Alexa Rivero


Day of the Tiger
31-year-old Vera is a vet in a small-town zoo veterinarian in Transylvania. After losing her new-born baby, she becomes obsessed with giving him the proper Eastern Orthodox burial rituals, spends more time at work and subsequently drifts apart from her husband, Toma. One day a tiger escapes from the zoo…
El Gran Movimiento
A symphony of the city in the heights, the illness of a worker, the nightmare and his redemption.
The Unknown Saint
Moments before his capture by police, a thief digs a grave to hide a bag of money. Released from prison years later he returns to retrieve the bag, only to find a shrine to an Unknown Saint build directly over his loot, and a brand new village constructed all around it.
Matar a un muerto
Paraguay, 1978 En un remoto paraje del monte paraguayo, durante la dictadura militar, dos hombres se dedican a enterrar cadáveres clandestinamente. Entre los cuerpos que arriban a la orilla cada día, una mañana llega un hombre que aún respira. Los dos enterradores saben que tienen que matarlo pero nunca asesinaron a nadie antes.
Nona. Si me mojan, yo los quemo
Josefina, a radical homemaker, committed a crime of passion that led her to self-exile at a coastal town. She tries to find peace in solitude, immersed in the house routine, while coexisting with a past of lovers and Molotov cocktails. Her body suffers the metamorphosis of aging, and she must undergo cataract surgery.
El pasado
Executive Producer
Después de cuatro duros años de separación, Ahmad regresa a París desde Teherán, a petición de Marie, su esposa francesa, para empezar con los trámites de su divorcio. Durante su breve estancia, Ahmad descubre la relación conflictiva que Marie tiene con su hija, Lucía. Ahmad intentará con todas sus fuerzas mejorar esta relación pero también dará a conocer el pasado secreto que ha escondido durante todos estos años. La película dirigida por Asghar Farhadi ha sido seleccionada para competir por la Palma de Oro en el Festival de Cine de Cannes 2013.
La demora
Post Production Supervisor
Agustín forgets things; he is aging and he knows it. María is never alone: she watches over everyone, sleeps very little, and works too much. She’s increasingly overwhelmed. One day, on impulse, María decides to abandon Agustín.