This documentary consists mainly of archive interviews of Jean Cocteau, and it features interesting contributions by Jean Marais and especially Jean-Luc Godard, who discusses Cocteau's foray into cinema. The film documents all the artistic media explored by a man who defined himself, first and foremost, as a poet.
Self - Interviewee
More than fifty years after its making, we return to the set of Jean Cocteau's 1946 film "La Belle et la Bete" (Beauty and the Beast). Included are interviews with the the lead actors, the cinematographer, along with excerpts read from the director's journal.
A primer on French film director Marcel Carne's career through interviews with critics and close creative collaborators.
Dos ángeles de la guarda vuelan sobre Berlín. Son invisibles y están llenos de benevolencia, pero no pueden intervenir en la vida de los hombres. Entonces Cassiel, el ángel de las lágrimas, se convierte en un ser humano para saber cómo sienten y perciben el mundo las personas... Secuela de "El cielo sobre Berlín" (Der Himmel über Berlin, 1987), también dirigida por Wenders.
Director of Photography
Danny Cornish, a sort of stateless man who arranges art exhibits, is called from Tel Aviv to Paris with the news that a great uncle has died, in Birobidjan, the autonomous Jewish zone in Russia, leaving him a valuable art collection and the hand of a huge sculpture of a Golem. The uncle's will instructs Danny to find the rest of the statue, so Danny, who speaks no Russian, embarks on a trip that takes him (and the Golem's hand) to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Siberia, fumbling with hotel clerks, taxi drivers, and bureaucrats, following leads, and making discoveries about myth, story telling, art, and hope.
Director of Photography
An allegory of the Golem, a Jewish mythical creature personifying displacement and exile, this film tells the story of a woman (similar to the biblical Ruth) and her sisters, who are forced into exile after the death of their husbands. It is set in 1990s Paris, where the director was living in self-imposed exile following the ban on his 1982 documentary in Israel. The recurring theme of the film is migrations and unrooting, like the legendary Golem.
This film essay explores the strange case of G.W. Pabst, the Austrian filmmaker who was considered a giant of early cinema before his reputation went behind a cloud.
Director of Photography
A short film, shot in a long take, interpreted, drawn and directed by Jean-Louis Bompoint, with the precious collaboration of Hélène Bromberg; but especially Henri Alekan, who was the Director of Photography of the film.
Director of Photography
With the feel of experimental film, Gitai mixes storytelling, readers' theater, cityscapes (usually seen from moving trains), and desolate landscapes to mediate on the act of creation. What if a golem were fashioned out of dirt, much like Adam, and came to life? The film imagines it, in the desert and in Moscow. Interspersed are stories of a 14th-century Tuscan artist's creation of a tower that plays music when the wind blows, of a film director, and of Jeremiah and Sirat. In what ways is making a movie like creating a golem?
Director of Photography
A landmark work of symbolistic imagery. The words that the filmmakers speak offscreen are imaginary conversation with Cézanne quoted from a critique by Joachim Gasquet. An exchange of memories spanning over 250 years interweaves everything from the philosophy of Empedocles to excerpts from the film Madame Bovary, to extant paintings by Cézanne, to the buildings of the artists’ village at Mont Sainte-Victoire. —
Director of Photography
Two interconnected stories in the 1930s, one set in Berlin, the other in Palestine: Mania Vilbouchevich Shohat (1880-1961), called Tania, a Russian Jew and revolutionary, goes from Minsk to Palestine to live on a collective. She promotes feminism and laments a shift in the men from self-defense to aggression. Her friend, Else Lasker-Schuler (1869 - 1945), expressionist poet and German Jew, is in Berlin, writing, caring for her son, watching Hitler's movement take power. She goes to Jerusalem and imagines a park for Arab and Jew. Her poems, voiced from within, capture her experience. The film meditates on the violence at the root of Israel's birth: of the Nazis and of the Zionists.
An episode of the show "Océaniques " about the craft and lighting techniques of the legendary French cinematographer Henri Alekan
Director of Photography
Dos ángeles sobrevuelan Berlín, ciudad dividida por el "muro de la vergüenza". Sólo son visibles para los niños y los hombres de corazón puro. Testigos impotentes que no pueden cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos, sienten una gran compasión por los seres humanos. Uno de ellos, decidido a conocer los sentimientos de los mortales, se enamora de una joven trapecista.
