Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un

Nacimiento : 1983-01-08, Pyongyang, North Korea


Kim Jong Un, born 8 January 1983, is a North Korean politician who has been President of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) since 2012. He is the third son of Kim Jong Il, who was North Korea's second President from 1994 to 2011, and a grandson of Kim Il Sung, who was the founder and first President of North Korea from its establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994.


Kim Jong-un


Self (archive footage)
El verdadero crimen se encuentra con el thriller de espías mundial en este apasionante relato del asesinato de Kim Jong-nam, el medio hermano del líder norcoreano. La película sigue el juicio de las dos mujeres asesinas, investigando la pregunta: ¿fueron las mujeres asesinas entrenadas o peones inocentes de Corea del Norte?
The Accidental President
Self (archive footage)
In 2016, almost anyone you asked, or any poll you consulted, pointed you to a Hillary Clinton landslide. The Accidental President is a balanced feature documentary that is seeking to answer one question - how the hell did Trump win?
The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden
Self (archive footage)
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
Korea, A Hundred Years of War
Self (archive footage)
A contemporary history of Korea(s) from a unique point of view that embraces the inner history of both South and North Korea in a single narrative.
President - Documentary
Himself (archive footage)
Korea: The Never-Ending War
Self (archive footage)
Arrojando nueva luz sobre un punto geopolítico conflictivo, la película, escrita y producida por John Maggio y narrada por el actor coreano-estadounidense John Cho, confronta el mito de la "Guerra olvidada", documentando el conflicto posterior a 1953 y sus consecuencias globales.
Battlefield Gender
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Both a visit to a very peculiar exhibition at the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany, as well as an unprejudiced look at the artistic depiction of violence throughout history and the ways in which that depiction has been gendered.
Fahrenheit 11/9
Self (archive footage)
Documental sobre la campaña electoral y la presidencia de Donald Trump. Se titula "Fahrenheit 11/9" (haciendo referencia a su aclamado documental Fahrenheit 9/11 por el que recibió la Palma de Oro en el Festival de Cannes 2004) por la fecha en la que el mandatario republicano fue declarado presidente electo, el 9 de noviembre del año 2016. El propio Moore ha declarado que espera que los datos de su documental sean tan demoledores que el film contribuya a derribar la credibilidad que Trump tiene entre sus seguidores.
The Trap of Kim
The escalation of tensions between Pyongyang and Washington continues, plunging the world into fear of a nuclear war. Update on the geopolitical issues of this conflict.
Los amantes y el déspota
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Hong Kong, 1978. La actriz surcoreana Choi Eun-hee es secuestrada por agentes norcoreanos siguiendo órdenes del dictador Kim Jong-il. Su exmarido, el director de cine Shin Sang-ok, emprende su búsqueda, pero poco después también él es secuestrado. En 1983, después de vivir años de tribulaciones, Kim Jong-il los pone al frente de la industria cinematográfica norcoreana con la esperanza de obtener reconocimiento internacional.
Under the Sun
Himself (archive footage)
Durante un año esta película sigue la vida de una familia normal de Pyongyang cuya hija es elegida para formar parte de la "Unión de Niños". Las explosiones ritualizadas de color y alegría contrastan marcadamente con la pálida realidad cotidiana, que no es particularmente terrible, sino bastante surrealista, como una vida típica vista "a través de un espejo".
I Am Sun Mu
Self (archive footage)
Operating under a pseudonym which means 'no boundaries' - North Korean defector Sun Mu creates political pop art based on his life, homeland, and hope for a future united Korea. His hidden identity is nearly compromised when a massive historical exhibit in Beijing is shuttered by Chinese and North Korean authorities.
The Propaganda Game
Self (archive footage)
Documental en el que se analizan las diversas técnicas y estrategias de la propaganda, centrándose en el sorprendente y siempre llamativo caso de Corea del Norte. La película ha sido rodada aprovechando el acceso privilegiado a filmar en Corea del Norte de la mano de Alejandro Cao de Benós, el único extranjero que trabaja para el gobierno comunista. El film analiza las estrategias utilizadas por los diferentes "jugadores" para manipular la "verdad" y sus intereses. Noticias falsas, medias verdades y polémicas surrealistas sirven para que el espectador llegue a sus propias conclusiones y reflexione sobre lo difícil que es saber la verdad.
Kim Jong-un: biografía no autorizada
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Un viaje a través de varios países para encontrar a aquellos que realmente conocen a Kim Jong-un, el líder de Corea del Norte, en un intento de comprender a un dictador contradictorio que parece gobernar su nación tanto con una benevolencia perturbadora como con una fría crueldad, mientras sus súbditos lo veneran como a un dios viviente en exaltadas demostraciones de un fanatismo ridículo.
Dans la peau de Kim Jong-Un
Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in PyongYang
Dennis Rodman is on a mission. After forging an unlikely friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, he wants to improve relations between North Korea and the US by staging a historic basketball game between the two countries. But the North Korean team isn't the only opposition he'll face... Condemned by the NBA and The Whitehouse, and hounded every step of the way by the press, can Dennis keep it together and make the game happen? Or will it go up in a mushroom cloud of smoke? For the first time, discover the true story of what happened when Dennis Rodman took a team of former-NBA players to North Korea and staged the most controversial game of basketball the world has never seen.
One Day on Earth
Recording a 24-hour period throughout every country in the world, we explore a greater diversity of perspectives than ever seen before on screen. We follow characters and events that evolve throughout the day, interspersed with expansive global montages that explore the progression of life from birth, to death, to birth again. In the end, despite unprecedented challenges and tragedies throughout the world, we are reminded that every day we are alive there is hope and a choice to see a better future together. Founded in 2008, it set out to explore our planet's identity and challenges in an attempt to answer the question: Who are we?