Takeshi Maya

Рождение : 1967-03-24, Tokyo, Japan


The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
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Пик предательства
Иэмон Тамия – бедный самурай, зарабатывающий себе на жизнь игрой на музыкальном инструменте «бива» возле храма в старом Эдо. Иэмон с ранних лет лишился родителей и познал тяготы жизни ронина, голод и лишения. Всего через несколько месяцев после того, как его взяли на службу к даймё (крупному феодалу), его господин вынужден был по приказу Сёгуна совершить харакири.
Желтые клыки
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. В 1915 году горная деревня в Японии подверглась нападению со стороны гигантского медведя, получившей имя «Красное Пятно», который терроризировал жителей деревни в течение нескольких дней, убивая мужчин и съедая женщин.
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Тень повелителя
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