Camilla Filippi

Camilla Filippi

출생 : 1979-10-13, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy

프로필 사진

Camilla Filippi

참여 작품

The Guest Room
The morning Stella decides to take her own life, a stranger knocks at her door claiming the guest room he booked for the night. Surprised but charmed by this man who seems to know her very well, Stella decides to let him in. But when Sandro, the man who broke Stella's heart, joins them at home, this odd situation turns immediately into chaos.
The Big Step
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
실종: 사라진 아이
Linda Weiss
이탈리아의 어느 마을, 나쁜 아이를 데려간다는 악마의 축제에서 네 살배기 토미가 숲 속으로 홀연히 사라졌다. 아이의 실종 후 살인자의 누명을 쓴 아빠, 그리고 아이를 잃은 절망에 자살을 기도한 엄마, 이들 부부에게 고통으로 가득 찬 5년의 시간이 흐르고 마치 기적처럼 토미가 발견되는데... 아이를 찾은 기쁨도 잠시, 자신의 아이에게서 낯선 느낌을 지울 수 없는 엄마, 토미가 악마의 아이라 외치는 마을의 청년, 의심의 눈길을 거두지 않는 마을 사람들, 그리고 수 년의 시간 동안 어떻게 지내왔는지 입을 열지 않는 아이 토미. 시간이 흐를수록 토미를 둘러싼 의문은 쌓여가고 마침내 감춰졌던 진실이 드러나는데...
Anna e Yusef
Doppia luce
Good for Nothing
Easygoing Gianni looks forward to retirement - until he is informed that a change in the law obliges him to work three more years. Faced with the outrageous possibility of having to do a full day's work, he sets about finding a way to achieve a quiet life
Una villa per due
Elementary Loves
The film depicts the first flaming signs of love in human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend the same hockey and figure skating club in a small village set among the Italian Alps. The theft of a medal will trigger an adventurous escape to Moscow, where our six main characters will learn the first skirmishes of love and find new fiancés.
Love Is Not Perfect
Elena is a beautiful, 35-year-old accomplished woman who has an unhealthy obsession with perfection. Elena's well-ordered life is thrown into chaos, however, when she meets Adriana, an 18-year-old seductive young woman who offers passion and excitement, and Hector, an older man who offers Elena stability and security. Elena quickly realizes though that Adriana is too immature and too young for her, so she tries to end their romance, but for Adriana the rejection is just another game to play
Viva l'Italia
The story of a leading political man, suddenly telling “all the truth” after a serious illness and therefore overwhelming lifes of anyone surrounding him…
One Day More
Giacomo is a 40-year-old man who works for a big company in Milan. To avoid working on weekends, he lies about having a girlfriend whose character he creates based upon a girl he sees every morning.
La vita facile
An Italian doctor starts a new life in Kenya to escape the city, but life catches up with him when an old friend offers his assistance along with his wife, who happens to be an old lover.
Hay Fever
A group of Roman misfits spend the fall minding a vintage shop called Twinkled, a business that is failing in every way but in spirit. The owner strives to keep the store afloat, even as his wife insists that he sell the place and get a real job. One day a beautiful young woman named Camilla takes a job cleaning the store, and her presence has a profound effect on the lives of everyone, including Stefano, the well-meaning but unorganized shopkeeper, and Gigio, Camilla's loving younger brother who has Down's syndrome.
Figli delle stelle
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
The Right Thing
An odd couple of contrasting cops: one is a disillusioned veteran, the other young, idealistic and speaks fluent Arabic. Ideal for tailing Khalid (Ahmed Hafiene), who was acquitted but is still suspected of having ties with Al-Qaida. The two cops, who initially can't stand each other, find themselves increasingly in contact with the life and habits of Khalid. As the story goes the suspect catches on to them, but when he begins receiving threats the cops become his bodyguards, his escort. Being nearer to him, and knowing him better, the two cops end up making almost friends with the man. At last it comes out that Khalid is the victim of a legal error. He makes accusations against the Italian's justice, but this leads to his expulsion from Italy. The young policeman undertakes a voyage in search of Khalid, that will lead him to Tunisia, and to some final twists.
Le ragazze di San Frediano
Tosca Mogherini
Married for most of her adult life, Nina plunges into depression after being suddenly left by her husband. Eventually, she'll find a way out by having multiple affairs with strangers.
De Gasperi - L'uomo della speranza
Lucia De Gasperi
The Life I Want
A relationship develops between seasoned actor Stefano and his young, ambitious co-star Laura when they are cast as the two leads in a film. Stefano must deal with his growing jealousy when Laura's career begins to take off.
Now or Never
2001. David, a university student about to graduate, gets involved in the anti-globalization movement after falling for activist Viola in the months preceding the fateful events of the G8 summit in Genoa.
Prima dammi un bacio
베스트 오브 유스
Sara Carati
영화는 1966년부터 2003년까지의 시간이 로마 중류층 가정 카라티의 두 형제 니콜라와 마테오를 축으로 보여준다. 니콜라(루이지 로 카시오)는 침착하고 다정하고 쾌활한 의대생이며 마테오(알레시오 보니)는 반항적이고 격정적인 철학도이다. 형제는 모두 자유와 사회개혁을 꿈꾸는 이상주의자이다. 둘은 서로 극단적으로 상반된 길을 가고 두 형제의 삶과 국가의 소용돌이치는 역사가 서로 뒤엉킨다. 60년대 플로렌스 대홍수 복구사업장에서 정신과 의사 공부를 하는 니콜라와 순간적으로 대학을 중퇴하고 군인이 된 마테오가 헤어졌다 오랜만에 다시 만난다. 여기서 니콜라는 허무주의 정치사상을 가지고 후에 테러단 붉은 연대와 관계를 맺는 아름다운 음악학도 줄리아(소니아 베르가마스코)와 사랑에 빠지고 그녀는 나중에 니콜라의 아내가 된다. 두 형제의 재회의 기쁨은 얼마가지 못하고 다시 둘은 헤어진다. 또 니콜라는 이탈리아 북부 투린의 대학으로 전학을 가고 여기서 일어나는 격렬한 노동투쟁에 끼여든다. 한편 경찰이 된 마테오가 시위진압에 투입되면서 다시 두 형제는 서로 정반대 편에 서서 만난다. 영화는 니콜라와 마테오 그리고 이들의 친구와 가족과 주변 인물들을 둘러싸고 붉은 연대의 테러, 나라를 뒤흔든 정치 스캔들, 시실리의 반마피아 운동 그리고 월드컵 축구 등 굵직굵직한 이탈리아의 역사들이 커다란 그림을 그린다.