Ray Hearne


Still Photographer
For a poet with a gift for crafting words into barbs, Stevie Smith lives a relatively conventional life. Sheltered in a London suburb, she spends her days engaged in tedious housework, crafting verse and conversing with her aunt. But while her body may be committed to drudgery, Stevie's mind is constantly trying to break free, which causes her to rail against religion and middle-class values, and prevents her from finding happiness with a man interested in her.
Дочь Дьявола
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Американский писатель-оккультист пытается спасти душу молодой женщины, которую терроризирует группа сатанистов, возглавляемых отлученным от церкви священником. Девушку планируют использовать в качестве посланницы Дьявола на Земле.
Still Photographer
A young wife is becoming very distraught over the fact that her husband, a secret service "spy" for England, has changed his mind about transferring away so that he can spend more time with her and their young son. He has grown cold and distant towards her; she thinks it 's because of the secretiveness of his work. Meanwhile, an American spy comes to England and is induced to help the British "team" with an undercover spy ring. When this spy ring is over turned the "bugs" that crawl out from under its rock shocks everyone!
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Моника Риверс — владелица небольшого передвижного цирка. Когда в ее цирке начинает происходить серия загадочных убийств, возникает вопрос: будет ли Моника следующей жертвой неизвестного маньяка или за всем этим стоит она сама, нуждающаяся в рекламе.
The Violent Enemy
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During the troubles in Ireland an IRA bomb plot is hatched to blow up a British power station. Sean Rogan (Tom Bell) is an IRA bomb expert and escapes from prison to try and stop the destruction.
Up Jumped a Swagman
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A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
Traitor's Gate
Director of Photography
A businessman organises a caper to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.
The Wrong Arm of the Law
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The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.
Mix Me a Person
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Eighteen-year-old Harry Jukes is literally holding a smoking gun in his hand. His lawyer thinks he did it, but his psychiatrist disagrees -- and sets out to prove she is right.
Вкус мёда
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Неуклюжая, застенчивая семнадцатилетняя Джо живёт со своей безалаберной матерью-алкоголичкой Хелен. После конфликта с очередным кавалером матери Джо проводит ночь с чернокожим моряком, находящимся в коротком отпуске на берегу.
Jet Storm
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Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Левые, правые и центр
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На довыборах в парламент телевизионная знаменитость Боб Уилкот от консерваторов соперничает со Стеллой Стокер от социалистов. Что будет, если политические конкуренты влюбятся? Агенты противоборствующих партий вступают в сговор чтобы предотвратить электоральную катастрофу.
Невидимый враг. Боевые пловцы
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В 1941 году на Средиземном море итальянцы применили боевых пловцов для проведения диверсий против кораблей союзников. Для борьбы с ними в Гибралтар прибывает специалист по минному делу, но только два британских боевых пловца способны сравняться с итальянцами...
Three Men in a Boat
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Three London gentlemen take a vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.
Loser Takes All
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Bertrand, an accountant employed by a large London firm, is called to the office of the Managing Director, Dreuther, to explain a mistake in the accounts. Dreuther is highly impressed by the young accountant's skilful explanation of the error and, hearing that Bertrand is soon to marry his spirited young fiancée, tells him to spend the honeymoon not in Bournemouth, but Monte Carlo at the company s expense! However, events in the fabulous Mediterranean paradise do not work out quite as Bertrand had envisaged...
The Teckman Mystery
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A fiction writer begins working on a biography of a pilot who went down during the test flight of a new plane and finds himself soon involved in a series of murders.
Красотки из Сент-Триниан
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Приезд дочери султана принцессы Фатимы в известную и престижную английскую «Школу для юных леди» принес больше суматохи, чем обычно. Конь её отца — Арабский Мальчик вскоре должен участвовать в скачках, поэтому Кларенс Фиттон, брат директриссы Миллисент, просит свою дочь докладывать ему об успехах коня. В то же время полиция устраивает сержанта Руби Гейтса в качестве учителя в школу, а Министерство образования отправляет уже третьего по счету инспектора, так как первые два бесследно исчезли.
Hobson's Choice
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Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid the expense of marriage settlements at £500 each, his eldest daughter Maggie rebels.
The Man Between
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A British woman on a visit to post-war Berlin is caught up in an espionage ring smuggling secrets into and out of the Eastern Bloc.
The Red Beret
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Steve MacKendrick resigns from the US Army after causing the needless death of a fellow officer. Wanting to serve in the war, he enlists as a Canadian in the British 1st Parachute Brigade. He proves himself exceptionally skilled for a recruit, arousing the suspicion of his commanding officer who starts an investigation. He redeems himself during combat. The film was titled "Paratrooper" in the US.
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
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The career of W. S. Gilbert, a barrister turned comic librettist, and Arthur Sullivan, a composer turned against his will to light music, who together wrote fifteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, to great public acclaim.
Derby Day
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Entertaining ensemble piece dealing with several characters who are on the way to the races on Derby day. It cleverly blends dramatic, romantic and comic elements, including the woman and lover who have murdered her husband, and the working class couple who are excited about their chance to go to the races, but end up listening to it on the radio in the car-park because they've got such a bad view.
The Naked Heart
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At the beginning of the 20th century, in the North of the Province of Quebec. After five years spent in a boarding school, Maria Chapdelaine comes back to the family farm. Robert Gagnon, a villager and childhood friend, loves her secretly but Maria is wooed by Lorenzo Surprenant, a man who has fled his home town to escape the police. The one she is really in love with is François Paradis, a handsome trapper. The latter promises to marry her in the spring, as soon as he is back from the Far North. Robert, who is aware of how miserable Maria is, writes a letter to François , asking him to come back at once. Unfortunately, the young trapper is buried under the snow during a storm. As for Lorenzo he gets gunned down by the police. Finally understanding that Robert has sacrificed himself out of love for her, Maria accepts to become his wife.
Солдат в юбке
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Западная послевоенная Германия восстанавливается при поддержке союзнических войск. Бывшие любовники Анри Рошар - капитан французский армии и девушка Кэтрин Гэйтс - лейтенант армии США только что выяснили отношения и решили больше не встречаться. Но начальству до этого нет дела, полковник дает этой рассорившейся парочке поручение добраться в один дальний городок и найти скрывающегося нацистского ученого. Герои отправляются в путь. Им предстоит проехать немало километров на трофейном мотоцикле с коляской, ввязаться в вереницу приключений, вновь понять, что они любят друг друга и в итоге оформить брак в местной канцелярии и церкви. Но на этом история не заканчивается. Анри решает покинуть родные края и уехать вместе с молодой женой в США, но военная бюрократия ставит барьеры на их пути...
The Winslow Boy
Still Photographer
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Анна Каренина
Still Photographer
Как передать драму женщины, у которой есть всё — муж, положение в свете, деньги, дети, друзья — а она всё равно несчастлива? На вокзале Анна знакомится с графом Вронским и понимает, чего именно ей не хватало в этой жизни — бурных страстей, красавца-любовника и страха перед разоблачением. Долгое время связь удавалось скрывать, но однажды, на бегах, тайное становится явным… Муж угрожает публичным скандалом, лишением материнских прав и денежными санкциями, Вронский же не может предложить ничего, кроме любви…