Stuart Freeman

Nacimiento : , London, England, UK


Heart of Fire
First Assistant Director
While fighting a petrol tanker blaze, troubled firefighter Max Tucker discovers a young girl trapped under its wheels and finds that it is up to him to save her.
The Last Tattoo
First Assistant Director
In 1943, U.S. marines are stationed near Wellington. One of them is murdered by the boss of the Hotel Workers Union, who is sitting pretty, exempt from military service and living it up on black market profits. Girls under the control of the union - of whom the victim's fiancee, Rose, is one - give sexual favours to the Americans, in return for information. The marine assigned to investigate the murder, tries to find Rose through a public health nurse who traces VD infections. However they discover there it more going on than they realized, involving a conspiracy amongst the Union, the government and the U.S. military.
Zona cero, alerta nuclear
Line Producer
Un operador de cámara de segunda generación en Australia encuentra las evidencias de que su padre había filmado una prueba nuclear que permitía la exposición a la radiación de los aborígenes, que terminaron muriendo. El cámara comienza a investigar sobre un secreto que si es cierto, implica que su gobierno ha asesinado a personas para que no se sepa nada.
Zona cero, alerta nuclear
First Assistant Director
Un operador de cámara de segunda generación en Australia encuentra las evidencias de que su padre había filmado una prueba nuclear que permitía la exposición a la radiación de los aborígenes, que terminaron muriendo. El cámara comienza a investigar sobre un secreto que si es cierto, implica que su gobierno ha asesinado a personas para que no se sepa nada.
Double Sculls
First Assistant Director
A man tries to rehabilitate his alcoholic friend by entering them both into the Australian national rowing championships.
Mad Max 3: Más allá de la cúpula del trueno
First Assistant Director
Tras la catástrofe nuclear, Mad Max cruza un desierto donde pierde su caravana de camellos. Llega a una ciudad donde le proponen cambiárselos a cambio de que ataque al tirano de la ciudad subterránea, un enano que fabrica gas metano con excrementos de cerdo.
Early Frost
First Assistant Director
Private Detective Mike Hayes (Guy Doleman), is working on a divorce case, when he stumbles upon a series of cover-ups that leads to a corpse. His investigation takes him into the lievs of two families living in the Sydney suburbs. Although they look like ordinary people, one of them is the killer. Hayes meets the strange teenager David Prentice (David Franklin), who keeps a violent crime scrapbook, and Val Meadows (Diane McLean), the mistress who believes that someone is trying to kill her. The more the investigation deepens, the more twisted and complex it becomes. It appears the only people who hate Val enough to want her dead, are her own family. Could it be her two sons, alienated by her dominant nature, her lover, or even her best friend?
Jaque a la reina
Location Manager
En los años setenta, Niall Hennessy, un irlandés relacionado con el IRA pero partidario de la paz, pierde a su mujer y a su hija en un tiroteo con la policía en Belfast. A partir de entonces, intentará tomarse la justicia por su mano y con este fin prepara un atentado contra Isabel II, la reina de Inglaterra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Location Manager
Jonathan Harker viaja a Transilvania para cerrar un negocio inmobiliario con un misterioso conde que acaba de comprar varias propiedades en Londres. Después de un viaje preñado de ominosas señales, Harker es recogido en el Paso de Borgo por un siniestro carruaje que le lleva al castillo del conde.
All Coppers Are...
Assistant Director
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
La chica de la motocicleta
Production Supervisor
La recién casada Rebecca deja la cama alsaciana de su marido en su preciada motocicleta, símbolo de libertad y escape, para visitar a su amante en Heidelberg. En el camino, ella se entrega a sueños psicodélicos mientras revive su relación cambiante con los dos hombres.
The Plank
Assistant Director
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Silent Playground
Assistant Director
Police hunt for mental hospital out patient Simon Lacey, who has been unwittingly handing out barbiturates to children as sweets.
It's All Over Town
Assistant Director
A series of musical vignettes formed from the dreams of a slumbering workman.
Echo of Diana
Assistant Director
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
The Marked One
Assistant Director
William Lucas plays a lorry driver who is recently out of prison. He becomes a target when it s discovered that he knows where he can find plates for making forged banknotes.