Director of Photography
Ahasverus, king of Persia and Media, puts aside Vashti and makes Esther his queen, choosing her among maidens in a kingdom stretching from India to Ethiopia. Esther, using information from Mordecai, her uncle and patron, saves the king from assassination. Haman, the king's favorite, is miffed when Mordecai won't bow to him, so he orders death to all Jews in the kingdom, under the seal of the king. Esther pleads for her people, and Mordecai is in turn given license to make his own edict under the king's seal. Mordecai loses sight of his original intention, and bloody murder ensues. Purim annually celebrates the story. At the end of the film, the actors comment.
Director of Photography
Film professor Michael falls in love with one of his students and is confronted with his pupil's father, with whom he had an affair over 15 years ago. This unexpected meeting abruptly overturns the lives of all the characters. When the tutor decides to undertake a planned trip to London, not with the son but with the father, he is once again forced to choose; this time between his wife and his friend.
Director of Photography
Jonathan Demme directed "The Perfect Kiss" video, which is unlike any other New Order clip. Set in the band's practice room, it simply depicts the band playing the song from beginning to end.
Short film showing cinematographer Henri Alekan, director Raúl Ruiz and actress Olimpia Carlisi at work creating sublime visual effects of the sort seen in City of Pirates.
Director of Photography
An old man is kidnapped. His interrogation uncovers the biography of a mass murderer: The 80 years old man was a SS leader and responsible for the killing of thousands of people in Russia. He also "invented" an evil technique of eliminating political prisoners: the manipulated suicide. Thomas Harlan reconstructs the history of a bureaucratic murderer, he also develops a direct connection between the Nationalsocialism and the treatment of prisoners of the RAF terrorists in the Stuttgart isolation prison. Robert Kramer filmed the shooting of Harlan's Wundkanal: Notre Nazi documents a social experiment in which the children of Nazis and of victims meet a real culprit. The reality seems to be stronger that the fiction in Harlan's film. (Edition Filmmuseum)
Reel 34 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
Director of Photography
In Our Nazi, we are plunged into a situation we barely, and only slowly, understand: the filming of Thomas Harlan’s experimental feature Wundkanal (1984), in which true-life ex-SS officer Alfred Filbert, now very old, is ‘put on trial’ for the camera, without him suspecting what is to come or why he is really there. Kramer’s confronting film is an essay about the sticky complicity of everyone present at this event, each bringing their own history, their own political ideology, their own desires to take revenge, to seek redemption or compassion, or just to put their heads down and ‘get the job done’ professionally, or (in the case of Filbert) to be a star, a part of the magnificent, magical, seductive world of cinema, even if it kills him.
In Our Nazi, we are plunged into a situation we barely, and only slowly, understand: the filming of Thomas Harlan’s experimental feature Wundkanal (1984), in which true-life ex-SS officer Alfred Filbert, now very old, is ‘put on trial’ for the camera, without him suspecting what is to come or why he is really there. Kramer’s confronting film is an essay about the sticky complicity of everyone present at this event, each bringing their own history, their own political ideology, their own desires to take revenge, to seek redemption or compassion, or just to put their heads down and ‘get the job done’ professionally, or (in the case of Filbert) to be a star, a part of the magnificent, magical, seductive world of cinema, even if it kills him.
Director of Photography
A fugitive takes refuge in a manor where a blind retired thespian lives.
Director of Photography
Estando en una discoteca Walter Raim conocerá a una misteriosa y exhuberante mujer que no le dice el nombre. Justo entonces recibirá una llamada de su jefa para que entregue un mensaje al barón Henri de Corinthe. Pronto descubrirá que la misión y la misteriosa dama guardan una relación directa.
Director of Photography
Frederique (Huppert) abandona el pueblo, donde su familia tiene una granja de truchas, para emprender un viaje al Japón y a los brazos de un hombre.
