Director of Photography
A murder mystery set in 1936 Budapest, just as Hungary was preparing to align itself with Hitler. A beautiful young girl is found dead and nobody wants to investigate—except Gordon, a crime reporter who has a gut feeling that things are not what they seem.
Verano de 1945. En un pequeño pueblo húngaro se está preparando la boda entre Arpad (Bence Tasnádi), hijo del secretario municipal, Istvan Szentes (Péter Rudolf), y Kisrozsi (Dóra Sztarenki) la exprometida de su mejor amigo. Durante los preparativos llegan dos judíos ortodoxos con dos misteriosas cajas, que vendrán a recoger los bienes judíos “mal incautados” durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Director of Photography
It is Dr. Borlai's job to tell the patients that they just have a few days left. But one day his colleauge tells him this story. So the sample husband the best father and doctor comes up with a devilish plan. To ruin every relationship that he is in so the loved ones will let him go easily. And when he achieves this he is still alive but he should be in the cemetery long ago.
Director of Photography
Con las crecidas de primavera, el río Enguri se precipita sobre las tierras bajas de Kolkheti y, antes de lanzar rocas y limo al mar, las acumula aquí y allá en medio del río. En pocos días, incluso de la noche a la mañana, de estos escollos nacen grandes islas, cuyo suelo es rico y fértil. Un anciano de Abjazia y su joven nieta deciden plantar maíz en una de esas islas. Pero los soldados georgianos andan cerca.
Director of Photography
La película nos lleva a la Hungría de los años posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y en la que la sombra comunista es una realidad, que no dejará en paz a los habitantes de este país. En este contexto la película nos presenta a dos mujeres que no pueden ser más diferentes entre sí. La primera es una intelectual que se dedica a escribir y de mediana edad, mientras que la segunda es una mujer mayor que se ha criado en contacto con la naturaleza, y que entra a trabajar como ama de llaves de la primera. Ambas discuten muy a menudo, puesto que al ser tan distintas, la una intenta influir en la vida de la otra y viceversa, intentos que siempre acaban con sonoras riñas, aunque su relación laboral no se ve afectada. El ama de llaves es una mujer muy enigmática, puesto que no quiere que nadie vaya a su casa, y en el caso de que alguien se acerque nunca les permite pasar de la puerta. Poco a poco, nos daremos cuenta de que esconde un secreto terrible.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
1939: Rome stands on the brink of World War II. In the midst of this political and social tension famed producer Davide Rieta is making a major film. The two lead actors, the German woman Kristina Baumgarten and the English man James Clavel ace each others' initial antagonism and eventually fall in love. Meanwhile the fascist police are looking for an excuse to arrest the Jewish filmmaker and any other potential "troublemakers." The producer and his crew decide to make one final extraordinary effort to complete the film - against all odds.
Director of Photography
El joven herrero Sigfrido no sabe que es el heredero de un reino invadido, y se hace popular entre su gente por acabar con su mayor enemigo, el dragón Fafnir. Sigfrido ignora la maldición que pesa sobre la recompensa, un enorme tesoro, que ahora pone en peligro su amor por la hermosa reina guerrera escandinava, Brunilda
Director of Photography
Szarka and Barbi, two 17 years old girl travel to Europe to find love and happiness. The vacation starts bad, they lose all their money, but they don't wanna go home.
Director of Photography
Iván is living in exile from Hungary when he receives word that an old flame is ill. His return to Budapest rekindles old memories and reopens old wounds.
Director of Photography
Un músico poco sociable acoge en su casa a refugiados judíos. Son los años de la persecución nazi, y aunque el soprano Irme Rose es judío, su fama hace que su hogar se respete. La familia Halász se beneficia de la situación, y aunque nunca ven a Rose, todas las noches disfrutan de la voz, un momento de paz en medio de la pesadilla.
Director of Photography
Eva Kerezkes is a young woman who lives alone in her apartment. After her parents' death, she was adopted by writer Tibor and his wife, Klara. Upon returning from a holiday in Italy, Eva performs various tasks around her apartment that reveal haunting information about her past sexual relationship with Tibor.
