Ray Hearne


Still Photographer
For a poet with a gift for crafting words into barbs, Stevie Smith lives a relatively conventional life. Sheltered in a London suburb, she spends her days engaged in tedious housework, crafting verse and conversing with her aunt. But while her body may be committed to drudgery, Stevie's mind is constantly trying to break free, which causes her to rail against religion and middle-class values, and prevents her from finding happiness with a man interested in her.
La monja poseída
Still Photographer
Un sacerdote excomulgado funda un culto satánico que practica clandestinamente en lo que parece un convento católico de cara al exterior. Un hombre que hace años entregó a su hija a dicho culto busca, arrepentido, la ayuda de un escritor experto en satanismo para conseguir liberarla.
Still Photographer
Un agente secreto norteamericano llega a Londres con objeto de investigar la posibilidad de que exista un traidor en el Servicio Secreto británico.
Still Photographer
A lady ringmaster milks the publicity from a string of murders.
The Violent Enemy
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During the troubles in Ireland an IRA bomb plot is hatched to blow up a British power station. Sean Rogan (Tom Bell) is an IRA bomb expert and escapes from prison to try and stop the destruction.
Up Jumped a Swagman
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A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
Traitor's Gate
Director of Photography
A businessman organises a caper to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.
El honrado gremio del robo
Still Photographer
Pearly Gates (Peter Sellers), jefe de una banda de ladrones de guante blanco de Londres, decide organizar un espectacular robo usando como tapadera una tienda de alta costura, pero un trío de inoportunos policías les arrebatan el botín. Lo mismo le ocurre a la banda del Nervios. Lo que las dos bandas ignoran es que el trío en cuestión lo forman unos gángsters australianos que se disfrazan de policías para robar a los ladrones.
Mix Me a Person
Still Photographer
Eighteen-year-old Harry Jukes is literally holding a smoking gun in his hand. His lawyer thinks he did it, but his psychiatrist disagrees -- and sets out to prove she is right.
Un sabor a miel
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Una chica de 17 años vive en un barrio obrero inglés con su madre, una mujer alcohólica y promiscua que la ignora por completo. Un día, tras la marcha de la madre con un nuevo novio, se hace amiga de un joven homosexual, que está dispuesto a cuidarla a ella y a su futuro hijo, pues la chica se ha quedado embarazada después de una aventura esporádica con un marinero.
Jet Storm
Still Photographer
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Left Right and Centre
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At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
El enemigo silencioso
Still Photographer
En 1941, el comandante Crabb llega a Gibraltar para organizar las defensas, pero sólo cuenta con dos buzos expertos para enfrentarse a los italianos que colocan minas en los cascos de los barcos aliados...
Tres hombres en una barca
Still Photographer
Harris, J, y George deciden irse de vacaciones en bote por el Támesis en Oxford.
No se case en Montecarlo
Still Photographer
Las consecuencias que sobre una pareja de recién casados caerán por disfrutar de su luna de miel en Montecarlo.
The Teckman Mystery
Still Photographer
A fiction writer begins working on a biography of a pilot who went down during the test flight of a new plane and finds himself soon involved in a series of murders.
The Belles of St. Trinian's
Still Photographer
The unruly schoolgirls of St Trinian's are more interested in men and mischief than homework and hockey. But greater trouble than ever beckons when the arrival at the school of Princess Fatima of Makyad coincides with the return of recently expelled Arabella Fritton, who has the kidnap of a prize racehorse on her mind. The first film in the classic comedy series.
El déspota
Still Photographer
Adaptación de una obra teatral de Harold Brighouse, ambientada en 1890. Trata sobre las relaciones entre un próspero comerciante viudo y sus hijas, a las que mantiene encerradas en casa, mientras se dedica a lamentarse y a despotricar contra lo injusta que es la vida por haberle arrebatado a su esposa.
Se interpone un hombre
Still Photographer
Berlín, época de posguerra tras la II Guerra Mundial, la británica Susanne Mallison (Claire Bloom) viaja a Berlín para visitar a su hermano mayor, que se ha casado con una alemana. Allí conoce a un hombre muy enigmático (James Mason) y, sin darse cuenta, queda atrapada en una red de espionaje en plena guerra fría.
Sesenta segundos de vida
Still Photographer
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un grupo de paracaidistas del bando aliado participa en peligrosas misiones contra el enemigo.
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
Still Photographer
The career of W. S. Gilbert, a barrister turned comic librettist, and Arthur Sullivan, a composer turned against his will to light music, who together wrote fifteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, to great public acclaim.
Derby Day
Still Photographer
Entertaining ensemble piece dealing with several characters who are on the way to the races on Derby day. It cleverly blends dramatic, romantic and comic elements, including the woman and lover who have murdered her husband, and the working class couple who are excited about their chance to go to the races, but end up listening to it on the radio in the car-park because they've got such a bad view.
The Naked Heart
Still Photographer
At the beginning of the 20th century, in the North of the Province of Quebec. After five years spent in a boarding school, Maria Chapdelaine comes back to the family farm. Robert Gagnon, a villager and childhood friend, loves her secretly but Maria is wooed by Lorenzo Surprenant, a man who has fled his home town to escape the police. The one she is really in love with is François Paradis, a handsome trapper. The latter promises to marry her in the spring, as soon as he is back from the Far North. Robert, who is aware of how miserable Maria is, writes a letter to François , asking him to come back at once. Unfortunately, the young trapper is buried under the snow during a storm. As for Lorenzo he gets gunned down by the police. Finally understanding that Robert has sacrificed himself out of love for her, Maria accepts to become his wife.
La novia era él
Still Photographer
Un capitán de los servicios de contraespionaje francés se ve obligado a disfrazarse de mujer para convertirse en la esposa de un teniente americano.
Pleito de honor
Still Photographer
Inglaterra, 1912. Los Winslow, una honorable y acaudalada familia británica, preparan el compromiso matrimonial de su hija, Catherine, con John Watherstone. Durante la reunión presidida por el cabeza de familia, Arthur, llega inesperadamente su hijo menor que ha sido expulsado del colegio por haber robado un giro postal de 5 chelines.
Anna Karenina
Still Photographer
Stefan Oblonsky pide a su hermana Anna Karenina que abandone San Petersburgo y regrese a Moscú para ayudarle a resolver ciertas desavenencias con su esposa Dolly. En el tren Anna viaja en compañía de la condesa Vronsky, a la que espera su hijo en la estación. El coronel Vronsky y Anna se enamoran a primera vista y cuando vuelven a San Petersburgo continúan intimando en las fiestas. Pero ella está casada y tiene un hijo pequeño, por lo que deben ser muy discretos y prudentes en sus encuentros.