Director of Photography
On location in Portugal, a film crew runs out of film while making their own version of Roger Corman's The Day the World Ended (1956) . The producer is nowhere to be found and director Munro attempts to find him in hopes of being able to finish the film.
Director of Photography
A parody of anthropology, linguistics, and cultural imperialism. The film follows an unlikely team of linguists into the wilds of an ersatz Patagonia to study the last speakers of a dying language. That language apparently consists of a single word, which therefore means everything.
Director of Photography
The child Ernesto doesn't want to go to school any more because, as he says, all he is taught there is things he doesn't know.
Director of Photography
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.
Director of Photography
Ruiz on the film: "Les Divisions is a documentary about the Château de Chambord and the title comes from the Divisione of Johannes Scotus (Erigena), the ninth century Irish philosopher (who was a 'realist', although the film is more 'nominalist' in characterization of the castle which presents itself as a representation). I say that it is a representation, since it is neither practical for military purposes (too many doors), nor to live in (too many draughts), but only as pure representation. So for the commentary, I tried to imagine how a Renaissance philosopher would view it in a pastiche of a scholastic or gothic text, then a pastiche of Fichte's Vocation of Man and finally a pastiche of Baudrillard."
Director of Photography
Pupa, una prostituta que trabaja en las calles de Milán, lleva una vida tranquila y sin sobresaltos. Pero las cosas cambian rápidamente cuando se ve obligada a trabajar para Charlie Colletto, un despiadado criminal que busca el monopolio del negocio de la prostitución. Impresionado por la singular belleza de Pupa la convierte en su favorita.
Director of Photography
En 1870, el embajador japonés Sakaguchi y su séquito viajan en tren a Washington para entregar una valiosa espada al presidente de los Estados Unidos, regalo del emperador de Japón. A bordo del mismo tren se encuentran al acecho dos ladrones, Link y Gauche, listos para hacer su jugada…
Director of Photography
Dos convictos evadidos (Shaw y McDowell) son perseguidos en un inconcreto país latinoamericano. Allá donde ven, siempre les intenta dar caza un amenazante helicóptero negro.
Director of Photography
“FUN AND GAMES (FOR EVERYONE): a pitch black and milky white film shot during one of Olivier Mosset's exhibition openings. A psychedelic game of improvisation joins the Zanzibar group with Salvador Dalí, Barbet Schroeder and Jean Mascolo... the solarized image reminiscent of thick strokes of a paintbrush.” - Philippe Azoury
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de su madre, Pascal, un niño de diez años, pasa las vacaciones con su padre y la novia de éste en Córcega. Un día, mientras bucean cerca de la costa, un avión cae al mar. Algunos días después, en el rostro del niño aparecen unas inquietantes manchas azules como consecuencia de las radiaciones de un arma nuclear que transportaba el avión siniestrado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Maddening and mysterious,with the elements—ocean, wind, rocky terrain—dominating the scenes.
Director of Photography
El archiduque Rodolfo, heredero del Imperio Austro-Húngaro, lleva una vida tediosa a pesar estar rodeado de toda clase de lujos. Incluso sus amoríos le aburren, pero un día conoce a Marie y se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin embargo, el emperador Francisco José considera que Marie no es una mujer adecuada para ser emperatriz.
Director of Photography
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Eddie Chapman, un ladrón de cajas de caudales, es apresado y encerrado en la prisión de la isla de Jersey, al sur de Inglaterra. Al estallar la guerra, los alemanes ocupan la isla, y Eddie Chapman ofrece sus servicios al invasor para recobrar la libertad. Después de someterse a un periodo de instrucción como agente secreto, sus jefes lo pondrán a prueba para asegurarse de su lealtad.
Director of Photography
En un intento por detener el tráfico de heroína desde Irán, un grupo de agentes de narcóticos que trabaja para la ONU inyecta un compuesto radiactivo en un cargamento incautado de opio, con la esperanza de que les lleve hasta la principal distribuidor de heroína en Europa. En el camino, se encuentran con una misteriosa mujer que hace su propia investigación de la operación de contrabando.