Director of Photography
"David Copperfield" es sin duda, una de las mejores novelas del siglo XIX. El genial escritor Charles Dickens retrató a la perfección el drama de un muchacho que crece en la Inglaterra victoriana. Cuando David tiene solo nueve años, debe afrontar el matrimonio de su madre con el cruel Mundstone quien, además de someterle a frecuentes maltratos, te obliga a dejar la escuela y ponerse a trabajar. Afortunadamente David encuentra el amor que necesita en la familia Micawber y mas tarde, en su tía Betsey, que desconocía la penosa situación en la que se encontraba su amado sobrino. Gracias a ella conseguirá estudiar derecho y conocer a Dora, el amor de su vida...
Director of Photography
En 1950, los húngaros Peter y Margit deben huir de la opresión comunista y viajar a los Estados Unidos. Pero durante la escapada, su hija pequeña, Suzanne, queda atrás por error. Seis años más tarde, la pareja lleva una vida acomodada en California y se las arregla para que su hija regrese con ellos, algo que supondrá un choque para Suzanne, adoptada por una familia rural.
Director of Photography
Desde la vida en común de María y José hasta la crucifixión de Jesús. Esta es la historia de una vida llena de dolor y de gozo, la vida de la Virgen María. Después de dar a luz a Jesús, María tuvo que protegerle de Herodes, le vio crecer y enfrentarse a su pueblo proclamándose el Mesías. Finalmente fue testigo de su muerte en la cruz y de su resurrección.
Director of Photography
Jakob era el propietario de un popular café del barrio judío de una localidad de Polonia. Después de la ocupación, sobrevive como puede en el ghetto implantado por el ejército nazi, antes de correr la misma suerte que su mujer, asesinada en un campo de concentración. Un día, por casualidad y estando cerca de un oficial alemán, oye las noticias por una radio, las cuales no son nada favorables para Hitler. Después de contarlas a los demás, todos creen que Jakob tiene una radio, momento a partir del cual decide inventarse noticias. Remake del film alemán "Jakob, el Mentiroso", dirigido en 1975 por Frank Beyer
Adaptación libre de "'Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo" de Mark Twain. Tras experimentar en sí misma un programa informático, Vivien, una científica del siglo XX, se traslada por accidente al reino de Camelot, en la Inglaterra medieval. Allí conoce al mismísimo Rey Arturo y a los Caballeros de la Tabla Redonda. Gracias a sus conocimientos científicos se gana la confianza del rey y de los habitantes de Camelot, pero el Mago Merlín la considera una amenaza para su poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Rodia es un joven y brillante estudiante. Su inteligencia es extraordinaria, y cree conocer a fondo la naturaleza humana. Entre sus teorías, sostiene que cualquier hombre tiene derecho a cometer un crimen si piensa que es por el bien de la sociedad. Pero cuando él mismo asesina a un odioso prestamista, su teoría es puesta a prueba y él no sale bien parado, pues no puede evitar un enorme sentido de culpa.
Director of Photography
Ebenita Scrooge ha luchado muchos años para estar en lo más alto hasta convertirse en una implacable mujer de negocios. Pero será visitada por el espíritu de su antigua socia Maude Marley, quien le advierte que debe cambiar su actitud sino quiere un nefasto futuro. Posteriormente, será visitada por otros tres fantasmas que le mostrarán lo que debe hacer para cambiar su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
París, siglo XVI. Esmeralda, una bella mujer gitana, canta y baila en un carnaval de mendigos, bajo la atenta mirada de tres hombres. Este encuentro marca un punto de inflexión en la vida de todos ellos. Gringoire, el idealista, pasa de ser un hombre de palabras a un hombre de acción cuando Esmeralda corre peligro. En la catedral, el sacerdote Dom Claude Frollo se acerca a la ventana, atraído por la voz de Esmeralda. Él, que ha dedicado toda su vida a Dios, no puede evitar sentir pasión por esta chica.
