Ramona Kunze-Libnow

Ramona Kunze-Libnow

Nacimiento : 1957-01-01, Barneberg,Germany


Ramona Kunze-Libnow


Das Weihnachtsschnitzel
Frau Gottschalk
Meine Mutter raubt die Braut
Hannelotte Kümpner-Sellendorf
Eifel landlady Toni Janssen wants a child, but not necessarily a man. After an alcohol-fueled slip, her ex-boyfriend Hajü, of all people, gets her hopes up. Meanwhile, Heidi accidentally meets an old childhood friend.
Meine Mutter gibt es doppelt
Hannelore Kümpner-Sellendorf
Lehrer kann jeder!
Beate Klimm
Sayonara Loreley
Animales fantásticos: Los secretos de Dumbledore
El profesor Albus Dumbledore sabe que el poderoso mago oscuro Gellert Grindelwald está haciendo planes para apoderarse del mundo mágico. Incapaz de detenerlo él solo, confía en el Magizoólogo Newt Scamander para dirigir un intrépido equipo de magos, brujas y un valiente panadero Muggle en una misión peligrosa, donde se encuentran con antiguos y nuevos animales y se enfrentan a una legión cada vez más numerosa de seguidores de Grindelwald.
Meine Mutter und plötzlich auch mein Vater
Hannelore Kümpner-Sellendorf
Meine Mutter im siebten Himmel
Hannelotte Kümpner-Sellendorf
Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche
Frau Busch
A bag with over 600,000 euros in cash, just like that in a towed car: When Maren, who works at a car depot, finds the bag, she cannot resist the temptation. She takes the money for herself. Her husband Dennis is shocked. But he is in a wheelchair after an accident. It will be a long time before he can walk again, and whether the insurance will pay is uncertain. The unexpected money is a blessing and gives Maren and Dennis a real perspective.
Mi madre se atreve a todo
Hannelotte Kümpner-Sellendorf
Toni y el chef Rufus quieren casarse con un pequeño grupo de familia y amigos. La madre de Toni está planeando una fiesta a lo grande y la madre de Rufus no cree en la conexión entre los dos amantes.
‎The Wedding‎
Three friends from school, Thomas, Nils and Andreas, are still searching for love in their adult lives.
Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarves
After her father’s death, Snow White is at the mercy of her self-loving stepmother. Locked in a tower by the evil queen, Snow White repeatedly escapes and secretly helps the old blacksmith. There she meets Prince Kilian, who immediately falls in love with her. When the queen’s plan to marry Snow White to a rich noble backfires, she plots to kill her but Snow White is rescued by seven dwarfs, while Prince Kilian searches for her throughout the kingdom. An action-packed retelling of the famous fairytale, with a nod to Game of Thrones.
Zwischen uns die Mauer
In 1986, Anna from West Germany and the GDR citizen Philipp meet at a church youth exchange in East Berlin. It's love at first sight. But it is also an impossible love, because between them stands the wall.
Unterm Birnbaum
After the death of their child, the Hradschek couple consoled themselves with gambling and shopping orgies. After the creditor increases the pressure on them, Ursel and Abel decide to kill him.
Una boda en Islandia
Sieglinde Kresters
Claudia viaja a Islandia para prepara la boda de su hijo. Inesperadamente, ella recibe una petición de matrimonio del amigo de su hijo, con el que mantiene una relación en secreto desde hace tiempo.
Wolfsland - Das heilige Grab
Schwester Helma
Schnitzel de Luxe
Frau Gottschalk
Gunther and Wolfgang, two long-time unemployed friends spot an opportunity when their favorite Schnitzel shop is closing up and they want to run it themselves. Only problem is they need 10,000 euros advance payment. Like so many German unemployed they come up with the nuttiest plans, the craziest schemes and the daftest ideas to get the cash. When an old friend of Wolfgang's wife turns out to have made quite the fortune, they embark on their adventure to make a quick buck. Unfortunately, their best laid plans don't exactly work out. A story about friendship, human kindness, ambition, love and trust and obviously Schnitzel.
