Jan Hrušínský

Jan Hrušínský

Nacimiento : 1955-06-09, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Jan Hrušínský


The Gentlemen's Club
Ach, ta láska nebeská…
The Prague Orgy
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
Kouzelník Žito
Každý milion dobrý
Tajemství pouze služební
šéf zločinecké organizace - Povídka první: Tajemství bankovní
Crazy Kingdom
By some quirk of fate, the two small-time thieves and the spoiled princess find themselves in the Black Forest full of magic beings who believe that everyone has a chance to mend his ways. However, sometimes even the best intentions need to take a pretty long way round to be achieved... Funny fairy tale full of action, excitement, fun, magic but also love.
The Gracious Ghost
Král Kryšpín
In a godforsaken cave, a traveling journeyman fills his pockets with gold. Voita lost his father and mother in the war and is now seeking his fortune in the world. He got to the abyss at Gallows Mountain only by chance - or have mysterious powers led him there in this spooky stormy night? Suddenly, he notices a strange fellow among the treasures. The apparent ghost and custodian of this treasure chases away the young man, who still manages to secretly pocket a small, fateful lighter...
Saxana y el libro mágico
Honza Bláha
Si tus juguetes son especiales… ¡a lo mejor es porque tu madre es una bruja! Esta es la conclusión a la que llega Saxana después de vivir una trepidante aventura en el mundo mágico, donde descubrirá que su madre es una bruja. Saxana está jugando en el ático cuando descubre un libro algo especial… ¡los dibujos hablan y se mueven! Con ayuda de un nuevo amigo que acaba de saltar del libro, Saxana recorrerá el mundo mágico, donde conocerá a criaturas muy particulares, algunas buenas y otras…no tanto. Para su sorpresa su tía también aparecerá en el mundo mágico, aunque con unas intenciones algo distintas.
Identity Card
policejní důstojník
Bittersweet comedy about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.
Václav Pospíchal
La vida de August Habermann, un alemán propietario de un molino en la zona montañosa de los Sudetes, y su familia cambia drásticamente en 1938, cuando Europa entra en guerra. Cuando los militares alemanes llegan a la zona, los habitantes de origen checo se convierten en ciudadanos de segunda.
Sofie a ukradený poklad
The Ro(c)k con Artists
starosta/otec Mártyho
Slečna Guru
Boháč a chudák
Smrt pedofila
mjr. Svatopluk Březina
In a Czech school friendship grows between a teacher and a student. The friendship turns into an intimate relationship. Till the student begin to blackmail the teacher.
1940, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Checoslovaquia ha sido ocupada por los alemanes. Eliska, una estudiante de medicina, no puede completar sus estudios porque han cerrado las universidades, y trabaja como enfermera en un hospital de la ciudad. La joven también está involucrada en el movimiento de la resistencia contra los nazis, al igual que su novio, el cirujano Richard. Una noche, un hombre de las montañas es traído al hospital con serias heridas, necesitando desesperadamente una transfusión. Eliska es la única con su mismo tipo de sangre... una sangre que le salva la vida y forjará una extraordinaria relación entre la moderna, cosmopolita y educada Eliska y el rudo y bárbaro Joza, un hombre del campo con alma de niño....
Brouk v hlavě
Kožené slunce
Jaroslav Vazač
As the name suggests, the movie is about football. It is not about big league soccer, making huge money. It is about football, which lives just from village fans enthusiasm, from the enthusiasm of fathers and their sons and club officials. And yet on this battlefield, where the pub and silent household alternates, it is often about everything: friends, family, the meaning of life. It is about playing fair, but also about fighting below the belt. It is about winning, but also about falling into the abyss of the league wilderness.
Paní Piperová zasahuje
I Was a Teenage Intellectual
Waiter in Existential Heidegger Cafe
Pavel and Eva are two teenagers who live a happy life full of McDonald's food, action movies and pop music. But one night, Pavel stumbles upon a secret gathering of intellectuals in the woods on his way to the video store. Not wanting to be discovered, the intellectuals attack him and the chief intellectual bites him in the leg. Some times later, he begins changing... Will the power of television, Eva's love and pop star Michal David's music save him from the intellectuals' evil clutches?
Queen of the Lake
Princův sluha Štěpán
Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an arrow in her shoulder. She is dumb and can't explain her origin. He falls immediately for her. The girl quickly recovers, but disappears mysteriously.
El zapato volador
Père de Lucie
Alex es un chico solitario que tiene muchísimos sueños. Un día, su padre, le envía un puñado de orugas que se transforman en mariposas...
The Magpie in the Wisp
Vážení přátelé, ano
Táta k příštím Vánocům
The End of Old Times
Jan Lhota
