Takeshi Maya
Nacimiento : 1967-03-24, Tokyo, Japan
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
Samurai Ensemble
1870. El capitán Nathan Algren es un hombre a la deriva. Las batallas que libró en otro tiempo parecen ahora lejanas e inútiles. Una vez arriesgó su vida por el honor y por la patria, pero, en los años transcurridos desde la Guerra de Secesión estadounidense, el mundo ha cambiado. El pragmatismo ha reemplazado al valor, el interés personal ha ocupado el lugar del sacrificio y el honor no se encuentra en ninguna parte, especialmente en el Oeste, donde su papel en las campañas contra los indios acabó en desilusión y tristeza. En algún lugar de las implacables llanuras junto a la ribera del río Washita, Algren perdió su alma. En un mundo completamente distinto, otro soldado ve como su modo de vida está a punto de desintegrarse.
Shintaro Hoshino
Three students, Hoshino, Tachibana and Keiko travel to an ancient and mysterious Chinese city in search of a potion that gives eternal youth. But once they arrive, Hoshino is attacked by a half-invisible creature that separates him from his friends...
Koma Mondonosuke
A woman calling herself Princess Oryu enters the woman's prison. She is Kasumi, the daughter of the famous magistrate, Ooka Echizen, who slowly after hearing each of the prisoner's stories begins to realize the mystery that lies behind what it could be a big conspiracy.
Weaving two storylines together: the first is the story of 18th-century shogunate intrigue and loyalty, and the second is a ghost story about a beautiful woman who falls victim to passion and evil.
Based on actual events that occurred in Hokkaido, Japan, 1915. Rimeinzu: Utsukushiki yuusha-tachi tells the story of a group of bear hunters that are tracking a 900 pound brown bear nicknamed Red Spots that is terrorising the area. It attacks and kills men, but it feasts only on women.
This remake of the classic film features the addition of Chiba Shinichi and Natsuyagi Isao as political intrigue reigns supreme. Tadanaga, the younger son of Shogun Hidetada has signed a dangerous pact with the intention of preventing his older brother Iemitsu from taking his rightful place as heir to the shogun's seat. During the early years of the Tokugawa shogunate highly skilled ninja groups carried out secret missions, and it falls upon Iga Jigoza's force of 17 ninja to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold and steal the pact from Negoro leader Saiga Magokuro.
Hotta Masatoshi
La historia narra las aventuras de un grupo de samuráis liderados por Igo Gyobu (Ken Ogata), que luchan por defender al heredero del Shogun de su propio padre Iemitsu. Los motivos que le llevan a buscar la muerte de su hijo forman parte de su locura y excentricismo, considerándole demasiado débil para su sucesión. Librarse de él con tan poderosa protección solo será posible tendiéndoles una trampa en su viaje a Edo.