Svetlana Cvetko

출생 : , Rijeka, Yugoslavia [now Croatia]


Svetlana Cvetko is an American cinematographer and film director born in Rijeka, Yugoslavia .

프로필 사진

Svetlana Cvetko

참여 작품

쇼 미 왓 유 갓
Director of Photography
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
쇼 미 왓 유 갓
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
쇼 미 왓 유 갓
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
어헤드 오브 더 커브
Director of Photography
With a fist full of credit cards, a lucky run at the horse track, and a title that called to mind a certain French film star, Franco Stevens launched the best-selling lesbian lifestyle magazine ever published, connecting her community in an unprecedented way. AHEAD OF THE CURVE is a new feature documentary about the extraordinary woman who started Curve magazine, and by doing so helped accelerate the political and social evolution of the nation.
폴 위의 그녀들
Director of Photography
내 몸과 삶에 대한 자신감을 되찾고 싶다. 생소하고 선입견에 갇힌 봉춤을 배우는 여성들. 제 몸을 움직이며 기술과 의미를 익힌다. 그리고 그들에게 변화가 일어난다.
Director of Photography
After thirty years of serving as a Greek Orthodox priest in the US, Tom Avramis decides to leave the priesthood, shocking his tight knit family and admiring parishioners. When his daughter discovers an old video he made about his life detailing the burdens and secrets he carried, she turns the camera on him, revealing further secrets about her father’s past.
Deadly Switch
When a foreign exchange student, Ana, studying abroad in America becomes the target of a dangerous stalker, she accepts the invitation to move in with her roommate's family in their idyllic town.
Yours Sincerely, Lois Weber
In 1916, the highest paid silent film director at Universal Studios was a woman named Lois Weber. Yet today, she is virtually unknown. "Yours Sincerely, Lois Weber" examines the achievements of this incredible woman, as told through the eyes of a young magazine photographer hoping to impress her.
The Architect
Director of Photography
When a couple sets out to build their dream house, they enlist the services of an uncompromising modernist architect, who proceeds to build HIS dream house instead of theirs.
제임스 아서 레이 - 구루의 탄생과 몰락
Director of Photography
달변가 제임스 아서 레이의 자기계발 강연과 그를 추종하는 사람들의 죽음에 관한 다큐멘터리
The Blimp-Maker
Director of Photography
For the past forty years, Igor Pasternak has pursued a lighter-than-air vision: to build gigantic airships that haul cargo to otherwise inaccessible parts of the planet. In high school, in Ukraine, Pasternak formed an airship club; at Lviv National University, where he studied civil engineering, he established an airship-design bureau. Eventually, he settled in southern California and started Aeros, which builds blimps for surveillance and other purposes. His prototype cargo airship, the two-hundred-and-sixty-foot-long Dragon Dream, was destroyed in 2013 when its hangar collapsed on it. Unfazed, Pasternak now aims to produce a fleet of “Aeroscraft” cargo airships, the largest of which will be more than nine hundred feet long and able to carry five hundred tons. Pasternak spoke recently with the director and producer Gabe Polsky. Polsky’s documentary, “Red Army,” played at the 2014 Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals, and was released in theatres in 2015.