Class Reunion 1.0
Hotel Waitress
Three former classmates reunite for their 30-year high school reunion.
A la vuelta de la esquina
Christian es nuevo en el supermercado. Se adentra en este universo desconocido con la ayuda de su compañero Bruno, que le enseña todos los trucos de la profesión y se convierte en su amigo. En poco tiempo se enamora de Marion, que trabaja en el departamento de dulces y siempre bromea con él. Pero Marion está casada, aunque no es feliz en su matrimonio.
Las Aventuras de Matti y Sami
Un niño germano-finlandés de 10 años intenta arreglar la vida de su familia
Hot Dog
Theo's Mother
Luke y Theo son dos agentes de la GSG10 (cuerpo de élite alemán): el primero, un tipo duro y listo y, el segundo, un currante incansable con una extraña memoria fotográfica. Cuando la hija del embajador Moldavo es secuestrada, los dos tienen que unir fuerzas, y descubren que lo sucedido es solo la punta del iceberg de una peligrosa trama... Un cerebro, dos policías.
Liebling, lass die Hühner frei
Ria Kowallek
Leichtmatrosen - Drei Mann in einem Boot
Frau Gollasch
Three men and a houseboat: Three crisis-plagued Stuttgarters sailed for a week on the Havel in the direction of Müritz. The unfamiliar and not so tranquil Dreisamkeit brings so many things to light, which has hitherto been successfully concealed and repressed. The summer boat trip paves the way to the realization that a turnaround in life could not hurt.
Happy Burnout
Frau Pasternak
An unemployed with diagnosed burn-out is getting a therapy in a clinic.
Habitación doble
Konstanze y Jacqueline provienen de mundos muy diferentes. Mientras la primera tiene una exitosa carrera como cardióloga, Jacqueline se mantiene a flote a través de cuatro trabajos.
Schnitzel geht immer
Frau Gottschalk
With a t-shirt sale the two friends Günther and Wolfgang finally want to turn their backs on unemployment benefits. But this plan is not as easy to implement as expected and in the end, almost everything is different than it initially looks. But one thing is certain: there is always time of a Schnitzel.
Schubert in Love
Olaf intenta hacer realidad sus sueños y, por lo tanto, siempre se mete en problemas con su entorno. Encuentra su mayor obstáculo cuando su padre lo obliga a tener un hijo. Encontrar una mujer se vuelve difícil cuando Olaf se da cuenta de que tienen algo que él no tiene: sentimientos.
Kundin Agentur
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Rockabilly Requiem
Wirtin Inge
BRD 1982: Hubertus and Sebastian never want to become like their fathers. The music and their shared love for punk princess Debbie are the only ways to escape the stink of floor wax and stinginess. When a cool rockabilly band is looking for an opening band for their tour, it's clear: this is the chance to escape all constraints! But Hubertus' father tries everything to prevent the musical attempts of his son. When they are invited to audition, the situation escalates.
Das Dorf der Mörder
Ha vuelto
Sawatzki's Mother
En el año 2011, Adolf Hitler se despierta en Berlín, sin memoria de nada sucedido tras el año 1945. Sin casa y sin recursos, Hitler comienza a reinterpretar la Alemania que ve en pleno siglo XXI desde su perspectiva nazi... Adaptación de la novela de Timur Vermes, que plantea la hipótesis, en formato de falso documental -similar a "Borat"-, de qué ocurriría si Hitler hubiera sobrevivido.
Der Komödienstadel - Agent Alois
Marga Stielow
Unverschämtes Glück
Professor Messner
Vier kriegen ein Kind
Brigitte Breuer
For Neele and her life partner Steff, the dream of having one's own child finally seems to come true: Steff is pregnant. However, there was a confusion in the artificial insemination - instead of their carefully selected sperm donor, they caught a sperm donation from a gay couple: Kalle and Jens also want a baby and consider the confusion as a kind of coincidence. While the two men look forward to their time as active fathers, Neele and Steff see their harmonious trinity at risk.
