Reid Gershbein


The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World
Produced as part of the #2wkfilm collective, The Dabbler, the Dreamer, and the Man Who Broke the World was filmed and produced in 2 weeks.
Toy Story 2
Lighting Technician
Quando Andy viaja para um acampamento de verão, Woody é sequestrado por Al, um ambiocioso colecionador, que precisa do brinquedo favorito de Andy para completar sua coleção da Gangue do Rodeio. Junto com Jessie, Bala no Alvo e Mineiro, Woody corre o risco de ter que passar o resto de sua vida em exposição num museu. Agora, Buzz, Sr. Cabeça de Batata, Porquinho, Rex e Slinky terão que salvar seu amigo e trazê-lo de volta à vida de brinquedos.
Vida de Inseto
Lighting Technician
Flik é uma formiga cheia de ideias que, em nome dos "insetos oprimidos de todo o mundo", precisa contratar guerreiros para defender sua colônia de um faminto bando de gafanhotos liderado por Hopper. Mas quando descobrem que o exército de insetos é na verdade um fracassado grupo de atores de um circo de pulgas, o cenário está armado para divertidas confusões... com estes improváveis heróis.
Vida de Inseto
Software Engineer
Flik é uma formiga cheia de ideias que, em nome dos "insetos oprimidos de todo o mundo", precisa contratar guerreiros para defender sua colônia de um faminto bando de gafanhotos liderado por Hopper. Mas quando descobrem que o exército de insetos é na verdade um fracassado grupo de atores de um circo de pulgas, o cenário está armado para divertidas confusões... com estes improváveis heróis.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.
Here... My Explosion
"Here. My Explosion..." is a free full feature film from Reid Gershbein & the Royal Baronial Theatre. Released under a Creative Commons license, the film can be freely downloaded & shared with others - as a matter of fact, the film creators encourage it! The films soundtrack is also available as a free download (under CC license of course). Written, directed, shot and edited almost entirely by Reid Gershbein in just two weeks, "Here. My Explosion..." is a great example of what a talented filmmaker can do nowadays with little to no money.