Director of Photography
Elizabeth Lipp y su amante Walter Harper, se alían para realizar uno de los robos más sonados. Llevarse la maravillosa daga del museo de Topkapi, en Estambul, una gran riqueza de precio incalculable. Para el plan, cuentan con la ayuda del atolondrado Arthur y otros compinches que idearán un plan para deslizarse por el museo sin ser vistos. El único camino es entrar a través de la cúpula del edificio.
Director of Photography
An adaptation of Jan Potocki's The Manuscript Found in Saragossa.
Director of Photography
Historia policiaca en la cual un hombre convence a su mujer de intentar hacerse con el dinero del seguro de vida de ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Escenas en vivo de París y un narrador que da continuidad a las escenas integran cuatro coreografías dramáticas, de las cuales es autor Roland Petit.
Director of Photography
En la batalla de Austerlitz (2-XII- 1805) Napoleón obtuvo una de sus más brillantes victorias contra las potencias absolutistas europeas. Más de tres décadas después de la publicación de su biografía sobre Napoleón, Abel Gance volvió a inspirarse en la figura de Bonaparte para dirigir esta épica y colosal reconstrucción de la batalla de Austerlitz (o de los Tres Emperadores), en la que Bonaparte derrotó a los austríacos y a los rusos. Fue producida por Alexander Salkind (Superman) y contó con un extenso reparto de estrellas internacionales.
Director of Photography
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The work of Rodin imagined in the form of a ballet. It is the journey of man in his life, in his loves, until his death. In the second part, it is the fall to hell as Rodin carved it in his "Door of Hell".
The work of Rodin imagined in the form of a ballet. It is the journey of man in his life, in his loves, until his death. In the second part, it is the fall to hell as Rodin carved it in his "Door of Hell".
Director of Photography
Come fly with Peter and Nicole and the Chinese wizard on an exciting adventure to the ends of the earth.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Le Cas Du Dr. Laurent (The Case of Dr. Laurent) stars Jean Gabin as a Paris-based doctor who tries to spread the gospel of Natural Childbirth. Working in a cloistered rural community, Gabin runs up against the stone walls of fear and prejudice. His theories are proven sound when unwed mother Nicole Courcel gives birth within Gabin's methodology. The childbirth sequence is filmed straight-on with a delicate combination of taste and frankness. Nonetheless, the lurid ad campaign of Cas Du Dr. Laurent sensationalized this sequence all out of proportion.
Director of Photography
Pierre Marsac, a French engineer working for the Nagasaki shipbuilding yards, has fallen in love both with Japan and a charming Japanese girl named Noriko. But Françoise Fabre, a French journalist and Pierre's former lover, contacts him while visiting the Land of the Rising Sun. They meet again, find out their love might not be dead. Meanwhile, Pierre gradually becomes estranged from sweet, humble Noriko. One day, a typhoon strikes Nagasaki...
Director of Photography
Philippe Perrin, a young engineer passionate about his work, leads the construction of a huge dam in the High Alps. Like all the men who work on the building site, he gives the best part of himself. Unfortunately, his health deteriorates but he refuses to follow the doctor's orders as well as the advice of Micheline, a young nurse who has fallen in love with him. However, driven by the evolution of his illness, Philippe finally makes up his mind to go down to the valley for a treatment. On the very day of his departure though, a young Arab worker gets killed in a rock crusher...
Camera Operator
A good cast smooths over the rough spots of Les Heros sont Fatigues. The scene is the African republic of Liberia, which in this film proves to be a stopping-off point for a number of shady characters. Yves Montand plays a French ex-pilot who becomes involved in a scheme to smuggle stolen diamonds. His cohorts include a Nazi collaborator, a German refugee, and the white mistress of a prominent Liberian. A romance develops between the ex-pilot and the aforementioned mistress. Meanwhile, one of the conspirators (Curt Jurgens) has a last-minute attack of conscience, effectively queering the deal. The steamier romantic passages in Les Heros sont Fatigues had to be trimmed for American consumption.