Director of Photography
Una película de terror hecha para tv formada por tres historias. - HISTORIA 1: Las Ratas del Cementerio: Una mujer se deshace de su viejo y rico marido al empujarlo por las escaleras y así quedarse con su dinero. El hombre codifico los códigos de acceso en un microfilm. Luego del entierro, la mujer y su amante van al cementerio para abrir el ataúd y recuperar el microfilm, pero unas enormes ratas los aguardan. - HISTORIA 2 - Bobby: Una mujer sufre la perdida de su hijo al ahogarse. Sintiéndose culpable, decide utilizar un libro de magia negra para traerlo de vuelta. Una feroz tormenta se hace presente trayendo de vuelta a su hijo, quien ya no es el mismo. - HISTORIA 3 - El que Mata: Una restauradora de museo investiga una pieza y descubre que se trata de "Zuni", un cazador-guerrero aborigen con dientes afilados y una lanza. Según el pergamino que lo acompaña, contiene un espíritu llamado "El que mata", y la cadena de oro que lo adorna mantiene al espíritu atrapado dentro.
Director of Photography
Rusia zarista, siglo XVIII. La zarina Isabel concierta la boda de su hijo Pedro I (1682-1725) con la Gran Duquesa Catalina (Zeta-Jones), una deslumbrante joven de origen alemán. Pero Pedro, incapaz de consumar el matrimonio, cada día que pasa detesta más a su esposa. Mientras tanto, ella se refugia en los brazos de un teniente del ejército del que se enamora. Tras quedar embarazada, Catalina descubre que su amante seguía instrucciones de la zarina para asegurar la descendencia de los Romanov. Miniserie televisiva de producción mayoritariamente alemana.
Director of Photography
En la Rusia de fin de siglo XIX, con el Imperio al borde de la revolución, un hombre cambiará la historia para siempre. Es Rasputin, y le llaman el monje loco, pero muchos creen en sus poderes sobrenaturales, los cuales dicen que han salvado la vida del hijo del zar. Su influencia no tiene límites y tampoco su ambición. El mundo no será el mismo cuando alcance el poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
A prominent conductor's nervous breakdown leads to love in this thoughtful Hungarian romantic drama. For sometime, Landos, a noted conductor, has suffered anxiety and a lack of confidence about his work. The problem is made worse by his wife's successful dental practice. Eventually it becomes too overwhelming and the conductor is sent to a mental hospital for rest. There he encounters clinical psychologist Andrea Novak. At first she seems colder than alpine snow, but when he sneaks out to return to work and she finds him there, things quickly turn hot. The two become engulfed in passion that they ignore their own spouses and professions, causing Novak to be formally reprimanded. Eventually Landos finds himself forced to choose between his wife and Novak. Unfortunately, he loves them both. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Director of Photography
Sarah es una psicóloga que está trabajando en la evaluación psicológica de un supuesto asesino en serie que intenta evitar un juicio. Un día, Sarah conoce a un misterioso hombre en un supermercado que le seducirá. Se trata de Tony, un ex policía con un pasado oscuro. A partir de este momento, la psicóloga empieza a recibir amenazas por parte de un acosador anónimo.
Director of Photography
Calvin Fuller (Thomas Ian Nicholas), un adolescente de California, algo inseguro y que atraviesa un difícil momento, que es transportado a la Edad Media, a la Corte del Rey Arturo (Joss Ackland), gracias al poder y a la magia de Merlin (Ron Moody). Casualmente Calvin se hace amigo de las princesas Sarah (Kate Winslet) y Katey (Paloma Baeza), quien contraerá matrimonio con aquel que gane el torneo que está a punto de celebrarse.
Director of Photography
En el siglo XVIII, en Viena, la sociedad médica conoció el escándalo por los radicales métodos de curación del doctor Franz Anton Mesmer (Alan Rickman), basados en el "magnetismo animal", la hipnosis, la sugestión... Su principal éxito es la curación de una pianista ciega con la que el doctor inicia una relación; pero la comunidad médica utilizará esa relación para expulsar a Mesmer del país y destruir su polémica carrera.
Director of Photography
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Director of Photography
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
Director of Photography
Fact-based story of a Louisiana priest accused of molesting young parishioners, and of the family of one of his victims, caught between their loyalty to their son and to their Church.
