King Cupid (voice)
In a world where everyone is rated based on superficial factors, Jenn is desperate to find a match within 100 dates before she becomes Cupid's slave.
Paul Wager played the drums professionally for over 40 years, performing countless gigs and sharing the stage with the likes of BB King and Isaac Scott. However, after suffering a minor stroke he discovered that he could no longer keep the beat and with that painful realisation, his professional career was over. In filmmaker Leo Pfeifer’s documentary short Lost Time, Wager reflects on a life of music which was lost and whether the term drummer still applies to him. Premiering on Directors Notes today, we spoke to Leo about bringing this intimate exploration of what happens when a drummer loses his time to screen.
Ryan Turner (Charlie Sheen) es un broker de Wall Street, mujeriego y engreído, que cree tener información privilegida sobre una importante operación financiera. Pero la operación sale mal, y en un día pierde su trabajo, sus clientes y todas sus pertenencias. También le abandona (Denise Richards), su novia, una rubia tan espectacular como simple que se marcha con un millonario brasileño sin finiquitar su trabajo en un periódico neoyorquino de segunda fila. Ryan, sin dinero, decide hacerse pasar por ella y escribir la "columna de Cindy", donde aconseja a las mujeres.