Robert Bober


Belleville, belle et rebelle
They meet in »Le Vieux Belleville«: Minelle, the singer, or Robert Bober, the writer, once Truffaut's assistant director. Basque anarchist Lucio is also a regular at the little restaurant, where time seems to have stood still. This place and the memories of the regulars and their songs which tell of love and struggle are the manifestation of the soul of Belleville, but also of old Paris.
Vienne avant la nuit
The documentary filmmaker Robert Bober revisits the world of his great-grandfather, who left Poland to live in the modern and cosmopolitan city of Vienna, home to intellectuals such as Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Arthur Schnitzler, on the eve of the National Socialist regime's rise to power, which put an end to the city's status as Europe's cultural capital. What emerges is an emotionally powerful double portrait that reveals a search for identity with universal resonance.
Vienne avant la nuit
The documentary filmmaker Robert Bober revisits the world of his great-grandfather, who left Poland to live in the modern and cosmopolitan city of Vienna, home to intellectuals such as Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Arthur Schnitzler, on the eve of the National Socialist regime's rise to power, which put an end to the city's status as Europe's cultural capital. What emerges is an emotionally powerful double portrait that reveals a search for identity with universal resonance.
Vienne avant la nuit
The documentary filmmaker Robert Bober revisits the world of his great-grandfather, who left Poland to live in the modern and cosmopolitan city of Vienna, home to intellectuals such as Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Arthur Schnitzler, on the eve of the National Socialist regime's rise to power, which put an end to the city's status as Europe's cultural capital. What emerges is an emotionally powerful double portrait that reveals a search for identity with universal resonance.
Cinéastes de notre temps: Jean Vigo
Assistant Director
Documental dedicado a la vida y obra de este genio del cine, prematuramente fallecido.
Almost Peaceful
Set during the largely unexplored period immediately following World War II, the film follows a group of mostly Jewish Parisians who attempt to restart their lives and rekindle their capacity for happiness in the shadow of unspeakable horrors. Variety called it "thoroughly charming. Sad, gentle, and funny in the best French tradition of high quality cinema." A film by Marcelo Gomes
Going Up Vilin Street
Evocation of N° 24 of Vilin Street where Perec lived his childhood.
Elis Island Tales
"Ellis Island Tales" - From 1892 to 1924, nearly 16 million emigrants from Europe passed through Ellis Island, a small block of land where a transit center was built, near the New York Statue of Liberty. "Ellis Island Tales, Stories of Wandering and Hope" - the book is composed of three major parts. Georges Perec and Robert Bober visited Ellis Island and with the help of texts and documents, restored what everyday life was about what some called "the island of tears".
Jules y Jim
Assistant Director
Desde que se conocieron en 1912, Jules (Oskar Werner) y Jim (Henri Serre) se convirtieron en dos inseparables amigos que un día se enamoran de la misma mujer, Catherine (Jeanne Moreau). Uno de ellos finalmente se casa con ella. Obra capital del cine francés de los sesenta, un hermoso canto al amor y la pasión.
Tirad sobre el pianista
Assistant Director
Charlie Kohler, antiguamente un gran concertista de piano, trabaja ahora como pianista en un popular cabaret de una ciudad. Charlie se las ha arreglado para ocultar a todos y mantener en secreto su misterioso pasado, pero, inesperadamente, aparece uno de sus hermanos pidiéndole ayuda.
Los cuatrocientos golpes
Second Assistant Director
A sus doce años, Antoine Doinel se ve obligado no sólo a convivir con los problemas conyugales que sus padres no se atreven a afrontar, sino también a soportar las exigencias de un severo profesor. Un día, asustado porque no ha cumplido un castigo que el maestro le ha impuesto, decide hacer novillos con su amigo René. Inesperadamente, ve a su madre en compañía de otro hombre; la culpa y el miedo lo arrastran a una serie de mentiras y riñas que poco a poco van calando en su ánimo. Deseando dejar atrás todos sus problemas, sueña con conocer el mar y traza con René un plan para escaparse.