Director of Photography
Inspirado por las historias de prosperidad de turcos en Suiza, Haydar convence a su mujer para emigrar de forma ilegal a Suiza. Venden sus pertenencias y un pequeño terreno a cambio de un pasaje, y emprenden viaje junto a uno de sus hijos, dejando a los otros seis en Turquía al cuidado de los abuelos. En el transcurso del viaje tendrán que enfrentarse a todo tipo de humillaciones y a la discriminación por su origen.
Director of Photography
In trying to bring a former concentration camp commandant to justice, Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal uncovers the tragic story of two lovers separated by the war.
Director of Photography
Un agente de la CIA que tiene que evitar el asesinato del presidente ruso, al mismo tiempo, tendrá que atender su vida privada que se ha complicado debido al regreso de su ex amante. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
El Fantasma de la Ópera, que, en esta versión, posee algunos poderes sobrenaturales, sigue obsesionado con Christine, una joven soprano que canta en el teatro.
In the 19th century London, a young girl falls for a famous womanizing criminal and they decide to get married. Her family strongly disapproves so her father "the king of thieves" gets the gangster arrested.
Director of Photography
In a border town two sons of the local commander using stolen arms take hostages of eighteen girls in a dormitory, because they want to go West by plane.
Director of Photography
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
Director of Photography
Anna es una mujer judía que nace en Budapest, Hungría, en 1921. Junto a su hermano son educados en un ambiente privilegiado y de gran desarrollo cultural. Todo iba bien hasta el advenimiento de Hitler y su antisemitismo. Su sueño de estudiar en la universidad se frustra, pero descubre el sionismo y se replantea su existencia: primero, ella es judía, segundo, sionista y, finalmente, húngara. Sobre estas bases ella emprenderá una lucha constante contra los agresores de su patria y de sus creencias... Este film está basado en los libros "The Diaries of Hanna Senesh" y "A Great Wind Cometh", escritos por los verdaderos protagonistas de esta historia que transcurre en los tiempos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Director of Photography
Story of the owners (Mastroianni and Schygulla) of a fancy nightclub in Budapest before and during WWII.
Director of Photography
Shot in B&W, Gyula Gazdag's film follows the surreal and often comic quests of young Andris, an orphan searching for a father who doesn't exist, and Orban, a government clerk who's had enough of oppressive bureaucracy.
Director of Photography
El 27 de julio de 1986, la banda británica de rock Queen abrió nuevos caminos tocando por primera vez en Hungría, un país que todavía estaba bajo una dictadura comunista detrás del Telón de Acero. El concierto, enmarcado en el "Magic Tour", se celebró en el Nepstadion (hoy Estadio Ferenc Puskás) en la ciudad de Budapest ante un público de 80.000 personas. La película muestra imágenes de los eventos previos al concierto y momentos vividos por cada uno de los miembros de la banda en la ciudad de Budapest.
Director of Photography
Contemporary genre-painting of a Hungarian "middle class" family of four. The scene is the villa apartment almost finished, where the tourist guide mother, father who also works for the second economy and the lonely big girl preparing for her maturity examination turn up alternatively. It is only the teen-ager boy who really "lives" in this place: instead of attending school he stays home all day and observes the life of the surrounding by a self-made periscope. Internal communication of the family is accomplished in writing, on the pin-up board in the kitchen.
Director of Photography
Réb went to the United States about 20 years ago and in the eighties he returns to Budapest with his teenager daughter...
Director of Photography
Péter tries to make a film on "Swan-Lake". At the weekend, shooting stops and the staff goes home. Péter leaves for home with his wife, Judit, but as he catches sight of a girl at the station, he cannot resist the temptation and gets off the train.
Director of Photography
In December 1956 there is a chaotic situation in Hungary. The revolution is put down by the Soviet army. People leave the country in large numbers for fear of revenge. A young soldier (György Angeli) who also took a part in the revolution, takes a train to Vienna together with his friend (Dániel Szerencsés). Written by Tamas Patrovics
Director of Photography
The seeming hopelessness of combatting an all-powerful government that will not tolerate political dissension is the focus of this excellent historical drama set in the mid-19th century in Hungary. In the opening scenes, Hungary has just lost its bid for independence from Austria and a Magyar officer, unable to bear the tragedy of defeat and what it means, says an affectionate good-bye to his beloved horse and then shoots the animal and himself. Two years later, Ferenc (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) is trying to eke out a living for his wife and her family -- and at the same time avoid any hint of sympathy for Hungarian independence because the Secret Police are everywhere. Just as life seems to be going well, Ferenc's former commanding officer (Lajos Oze) arrives and begins discussing revolution again -- a futile pursuit at this point in time. The next day, Ferenc is thrown into an insane asylum and everyone else is arrested as well.
