Alex, an 18-year-old astrophysics student, dreams of the cosmos and of working at NASA, far from earthly concerns. But his bubble bursts when his mother, suffering from breast cancer, is about to undergo surgery: an event that diverts him from his orbit, the time of a sleepless night where nothing happens as planned, and where Alex gets lost before deciding to land...
Jules es un adolescente que veranea con su madre y su hermano pequeo en un campign nudista, junto a la playa. Su madre quiere recuperar los momentos felices del pasado, cuando aún no estaba separada. En un puesto de donación de sangre de la Cruz Roja, Jules conoce a un chico que le gusta.
Georges (Grégory Gadebois), teaches school in Montreal – he and wife Emma, (Monia Chokri) have just moved to the countryside. One day, he surprises a young intruder Zack, (Noah Parker), rummaging through his things.
Un empresario irlandés se beneficia cuando los forajidos toman el control de una pacífica ciudad fronteriza estadounidense, pero su familia se ve amenazada a medida que aumenta la violencia.