Reid Gershbein


The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
Toy Story 2
Lighting Technician
Cuando Andy se va de campamento dejando solos a los juguetes, Al McWhiggin, un compulsivo coleccionista de juguetes valiosos, secuestra a Woody. Buzz Lightyear y el resto de los juguetes de Andy deberán actuar con rapidez para rescatarlo, poniéndose al frente de una operación de rescate durante la cual se enfrentarán a múltiples peligros y divertidas situaciones.
Bichos, una aventura en miniatura
Lighting Technician
Un grupo de saltamontes liderados por el malvado Hopper y su estúpido hermano Molt asedian la colonia de hormigas todos los veranos para hacerse con la comida almacenada para pasar el invierno. Flik, una hormiga cansada de seguir las reglas del grupo, decide abandonar la colonia en busca de un grupo de mercenarios que los defiendan. Por equivocación, Flik reclutará a una pandilla de artistas de circo.
Bichos, una aventura en miniatura
Software Engineer
Un grupo de saltamontes liderados por el malvado Hopper y su estúpido hermano Molt asedian la colonia de hormigas todos los veranos para hacerse con la comida almacenada para pasar el invierno. Flik, una hormiga cansada de seguir las reglas del grupo, decide abandonar la colonia en busca de un grupo de mercenarios que los defiendan. Por equivocación, Flik reclutará a una pandilla de artistas de circo.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.