Director of Photography
This movie is about the love and protection of a man from another culture for the lowly horsemen of the the plains in Hungary during World War II.
Director of Photography
Two old women who happen to be pickpockets stole money from Simon, the taxi driver. The police are unable to find the thieves, so Simon decides to find them himself.
Director of Photography
The parents of Kabala (Lucky Charm) and Facsiga (Wooden Top) are divorced. Kabala, an adolescent girl was awarded to the father, while Facsiga, the younger brother was awarded to the mother, but they do not really belong to anyone. The two children want to live together at all costs.
Director of Photography
"Ripacsok" is a great movie with great soundtrack, acting, cinematography, direction, etc. The world of "artists", hamming actors, good clowns and bad clowns... A unique movie in many ways. Pál Sándor is a very good hungarian director, watch his movies (especially the slightly better "Régi idõk focija") if you have the chance.
Director of Photography
Drama húngaro que muestra los efectos de la esterilidad y los celos en un matrimonio, sobre el trasfondo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la creciente persecución de los judíos por parte de los nazis.
Director of Photography
Film by Judit Elek.
Director of Photography
Dini goes to Sweden illegally and abandons his fiancée, Mari. After several months a young Finnish businessman called Pekka arrives in Budapest, carrying a letter and package from Dini. The sympathetic Pekka is judged by the friends of Mari to be suitable for the task of a nominal marriage, by which Mari could get out legally to Dini.
Director of Photography
In the late 17th century, Hungary moved from Turkish to Austrian domination, becoming a key part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this story, which takes place shortly after that time, three outlaws murder a group of people on their way to a wedding. One young man was a slave travelling with the group to entertain them with his skills as a trumpeter. The outlaws spare him for the same reason. He allows himself to believe that they are really an unattached group of independence-fighters, but after seeing their brutal and callous ways, he cannot believe that they are good men, and he turns them in to the authorities. At that point, he is unnerved to discover how nobly they bear the rigors of captivity. ~
Director of Photography
The characters of this fiction of sociogra-phic accuracy live in the reformatory school for girls in Rákospalota. They are all girls of similar pasts, desires and needs but Juli hates bars more than any of them, trying to make contacts with the world out there in order to leave the school behind forever.
Director of Photography
The man is promoted and given a new assignment at his work-place. At home, he stares at a video-cassette: it portrays his wife's face in countless versions, she is sometimes simply beautiful, then unfathomable, but it is mostly a sad, closed, lonely face.
Director of Photography
Winter of 1944, the last days of the war. When the roads and houses ceased to exist and the bottom of the cellars become filled with life, when fortunes were lost and countries burned up, her used coat was only important to Mama, the cloak-room servant of a local dance-school. Her son stole it to sell it for twenty pengő. He did it because Aranka Fussbaum's love cost money. There is no honour left in such a destroyed world. Yet still they start looking for that coat... (Elemér Ragályi won Best camera with this movie in Montreal, 1979, and in Budapest, 1980.)
Director of Photography
At the station of Almamellék the semaphore turns red unexpectedly and the conductor shows a stowaway - with no money nor ticket - off the train. The stowaway has to undergo a serious and long investigation that tries to uncover the reasons for his "deed". In the meantime he can watch, like a spectator in a movie-theatre, how Kerek József, the strutting stationmaster rules his ridiculous empire through office bureaucracy, indifference, servility and negligence.
This grotesque, micro-realistic film is set in a small village at the end of the seventies. A TV-staff comes to the Petőfi Memorial House. They want to record the comic opera, The Postman of Longjumeau, by Charles Adam, a 19th century French composer.
