innocence after being forced to take part in a bold heist at a famous London auction house. The consequences take him on a journey across London to escape the twisted web he finds himself caught in, discover the truth and gain his retribution. How will the audience decide to act when everything is turning against him?
At Christmas, the young Mary receives a wonderful nutcracker that takes life. She becomes witness to his fierce struggle against the mouse king.
Helmut Morbach
La guerra no acaba cuando se firma la paz. Cuando Alemania se rindió en 1945, en la costa occidental danesa comenzó otra dura batalla: la de los jóvenes soldados alemanes que fueron obligados a retirar miles de minas plantadas en la arena por el ejército nazi. Zandvliet muestra el maltrato infligido a esos prisioneros, un oscuro episodio de posguerra poco conocido.
Ibiza, a principios de los 90. Jo es una compositora de 25 años. Ha llegado desde Berlín y quiere ser parte de la naciente revolución de la música electrónica, a poder ser obteniendo un trabajo como DJ en un club nocturno de la isla, Amnesia. Martha ha estado viviendo sola en su casa frente al mar durante 40 años. Una noche, Jo llama a su puerta. Su soledad le intriga. Ambos iniciarán una amistad a medida que los misterios en torno a ella se acumulan: ese cello en una esquina que rechaza tocar, la lengua bávara que rechaza hablar… mientras Jo la atrae hacia su mundo de música tecno, Martha empezará a cuestionarse lo vivido previamente. (FILMAFFINITY)
The story is set in Palestine in 1947, during the British mandate period. The Zionists are fighting for the establishment of a Jewish state, and four comrades in arms pressure the young Elisha to overcome his moral qualms and fully commit to the armed struggle.
Cuatro amigos, Rico, Daniel, Paul y Mark, han crecido en la Alemania del Este (RDA), en los suburbios de Leipzig. Su entrada en la juventud coincide con la reunificación del país.
En agosto de 1992,en el barrio de Lichtenhagen de la ciudad alemana de Rostock, fue incendiado un refugio para asilados vietnamitas. El director alemán de origen afgano Burhan Qurbani revisa los hechos en esta película.
Valentin is pretty p* off. After being confined to a wheelchair because of a snowboard accident, his mother forces him to participate in a theater project for people with disabilities - the diapers in his room and the initially arrogant roommate add insult to injury. The one and only redeeming feature of life at the facility for the handicapped is the lovely caretaker, Mira. Unfortunately Mira is going steady with a local slime-ball, Marc. Valentin decides to enter the fray against his sturdy and prosperous rival, and even carries it a step further: he decides to rob the gas station at which Marc works. With fervent enthusiasm, his house mates Lukas and Titus offer themselves as accomplices. With this the freshly hatched trio, heads off to procure a gun. Valentin discovers that although handicapped, his mates are hardly inept; they not only manage to pull off their heist, they become friends in the process. As we come to a showdown between the gas...
Pascal Saner
German Soldier at Ghent
A finales de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a un selecto grupo de historiadores, directores de museos y expertos en arte, tanto británicos como norteamericanos, se les encomienda la importante y peligrosa misión de recuperar las obras de arte robadas por los nazis durante la guerra para devolvérselas a sus legítimos propietarios. Era una misión imposible: las obras estaban muy bien custodiadas y el ejército alemán tenía orden de destruirlas en cuanto el Reich cayera. Pero aquellos hombres, en una carrera contrarreloj, arriesgaron sus vidas para evitar la destrucción de miles de años de cultura de la humanidad.
Diane is a mysterious and lonely teenager. Sharing special bonds with her father Christian, she takes care of the education of her brother Marc. The arrival of Julia in the neighborhood, a charismatic and liberated young British woman, is going to disturb Diane’s daily life. Desperately willing to become an adult, Diane is going to live, for a semester, the most shattering experiences of her life. The more she gets close to Julia, the more she gets irresponsible, ignoring consequences and limits to her desires.
An unusually hot summer. Fourteen year-old Wanda moves with her family from Berlin to Switzerland. Everything will be better here. The move is meant to heal the open wounds of the family. Anna, the mother, has lost her self-confidence due to an affair her husband Joachim had in Berlin. The big house with the overgrown garden and the pretty small town all seems like one big promise. But the new beginning is difficult for everyone. Joachim, 40, throws himself into family activism while Anna, also 40, tries to strengthen the family with new rituals.
Jasmin ( Meryl Valerie ) is crowned the new Miss Zurich because the real winner is decapitated in an unexpected way. To mourn the dead Miss does not remain much time, because shortly afterwards the remaining beauties have in a Missen-Camp, which takes place on an island in Tanga Atoll. What begins in paradise ends in hell - a masked killer brings a Miss at a time. Quick is clear: The murderer is among them. While superior to the one Miss contestants how to outwit and kill the murderer, the other run for their lives. The jungle turns into a battlefield. Now the girls must remain calm. However, this is easier said than done. Candidates freak out and can not really look different from the face of death. Jasmin, who appears among the candidates to be the only normal to be in love, meanwhile the photographer Serge ( Patrick Rapold ). Together they try to escape the killer. Can they escape the fearsome killer, or they face an ugly death?
