Juan Quintáns


Reus, La Vuelta Al Barrio
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the mythical Reus neighborhood, two families dispute control of the area. One of them fights to recover their place and the other to resolve unfinished business. The conflict generates a spiral of violence that causes a confrontation between the new generations.
Plauto, Um Sopro Musical
Lúcia e Olinda, Um Respiro Musical
Two families on neighboring farms on the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Decades drive these people away. The physical proximity is separated by a fence and the set of prejudices, inexplicable hatred and lack of generosity. In the end of the year, between Christmas and New Year, the families gather on their respective farms. What nobody knows is that a love between two young people is about to break this barrier that is much bigger than the fence that divides the fields. The passion between Rodrigo and Juliana could be the point of recovery for a relationship marked by so many years of hatred, but, like Shakespeare's original story, the human being is much more complex and inexplicable. Whether in Verona, Italy, or on a border farm. Tragedy lives inside people and is sometimes impossible to control.
Dia de mudança
Sound Director
La democracia en peligro
Aunque una vez Brasil fue un país lastrado por una dictadura militar, el 2002 se produjo uno de los acontecimientos más importantes de su historia social: la elección de Lula da Silva como presidente, un activista que había luchado largo y tendido para defender los derechos del pueblo carioca. Bajo su mandato, más de 20 millones de personas lograron superar el umbral de pobreza. En 2010, Lula cedió el testigo del poder a un prodigio llamado Dilma Rousseff. Por desgracia, la corrupción institucional alcanzó al pueblo llano que, influenciado por un juez partisano, acabó poniendo la lupa sobre Lula y Dilma, así como sobre cualquier persona que no estuviese dispuesto a bailar a su son. Este documental explica el proceso que llevaría a ambos políticos a juzgados por distintos crímenes judiciales.
No Amor
Yellow Cage
Sound Designer
A woman is alone in her yellow cage
Yellow Cage
Sound Mixer
A woman is alone in her yellow cage