Director of Photography
Con la ayuda de cuatro protectores, uan joven parisina se convierte en una famosa cantante de cabaret. Ella se casa con un príncipe ruso, pero luego tiene otros amores hasta que un pintor suicida le da una hija.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
When Mario, a bad boy, is released from prison, he plans to live honestly with his wife Geneviève. But the latter has not waited for him and Mario, out of spite, accepts to work as a tout for Mr. Charlie, the boss of a white slave trade gang. His first assignment consists in seducing Michèle, a Montmartre nightclub singer and hostess, into signing a contract for Tangier. The young woman, however, who does this job only to support her young sister Danièle, falls for him and he for her. From then on Mario, without betraying himself, does his utmost to save Michèle -and Danièle for that matter - from the clutches of the gang...
Director of Photography
Durante una visita a Roma, Ana, la joven princesa de un pequeño país centroeuropeo que detesta sus obligaciones y desea pasar inadvertida, se escapa de palacio para visitar la ciudad de incógnito. Así conoce a Joe, un periodista americano que busca una exclusiva y finge desconocer su verdadera identidad. La pareja vivirá entonces unas jornadas inolvidables.
Director of Photography
Teresa (Juliette Greco) estaba a punto de ingresar en un convento, pero debido a la muerte de sus padres decide dedicarse a cuidar de su hermana Denise (Irene Galter), que ha sido violada por Max (Philippe Lemaire). Teresa intenta que Max repare el agravio, pero lo que ocurre es que Max acaba enamorándose de ella.
Director of Photography
Julietta is a French comedy comedy romance film from 1953, directed by Marc Allégret, written by Françoise Giroud, starring Dany Robin and Jean Marais. Film was based on a novel of Louise de Vilmorin.
Director of Photography
The short stories of Guy de Maupassant enjoyed a renaissance in the early 1950s, thanks in great part to the Max Ophuls production Le Plaisir. In Trois Femmes, three De Maupassant stories are dramatized, each conveying the central theme of women falling in love. In the first, a black female carnival entertainer causes an uproar when she falls in love with a white soldier. In the second, a young bride is pressured into having a baby to collect a huge inheritance. And in the final episode, a pregnant girl is "adopted" and protected by a small circle of friends. In standard De Maupassant fashion, each of the three stories in Trois Femmes is capped by a surprise twist.
Priest on Bicycle
Un hombre sin nombre, sin hogar y marginado, que va en busca de una nueva vida, y un niño de familia pobre, que se ve obligado a robar cuando pierde el dinero de la leche, unen sus destinos cuando están buscando un lugar donde esconderse.
Director of Photography
Un hombre sin nombre, sin hogar y marginado, que va en busca de una nueva vida, y un niño de familia pobre, que se ve obligado a robar cuando pierde el dinero de la leche, unen sus destinos cuando están buscando un lugar donde esconderse.
Director of Photography
Un grupo de fanáticos del fútbol italiano llega a París para un partido, pero la mayoría de ellos se van por caminos separados para explorar los lugares de interés, tener un poco de aventura y tal vez incluso encontrar algo de romance.
Camera Operator
Michel ha robado a su patrón, el señor Bellanger para conseguir esos recursos que le tenían que permitir casarse con Juliette. Una vez encarcelado, mientras duerme en su celda, se despierta y ve que las puertas están abiertas y conducen a un extraño pueblo en el que sus habitantes han perdido su memoria. Ahí vuelve a encontrarse con Juliette, también afectada por ese mal, y parece estar´conforme en casarse con un hombre rico.
Director of Photography
Maurice Vallier, apodado "Ma Pomme" es un hombre alegro muy consciente de que el dinero no da la felicidad y de todas las cosas quiere la libertad
Director of Photography
Henri Chatelard is well in his forties, owns a restaurant and a cinema in the city, and appreciate women. When he meets Marie, a 18ish stronghead who just lost her father in a small fishermen village, it is not clear who is the hunter and who is the prey.
Director of Photography
Adaptación del drama "Romeo y Julieta", de Shakespeare. En Venecia, dos jóvenes van a revivir el drama de Shakespeare: Angelo, un vidriero de Murano, y Georgia, hija de un magistrado fascista.
Director of Photography
During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a seaside town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears to know the area, yet gives no explanation for his presence at that bleak time of year in the dead-end town.
