Oleg Solus


Heartbreak House
September evening, an unusual ark house, resembling a ship in shape, for its owner, the gray-haired old man, captain Châtover, sailed the whole life through the seas. A strange house where people behave differently. Young beauty sisters reign in this house, beckoning true gentlemen, as the light of a lamp beckons moths. This house fences its inhabitants from the outside world. Talk about the meaning of life, home entertainment, hopeless novels. And a premonition of trouble: at the same time, clouds of the First World were gathering over the good old England ...
A Sinful Angel
Fourteen-year-old Vera Telegina sees the sea, which she had dreamed of since childhood. She is here only because her parents were repressed and she is left alone. The police chief Stavridi, having learned about the girl's misfortune, places her in a boarding school. Vera has to go through a lot. But with the concernment of new friends and sympathy of adults Vera survives until the spring of 1953, when the long-awaited telegram from her parents arrives.