Czechoslovakia 1918. The newly formed National Assembly has made Stoklasa the administrator of the Kratochvile Castle. Although with no aristocratic background, he is a man of fortune and is trying to buy the castle. To impress his neighbors and the local politicians he invites them to a great hunting party. Uninvited comes a man who claims to be Duke Alexej. Stoklasa believes him to be a hustler. This hustler, however, manages to charm all the women before he leaves.
Michal Mácha
A narration of episodes from the life of the famous Czech poet, Karel Hynek Mácha. Throughout the film, we witness a deep analysis of Mácha's complex character (his relation to another Czech writer of the time Josef Kajetán Tyl, his unbearable jealousy, his solitude, his attitude to nature,etc.) on the well-depicted historical background with all its particularities.
Střecha nad hlavou
The Galoshes of Happiness
Junger Leutnant
Můj obchod se psy
Klobouk, měšec a láska
Goat owner
Statečný Azmun
Putování za měsíční nitkou
Spící princ
Zlaté kapradí
Má láska s Jakubem
Serpent's Poison
Her mother dead, 18-year-old Vladka travels to a remote village in the dead of winter to find the father she has never met. The happiness of their initial meeting gives way to the daughter’s disappointment and concern over the hardworking man’s alcoholism.
Love Between the Raindrops
Pepan Bursík
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.
Brother for All the Money
Honza Pavelka
Honza and Zuzana are very young husband and wife. They have a little daughter of whom willingly occasionally take care the grandparents and Honza's fifteen-year-old brother Martin. Zuzana continues studying and Honza devotes all weekends as an amateur competitor to the motor-cycles at the speedway. Zuzana is not interested in motor-cycles. Martin holds responsible for his brother's marriage and at the advice of his friend Magda, who is of the same age, invites her sister-in-law to the club of Hucul horses so that she does not feel bored. But by misfortunes and unexplained quarrels both young husband and wife start being jealous of one another.
Láďo, ty jsi princezna!
How to Wake a Princess
Prince Jaroslav
The king Dalimil and the queen Eliska waited to see a longed-for offspring - a daughter Ruzenka. But Eliska's envious and bad sister Melánie curses her. When Ruzenka becomes 17 years old she will prick her finger and she will fall asleep for ages together with the entire kingdom.
Básník, služka a král
Zlaté pometlo
Až bude padat hvězda
Boty plné vody
Soldier Kučera (segment "Silvestr 1948")
Three short stories ("Zelenáči 1945", "Silvestr 1948" and "Zimní vítr 1951") about members of the SNB units guarding the Šumava border in the post-war years. Ivo Toman had artistic supervision over the debutants. The theme of the third short story was made in 1959 for the film "Entry Forbidden" by František Vláčil, who was also starting at the time.
Village Boy
In SIRIUS, a young boy whose most cherished companion is his loyal German shepherd devises his own form of resistance when the Nazis arrest his father, then order the confiscation of local canines, including his pet, to be retrained as attack dogs against the rebellious populace.
Atentado: El día que cambio el mundo
La película recrea los hechos históricos que precedieron al asesinato político del archiduque Francisco Fernando, único heredero del Imperio Austrohúngaro, y su esposa, Sofía en Sarajevo en 1914, por parte de un nacionalista serbio, y el período inmediatamente posterior que llevó al estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
My Brother Has a Cute Brother
Honza Pavelka
Honza Pavelka (Jan Hrusínský) wins the junior motorbike speed races. His thirteen-year-old brother Martin (Roman Cada), his assistant and biggest fan, answers the questions of his schoolfriend Pavlína in a superior tone. Student Zuzana (Libuse Safránková), who gave her scarf to Honza to wear around his neck for the races as a talisman is Honza's girlfriend. He met her when he came to her parent's home to repair the TV set. Honza declines an invitation to celebration with his friends. He goes off with Zuzana instead, but she refuses his intimate advances. The offended young man, who is about to serve his two years in the army, tries to blackmail her emotionally and the couple breaks up. Martin tries various schemes to bring them together again.
Who Looks for Gold?
hodinář Láďa Kratochvíl
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately underperforming on the job. His girlfriend tries to keep him in the city with a variety of stratagems, but he eventually takes a job as a truck driver on a dam-building project. He uses the truck to visit his girl on weekends. Ingenuous, he is unaware that the truck is being used for black-market smuggling, and that his girlfriend two-times on him when he cannot arrange to leave on time for his weekend.
Great Sorrow
Jana is forced to live in a foster home and always dreams about family reunion.
Muž, který se spustil
Affairs of my Wife
The Girl on the Broomstick
Honza Bláha
A teenage witch, Saxana (Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, finds herself in a modern world.
Panter čeká v 17,30
A tale based on novel by Czech writer Bozena Nemcova.
Případ Mauricius
Pushchik Edet v Pragu
Anička jde do školy
Český koncert