Mientras soñábamos
Frau im Jugendgericht
Cuatro amigos, Rico, Daniel, Paul y Mark, han crecido en la Alemania del Este (RDA), en los suburbios de Leipzig. Su entrada en la juventud coincide con la reunificación del país.
Schönefeld Boulevard
A tragic comedy about an 18-year old girl growing up near the new Berlin airport's construction site
Dessau Dancers
Renate Fuchs
Stromberg - Der Film
Magdalena Prellwitz
Spin-off de la serie de televisión centrada en el jefe incompetente de una oficina de seguros alemana.
Bella Familia
In the fourth film with Andrea Sawatzki as a newly invented housewife and mother Bella Jung, Bella faces a new, completely unexpected challenge: her father Friedrich. After 14 years without contact, he is suddenly drunk and destitute in front of Bella's door.
Woman in Supermarket
La joven Helen Memel de 18 años tiene predilección por usar verduras para la masturbación y opina que la higiene corporal está sobrevalorada. Provoca a los demás pronunciando las palabras que ellos ni en sueños se atreverían a enunciar. Los padres de Helen están divorciados y nada la haría más feliz que verlos juntos de nuevo. Solamente con su mejor amiga Corinna se siente arropada, pues juntas rompen muchos tabúes sociales. Un día, al depilarse en la zona íntima, se lastima accidentalmente y tiene que ingresar al hospital. El médico encargado del caso, Prof. Notz, la considera un caso excepcional y causa revuelo en el hospital por su desparpajo y su sinceridad.
Kreutzer kommt ... ins Krankenhaus
Guerrera (Sangre y honor)
Frau Kachel
Verano. Hace calor. En un pequeño pueblo en algún lugar de Alemania, Marisa, una chica neonazi agresiva, ataca a cualquiera. Odia a los extranjeros, los políticos, el capitalismo y la policia. Para ella, todos los demás tienen la culpa de que su novio esté en la cárcel y que todo lo que la rodea se desmorone.
Die Lehrerin
Conny Peschke
A teacher's colleague is critically wounded by a student. Traumatized, she attempts to cope.
Kevin is new in youth prison. Due to over-occupancy he has to share a cell with Tommy, Andy and Marc. A partnership of convenience in a system where only the strong prevail and which is dominated by violence and latent aggression. Oppression and beatings are a daily occurence. It is hard for Kevin to establish himself. Especially Marc and Andy are after him. He's afraid of not sticking it out. Only Tommy gives him an amicable advice: In this system, you're either a victim or a culprit. If he doesn't want to be a loser anymore, he has to start fighting... A piece of advice that will trigger most dire consequences
30 Tage Angst
Magda Gröbner
Meer is nich
Corazón de ambar
Karoline, una conocida periodista, está visitando a unos amigos en la apartada isla de Hiddensee. Allí conoce al carismático fotógrafo Jacob Thiele y se enamora de él. De vuelta en Hamburgo, en la redacción de su periódico, su editor en jefe descubre que Jacob no es quien dice ser, pues le reconoce en una foto que Karoline ha hecho...
The single package-delivery woman Dora lives a somewhat reclusive life in a high-rise in Leipzig and gets through everyday life with her dry sense of humor. But her quiet, well-ordered life spins out of control when she has to hide her mysteriously fascinating Polish neighbor Jola – who believes to have accidentally killed someone. Dora is hesitant at first to take her in, but she cannot seem to shake her fascination with Jola. Dora's trust in the direct, impulsive woman grows – Jola seems to ask exactly those questions no one else dares to ask. When Dora finds out that the accusations against Jola have been lifted, she lies about the status of the police investigation in order to keep her Polish neighbor for herself.
Lilly unter den Linden
Heroes Like Us
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Meine Mutter und das Geheimnis ihrer Schwester
Hannelore Kümpner-Sellendorf