Director of Photography
The film is a lyrical series of associations compiled from documentaries. Márkus, the actor is shut in his own flat by his wife by accident. While learning his part, on the wings of poetic intuition his imagination tours the great landscapes of the soul, the mystery of human existence.
Director of Photography
György Szomjas’s first feature—made after a decade of short documentaries—is a bold attempt at a goulash western, set on the puszta, or Great Hungarian Plain, in 1837. Mixing Miklós Jancsó imagery and a Sergio Leone narrative, this ballad-like saga opens with image of a lone horseman on the empty plain, riding past a rude gallows. The film concerns the vengeful return of a legendary betyár (outlaw), briefly a hero to the local herdsmen who oppose the state building a canal across their grazing land. Although Szomjas works from ethnographic records and archival material, it is hardly surprising that this violent, primitivist film would be more popular with Hungarian audiences than critics. Replete with young guns, crooked sheriffs, tavern brawlers and hardbitten plug-uglies, this widescreen film is strikingly shot by Elémer Ragályi (cinematographer for most of Gyula Gazdag’s films)—a feast of loamy, autumnal colors.
Director of Photography
This satire on film depicts the micro-climate of a technical vocational school newly established at a housing estate. The construction vocational school holds a name-giving ceremony, thus calling the attention of its supervisory organ to itself. The school-master distributes as well as receives presents from the sponsoring factory, and the pupils sit for a written examination of unheard-of material. The results are devastating, which the despotic school-master attempts to conceal by a staged disciplinary procedure.
Director of Photography
After the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a young Hungarian, wanted by the police for political crimes, escapes to just this side of the Austrian border. When he discovers that his escape contact has been shot, he disguises himself as a woman and, posing as a maid, takes refuge at a tuberculosis sanatorium. He lives there as a woman for the entire winter before resuming his journey in the spring.
Director of Photography
The royal summary court sentences Sallai Imre and Fürst Sándor to death on charges of attempting to uproot the state and the social order. The film, the story of which takes place in 1932, enlarges the moment of delivering the death-sentence. Sallai, preparing for his death, envisions the people and the events that have been decisive for his life.
Director of Photography
Mr. Dezső and Rezső are selecting the heroes for their new operetta. They represent different tastes and styles, and keep arguing about the casting of the four boys and four girls.
Director of Photography
Hungarian short film.
Director of Photography
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Director of Photography
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
Director of Photography
This rhapsodic, grotesque and realistic film describes one and a half days of Gyula.
Director of Photography
The heroines of this lyric comedy full of burlesque elements are two girls from a village who get totally engrossed in their day-dreaming. Ida and Rozi escape to the city to catch husbands for themselves.
Director of Photography
After his divorce, Bóna Péter, a beginner film director needs a bigger amount of money to settle his financial problems with his ex-wife. He travels to Pécs to see Sárika, an old veteran. He has not seen his aunt for a long time, and she receives him very friendly, but she flatly refuses to lend him any money.
Director of Photography
This film is a documentaristic dispute about the possibilities of young people to assert themselves, to make a career. Zsuzsa is a third-year university student studying pedagogy. She has been dating Zoltán for three years, and her thinking has been fundamentally shaped by this relationship. Yet now she would like to break up with him.
Director of Photography
A short film made with endearing irony about a working class woman who hopes to see herself and her family on photography look better than she sees them in real life.
Director of Photography
The Monarchy leads a repressive campaign against a Serb village, where an Austrian officer was killed.
Director of Photography
A young man with an interest in ornithology arrives to study the work of falcons and their human trainers. The head falconer is a cold and heartless man who obstinately demands perfection from everyone around him. His work is his life, and he doesn't care if his girlfriend makes love to other men. The young man observes all he can before leaving behind the potentially inhuman situation for brighter horizons.
Director of Photography
The film take place in Budapest, in the end of The World War II, telling the story of a young Communist who escaped from prison. The boy tries to revitalise his contact with the movement, but he is told to be quiet and wait.
Director of Photography
Persuaded by the janitor's wife, a lively, but lonesome old woman, who is only attached to the world through her cherished objects and memories, decides to exchange her two-room apartment for a smaller one. For a little while her everyday life is changed. She meets and entertains new people every day.