Hanna tiene 16 años. Es brillante, curiosa y una devota hija. Excepcionalmente, tiene la fuerza y la energía de un soldado; esto se debe a que fue criada por su padre viudo, Erik (Eric Bana), un ex hombre de la CIA, en las salvajes tierras del norte de Finlandia. Erik ha enseñado a Hanna a cazar, le ha entrenado con un duro programa de autodefensa y le ha enseñado a leer y escribir con tan solo una enciclopedia y un libro de cuentos de hadas. Hanna ha vivido una vida muy diferente a la de cualquier otra adolescente; toda su educación y entrenamiento se reduce a un objetivo, convertirla en la perfecta asesina. Pero en el mundo real hay una cuenta pendiente con la familia de Hanna, y con una mezcla de orgullo paternal y temor Erik se da cuenta de que ya no puede retener más a su hija. Este momento crucial cambia bruscamente la adolescencia de Hanna y se embarca en la misión para que estaba destinada.
Kevin is new in youth prison. Due to over-occupancy he has to share a cell with Tommy, Andy and Marc. A partnership of convenience in a system where only the strong prevail and which is dominated by violence and latent aggression. Oppression and beatings are a daily occurence. It is hard for Kevin to establish himself. Especially Marc and Andy are after him. He's afraid of not sticking it out. Only Tommy gives him an amicable advice: In this system, you're either a victim or a culprit. If he doesn't want to be a loser anymore, he has to start fighting... A piece of advice that will trigger most dire consequences
El nombre de la película se refiere a una leyenda de los Alpes suizos. La historia cuenta que los hombres que se sienten muy solos en la montaña pueden hacer una muñeca rellena de paja que cobra vida para satisfacer sus deseos sexuales; sin embargo, después de complacerlos, aseguran, matará a todos aquellos que se hayan aprovechado de ella.
wacked..! tells the story of Michael and his friends Mani and Dani. All three of them are patients in a psychiatric institution with the same goal: they want out! The lively interplay between the characters sets the scene and provides insight into the manic-depressive protagonist's inner world. A serious topic, portrayed in an entertaining and direct manner.
In an idyllic wine region at the foot of the Swiss Alps lives Rico with his two daughters and his wife Anna. The charming daughter, Lili, brings turbulence into the so far harmonious family life because of the awakening of her sexuality. Her father sees her with new eyes and starts to distance himself from her. Lili feels rejected from her father and reacts with aggression and power games.
Five stories, all taking place on New Year's Eve in Zurich, Switzerland.
Frieda , a therapist, is cheated by her husband Daniel. He makes love with Dorothea. Dorothea is wedded to Philip. Philip has an affair with his scholar Maggie. Maggie is in love to the florist Michael. Michael is married with Barbara. Barbara has a lover, her boss Marko. Marko is engaged with Simone Stern, a singer. Simone loves Leon. All of these secret liaisons could be undiscovered, if Simone Stern wouldn't be anxious to suffer from Aids. Without waiting for the test results, she informs her fiancé Marco about her apprehension of being Positive. Within a few hours the fear of being infected by the disease circulates in this group of people. Lies get transparent, secrets are uncovered, relations break up, Philip even has to pay his flam on his wife with his live.
Franz Hilbig
Music teacher Carlo, an easygoing old rock'n'roller, meets doctor Ellen in hospital. She is completely stressed out, so that even son Franz often falls by the wayside. A short time later, Carlo makes an unforgivable mistake: fed up with the pupils' never-ending paltry questions, he advises Franz, whose anger at his mother is slowly boiling over, that he should simply report her to the Youth Welfare Office.
Five friends spend their holidays on a faraway island in the sea. On the last day of the holidays, out of the blue, Björn informs his friends that he will not return home but intends to stay in this paradise forever. There is no sign of life from Björn after that. His best friend Meikel is very concerned about the mysterious disappearance - but nobody cares and no one helps him in his search for the lost friend.
Looking for easy money, three young dropouts auction themselves on the Internet. One sells his future, one sells his past. The third sells his soul. What starts off as an unlikely trick turns into a nightmare when they discover they've sold their very existences.
Jimmie Berger
Kathy is a single mother who is reluctant to have her 17-year-old autistic son Jimmie return to a home. She takes him in, even though everyone dissuades her from doing so. She is forced to accept that her proximity to Jimmie does not have the desired effect for his progress. On the contrary, his reactions to the unfamiliar situation are fierce, taking her to her limits time and again. The only thing that makes Jimmie feel comfortable is swimming: his greatest passion. When the swim coach discovers his talent, new prospects seem to open for him.
A film about kids with little else to offer apart from a well honed body, an overabundance of hormones and a high from their last line. Teenagers Nia and Pulpo hang out at the disco where Nia has sex with a girl he meets there, Foxy. On the way home, Nia and Pulpo are attacked by Spirit, Foxy’s ex. Pulpo is badly beaten up but the police intervene, and Nia ends up in a youth detention centre. He makes plans to escape in order to wreck revenge on Spirit, an eye for an eye, and part of his plan includes meeting Nicole, an attractive young lawyer.