Director of Photography
Colin McCormack thinks he has it all - a great job, a steady stream of hot younger guys, and a best friend whose devotion he takes for granted. But when a charming and mercurial intern sweeps him off his feet, Colin sees a chance for something more: A family of his own. What he discovers instead is a shattering secret that may cost Colin everything -- and everyone -- he holds dear.
Brand: A Second Coming
Comic Russell Brand uses drugs, sex and fame in a quest for happiness, only to find it remains elusive. As he explores iconic figures such as Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, and Jesus, he transforms himself into a political antagonist.
She's Beautiful When She's Angry
Director of Photography
A documentary that resurrects the buried history of the outrageous, often brilliant women who founded the modern women's movement from 1966 to 1971.
붉은 군단
Director of Photography
소련 국가대표 아이스하키팀 ‘붉은 군단’은 체제의 우월성을 입증하려는 목적으로 스탈린 치하에서 탄생했다. 전국 각지에서 선발된 최정예 선수들은 소련 군대가 운영하는 훈련소에서 체계적으로 양성되었다. 올림픽 금메달 2개, 세계선수권 금메달 7개, NHL 올스타 2회에 빛나는 아이스하키 영웅이자 러시아 체육부 장관을 역임한 슬라바 페티소프도 그러한 시스템 하에서 성장했다. 페티소프가 활약했던 냉전 시대, 동구와 서구 모두 열광했던 아이스하키는 실제 전쟁을 방불케할 만큼 치열하게 펼쳐졌다. 1980년 동계올림픽 결승전에서 미국에게 패한 ‘붉은 군단’은 전면적인 개편과 함께 잔인하고 혹독한 훈련을 강행했다. 이후 소련 아이스하키팀 사상 가장 강력한 ‘5인 부대’가 탄생했고, 이들은 2회 연속 올림픽 금메달을 차지했다. 하지만 화려한 성과 이면에는 선수들의 망명을 막으려는 KGB의 감시가 항상 뒤따랐다. 그런 가운데 1985년 개방 정책이 발표되면서 ‘붉은 군단’에도 변화가 시작된다.
Facing Fear
Director of Photography
The worlds of a former neo-Nazi and the gay victim of his senseless hate crime attack collide by chance 25 years after the incident that dramatically shaped both of their lives. They proceed to embark on a journey of forgiveness that challenges both to grapple with their beliefs and fears, eventually leading to an improbable collaboration...and friendship.
Miss Representation
Director of Photography
The film MISS REPRESENTATION exposes how American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman. It’s time to break that cycle of mistruths.
인사이드 잡
Director of Photography
미국 리먼 브라더스의 파산 신청과 최대 보험사 AIG의 몰락은 미국 경제를 뒤흔들었다. 월 스트리트 쇼크로 글로벌 주식 시장은 그 즉시 휘청거렸다. 전 세계는 수십 조 달러의 빚더미에 올라앉았고 경제 침체는 계속되었다. 집 값과 자산은 대폭락했고, 3천만 명이 해고됐으며, 5천만 서민들은 극빈자가 되었다. 세계 경제를 파탄으로 내몰았지만… 여전히 돈과 권력을 손에 쥐고 있을 주범들은 과연 어디 있는가.
This Is Macbeth
Director of Photography
Overview of The Scottish Play through CNN style character interviews.
First Assistant Camera
우울한 왕따, 엽기녀 조이! ‘조이(로빈 튜니)’는 20대 중반의 컴퓨터 애니메이터. 애인이 없는 우울증으로 정서 불안에 빠져버린 조이는 집에 혼자 있는 것을 잠시도 못견뎌한다. 직장에서는 상사에게 쪼이고 집에 있으면 너무나 외로운 그녀의 유일한 돌파구는 바로 흘러간 팝송을 들려주는 'KACH' 라디오 프로그램. 60~80년대 러브송들을 ‘나타샤’라는 익명으로 신청하고 라디오에서 흘러나오는 음악을 들으며 로맨틱한 환상에 빠지는 것이 그녀의 유일한 즐거움. 그러던 어느 날 회식자리에서 평소 흠모해오던 직장 내 최고 킹카 앤드류(제이슨 프리스틀리)와 함께 자신이 좋아하는 음악 얘기를 하며, 분위기 있게 마티니를 마시고, 평소 좋아하던 노래인 'Season's in the Sun'에 맞춰 멋들어지게 브루스까지 추게 된다! 발목잡힌 인생에 찾아온 체리빛 사랑! 색다른 인생! 하지만 꿈만 같은 행복에 빠져있는 조이를 기다리고 있는 것은 바로 스토커! 순식간에 조이는 그녀를 남몰래 흠모해오던 스토커의 인질이 되어 차를 몰다가 사고로 순찰 경찰을 치고 체포된다. 조이는 차에서 스토커의 위협을 받았다고 주장하지만 증명할 길이 없고! 그 후 조이는 재판을 받을 때까지 거리로 감지되는 전기 발찌 족쇄에 차인 채 감옥과 다름없는 곳에서 나가지도 못하고 혼자 살아야하는 운명에 놓이게 된다. 그녀를 찾아오는 유일한 방문객은 발찌 프로그램 관리자인 '빌(팀 블레이크 닐슨)'뿐이다. 폐쇄공간에 갇혀 지내는 그녀에게 예측할 수 없는 묘한 사건들이 생기면서 시들했던 인생이 활짝 피기 시작한다. 게다가 무뚝뚝하고 매력이라고는 조금도 찾아볼 수 없는 빌에게 조금씩 색다른 감정이 자라나고… 하지만 갑작스럽게 재판일이 코앞으로 당겨지면서 그녀는 진범을 찾아내야하는 절대 절명의 위기에 처한다!