Svetlana Cvetko

Nacimiento : , Rijeka, Yugoslavia [now Croatia]


Svetlana Cvetko is an American cinematographer and film director born in Rijeka, Yugoslavia .


Svetlana Cvetko


Show Me What You Got
Director of Photography
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
Show Me What You Got
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
Show Me What You Got
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
Ahead of the Curve
Director of Photography
With a fist full of credit cards, a lucky run at the horse track, and a title that called to mind a certain French film star, Franco Stevens launched the best-selling lesbian lifestyle magazine ever published, connecting her community in an unprecedented way. AHEAD OF THE CURVE is a new feature documentary about the extraordinary woman who started Curve magazine, and by doing so helped accelerate the political and social evolution of the nation.
Desnúdate, rebélate
Director of Photography
Sigue las vivencias de un grupo de mujeres de distintas edades y trasfondos sociales y raciales que tratan de curarse de un trauma relacionado con su aspecto a través del arte del 'pole dance'.
Director of Photography
After thirty years of serving as a Greek Orthodox priest in the US, Tom Avramis decides to leave the priesthood, shocking his tight knit family and admiring parishioners. When his daughter discovers an old video he made about his life detailing the burdens and secrets he carried, she turns the camera on him, revealing further secrets about her father’s past.
Intercambio mortal
Una estudiante de intercambio extranjera, Ana, que estudia en Estados Unidos, se convierte en el objetivo de un peligroso acosador. Acepta la invitación para mudarse con la familia de su compañera de cuarto en su idílica ciudad.
Yours Sincerely, Lois Weber
In 1916, the highest paid silent film director at Universal Studios was a woman named Lois Weber. Yet today, she is virtually unknown. "Yours Sincerely, Lois Weber" examines the achievements of this incredible woman, as told through the eyes of a young magazine photographer hoping to impress her.
El arquitecto
Director of Photography
Colin y su esposa Drew contratan al visionario arquitecto moderno Miles Moss para construir su nuevo hogar. Pronto serán barridos por la visión creativa del artista, y se darán cuenta de que está construyendo su casa de ensueño, no la que ellos quieren.
Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray
Director of Photography
The self-help industry is worth $11 billion dollars a year. It’s an industry that captivates those seeking happiness, release from suffering and those longing for a path and a leader to follow. James Arthur Ray for many who followed him was that leader to guide his flock. But as the story unfolds, as told by Ray himself and also by his followers, we learn that that path was fraught with danger and perhaps even greater suffering.
The Blimp-Maker
Director of Photography
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
Director of Photography
Colin McCormack thinks he has it all - a great job, a steady stream of hot younger guys, and a best friend whose devotion he takes for granted. But when a charming and mercurial intern sweeps him off his feet, Colin sees a chance for something more: A family of his own. What he discovers instead is a shattering secret that may cost Colin everything -- and everyone -- he holds dear.
Brand: A Second Coming
Trata sobre el actor, artista y siempre excéntrico Russell Brand. Rodada durante su gira mundial Messiah Complex, este documental reflexiona sobre la propia fama y la imagen del personaje público. Con la ayuda de un elenco de cinco estrellas (desde Noel Gallagher hasta David Lynch), Ondi Timoner retrata la esencia de la fama, su origen, sus mitos y su legitimidad.
She's Beautiful When She's Angry
Director of Photography
Documental que retrata a las mujeres que fundaron el movimiento feminista en los sesenta. Bajo la afirmación de que "lo personal es político" hicieron una revolución en sus dormitorios, en sus lugares de trabajo y en todos los círculos de su vida. Consideradas una amenaza por el FBI e ignoradas en muchos relatos de la historia, estas mujeres cambiaron el mundo.
Red Army
Director of Photography
Documental que narra los destinos cruzados de la Unión Soviética y del equipo de hockey sobre hielo conocido como "El ejército rojo": una dinastía única en la historia del deporte. El ex-capitán del equipo, Slava Fetisov, evoca su trayectoria fuera de lo común: primero adulado como un héroe nacional y luego condenado como enemigo político. Ese "Ejército rojo" es uno de los protagonistas de la historia social, cultural y política de su país: al igual que la URSS, pasa por una época de grandeza y luego llega la decadencia, y finalmente los cambios que trae la Rusia contemporánea. "Red Army", presentado por Werner Herzog y el productor Jerry Weintraub, cuenta la extraordinaria historia de la Guerra fría sobre el hielo y la vida de un hombre que se atrevió en enfrentar el sistema soviético. (FILMAFFINITY)
Facing Fear
Director of Photography
The worlds of a former neo-Nazi and the gay victim of his senseless hate crime attack collide by chance 25 years after the incident that dramatically shaped both of their lives. They proceed to embark on a journey of forgiveness that challenges both to grapple with their beliefs and fears, eventually leading to an improbable collaboration...and friendship.
Miss Representation
Director of Photography
The film MISS REPRESENTATION exposes how American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman. It’s time to break that cycle of mistruths.
Inside Job
Director of Photography
Documental no sólo sobre las causas, sino también sobre los responsables de la crisis económica mundial de 2008, que signíficó la ruina de millones de personas que perdieron sus hogares y empleos, y, además, puso en peligro la estabilidad económica de los países desarrollados. A través de una extensa investigación y de entrevistas a financieros, políticos y periodistas, se muestra el auge de empresarios sin escrúpulos y la degradación de la política y la educación.
This Is Macbeth
Director of Photography
Overview of The Scottish Play through CNN style character interviews.
First Assistant Camera
Zoe Adler (Robin Tunney) es una veinteañera hambrienta de amor que intenta desesperadamente huir de sí misma y de la realidad que la rodea. Para ello escucha con insistencia la emisora de radio KXCH Cherish, que alimenta sus fantasías románticas con melodías de las décadas de 1970 y 80. Pero un giro del destino la ayudará a descubrirse por completo y a comprobar que nadie mejor que ella puede poner en orden su vida. Tras el atropello accidental de un policía, Zoe es injustamente acusada del crimen, por lo que deberá permanecer dos años encerrada en su propio domicilio dentro de un sistema especial de vigilancia electrónica. Su única conexión con el mundo exterior será Daly (Tim Blake Nelson), el agente de custodia con el que descubrirá el nuevo significado del amor y de la autoestima, herramientas imprescindibles para salir adelante a pesar de todo, demostrar su inocencia y recuperar su vida en libertad.