Camilla Filippi
Nacimiento : 1979-10-13, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
La mañana en que Stella decide quitarse la vida, un extraño llama a su puerta para reclamar la habitación de invitados que reservó para la noche. Sorprendida pero encantada por este hombre que parece conocerla muy bien, Stella decide dejarlo entrar. Pero cuando Sandro, el hombre que rompió el corazón de Stella, se une a ellos en casa, esta extraña situación se convierte inmediatamente en un caos: Giulio, el desconocido, comienza a desvelar todos los secretos de la pareja y de la casa. ¿Quién es Giulio? ¿Y qué esconden Stella y Sandro?
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Linda Weiss
When young Tommi goes missing during a festival in the Dolomites in 2010, his parents are devastated. Five years later, a boy is found with no name or records; DNA tests prove it is Tommi. But while Tommi's father Manuel welcomes him back with open arms, his mother Linda is not convinced that it is her son. Suspicion and superstition permeate the pores of this eerie mystery thriller.
Easygoing Gianni looks forward to retirement - until he is informed that a change in the law obliges him to work three more years. Faced with the outrageous possibility of having to do a full day's work, he sets about finding a way to achieve a quiet life
The film depicts the first flaming signs of love in human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend the same hockey and figure skating club in a small village set among the Italian Alps. The theft of a medal will trigger an adventurous escape to Moscow, where our six main characters will learn the first skirmishes of love and find new fiancés.
Elena es una hermosa mujer de 35 años con una obsesión enfermiza con la perfección. Su ordenada vida se convierte en un caos cuando conoce a Adriana, una joven de 18 años que ofrece pasión y emoción, y a Héctor, un hombre mayor que ofrece estabilidad y seguridad.
The story of a leading political man, suddenly telling “all the truth” after a serious illness and therefore overwhelming lifes of anyone surrounding him…
Giacomo lleva una vida envidiable: ha heredado un apartamento, le va bien en el trabajo, es joven, tiene éxito con las mujeres y, además, siempre se las arregla para no comprometerse con ninguna. Sin embargo, se siente atrapado en una vida tediosa que se repite invariable sin el menor atisbo de cambio. De repente, se siente cautivado por una desconocida a la que ve todas las mañanas en el tranvía. Sin embargo, tiene tanto miedo a dar un paso en falso que sólo se atreve a mirarla de lejos. Será ella quien tome la iniciativa, invitándolo a tomar un café. Él tendrá que decidir, de una vez por todas, si se atreve a romper con el pasado y a emprender una nueva vida.
Luca (Stefano Accorsi) es un médico idealista y sensible que saca adelante, a pesar de las enormes dificultades, un pequeño hospital humanitario en África. Allí cuenta con la ayuda de Mario (Pierfrancesco Favino), un exitoso cirujano romano que se ha hecho rico en las clínicas privadas. A ambos se les une la mujer de Mario, Ginevra (Vittoria Puccini), quien da a conocer el motivo de la fuga del marido de Italia: una investigación judicial por corrupción en la sanidad, en la que está involucrado. (FILMAFFINITY)
A group of Roman misfits spend the fall minding a vintage shop called Twinkled, a business that is failing in every way but in spirit. The owner strives to keep the store afloat, even as his wife insists that he sell the place and get a real job. One day a beautiful young woman named Camilla takes a job cleaning the store, and her presence has a profound effect on the lives of everyone, including Stefano, the well-meaning but unorganized shopkeeper, and Gigio, Camilla's loving younger brother who has Down's syndrome.
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
An odd couple of contrasting cops: one is a disillusioned veteran, the other young, idealistic and speaks fluent Arabic. Ideal for tailing Khalid (Ahmed Hafiene), who was acquitted but is still suspected of having ties with Al-Qaida. The two cops, who initially can't stand each other, find themselves increasingly in contact with the life and habits of Khalid. As the story goes the suspect catches on to them, but when he begins receiving threats the cops become his bodyguards, his escort. Being nearer to him, and knowing him better, the two cops end up making almost friends with the man. At last it comes out that Khalid is the victim of a legal error. He makes accusations against the Italian's justice, but this leads to his expulsion from Italy. The young policeman undertakes a voyage in search of Khalid, that will lead him to Tunisia, and to some final twists.
Tosca Mogherini
Married for most of her adult life, Nina plunges into depression after being suddenly left by her husband. Eventually, she'll find a way out by having multiple affairs with strangers.
Lucia De Gasperi
A relationship develops between seasoned actor Stefano and his young, ambitious co-star Laura when they are cast as the two leads in a film. Stefano must deal with his growing jealousy when Laura's career begins to take off.
2001. David, a university student about to graduate, gets involved in the anti-globalization movement after falling for activist Viola in the months preceding the fateful events of the G8 summit in Genoa.
Sara Carati
Historia de una familia italiana desde los años 60 hasta nuestros días. Dos hermanos, Nicola (Luigi Lo Cascio) y Matteo (Alessio Boni), comparten las mismas esperanzas, los mismos sueños; disfrutan de los mismos libros y de los mismos amigos hasta que conocen a una chica desequilibrada, Giorgia (Jasmine Trinca), que perturba su destino. Mientras Nicola ejerce como psicólogo, Matteo abandona sus estudios e ingresa en el cuerpo de policía.