Director of Photography
Stefan Oblonsky pide a su hermana Anna Karenina que abandone San Petersburgo y regrese a Moscú para ayudarle a resolver ciertas desavenencias con su esposa Dolly. En el tren Anna viaja en compañía de la condesa Vronsky, a la que espera su hijo en la estación. El coronel Vronsky y Anna se enamoran a primera vista y cuando vuelven a San Petersburgo continúan intimando en las fiestas. Pero ella está casada y tiene un hijo pequeño, por lo que deben ser muy discretos y prudentes en sus encuentros.
Director of Photography
Laurent meets Louvaine and brings her back to his island.
Director of Photography
A bordo de un submarino en el Oslo de 1945, Gilbert, un médico francés, es secuestrado por un grupo de oficiales nazis. En la embarcación habitan todo tipo de fugitivos evitando ser capturados por el bando aliado. Un jefe de la Gestapo, un general alemán, un industrial italiano y un periodista francés colaborador nazi viajan en este barco. Cuando se recibe la noticia del armisticio, un motín estalla a bordo del submarino.
Director of Photography
Érase una vez un mercader arruinado que vivía con su hijo Ludovic y sus tres hijas. Dos de ellas, Felicie y Adelaide, son seres egoístas que explotan a su hermana pequeña Bella. Un día, el padre se pierde en el bosque y llega hasta un castillo. Allí encuentra una preciosa rosa y decide cogerla para Bella, entonces aparece el señor del castillo que le impondrá un duro castigo por su osadía.
Director of Photography
Esta película narra la historia de los trabajadores franceses que construían las vías de los trenes. Los valientes hombres fueron parte de una resistencia organizada durante la ocupación de los alemanes en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
El nominado al BAFTA René Clement (Juegos prohibidos, A pleno sol) escribe y dirige este drama bélico protagonizado por Marcel Barnault (I.F.1. no contesta), Jean Clarieux (La Vía Láctea, París, bajos fondos) y Jean Daurand (Alerta en el Mediterráneo, En legítima defensa), entre otros.
Director of Photography
A brave bookseller raises his four daughters alone, all of whom he employs in his shop. They are especially interested in their sentimental stories. Rosine, the youngest, falls in love with Francis, fiancé of Edith, the eldest. But Francis pushes her away and Rosine announces that she is going to commit suicide. Bertrand, a young doctor, decides to stop her by watching over her. After a few adventures, everything finally works out. Edith keeps her fiancé, the father, from whom the adventure has been hidden, returns to the usual course of his life and Bertrand and Rosine find themselves alone.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Vénus aveugle (Blind Venus) is a 1941 French film melodrama, directed by Abel Gance, and one of the first films to be undertaken in France during the German occupation. Although the film is not set in any specified period, Gance wanted it to be seen as relevant to the contemporary situation in France. He wrote, "...La Vénus aveugle is at the crossroads of reality and legend... The heroine ... gradually sinks deeper and deeper into despair. Only when she has reached the bottom of the abyss does she encounter the smile of Providence that life reserves for those who have faith in it, and she can then go serenely back up the slope towards happiness. If I have been able to show in this film that elevated feelings are the only force that can triumph over Fate, then my efforts will not have been in vain."
Assistant Camera
A Russian emigrant sings in a Shanghai nightclub under the assumed name of Kay Murphy. All she dreams of is a peaceful life with her daughter Vera. But this is only a pipe dream as she has been forced by her former lover Ivan to work for a secret criminal organization, "The Black Dragon". Vera, who studies in a Hong Kong boarding-school, knows nothing about her mother's past. When Ivan, who is also Vera's father, resurfaces and blackmails Kay, the young woman is determined to fight back...
Camera Operator
Un desertor del ejército francés llega a Le Havre, una ciudad permanentemente envuelta en la niebla, para huir en barco. Conoce a Nelly en Casa Panamá, un garito del muelle, y simpatizan de inmediato; ella es una joven de diecisiete años tiranizada por su tutor Zabel, un extraño hombre que mantiene tratos con un grupo de jóvenes que juegan a ser mafiosos.
Camera Operator
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
Assistant Camera
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.
Director of Photography
A propaganda film of the communist party of France, showing how the comrades help the proletariat against the capitalists.