Johan Isaksson


Herencia diabólica
Sound Editor
Henrik sufre pesadillas sobre la muerte de su madre. Entonces recibe la noticia de que su padre ha muerto y tiene que dejar todo para ir a un misterioso pueblo a averiguar la causa. Al llegar, es amenazado por fuerzas sobrenaturales y aterradoras visiones, que pondrán en duda su fe y le demostraran que el infierno existe.
One Eye Red
Sound Designer
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.