Boris Nelepo


A Ship of Madness: Deeper and Higher with Pazucus
With free eyes, an open heart, good friends and a handful of luck, Gurcius Gewdner revisits some of his adventures of the past five years, survives the relentless Russian winter and asks the following question: How far can an underground Brazilian film go?
Two beautiful girls, a lake, trees, and an elderly gentleman casually fishing. What happens if the girls go mermaid? Sergei Solovyov himself plays the man too old to care for the strange ideas of some gorgeous nymphs. A cinematic bagatelle by a director whose art and heart was always with the young.
Donkey Hot
A satirical interpretation of the modern debut launch process from the perspective of two young director's personal experience. Chivalrous walk to the meeting with a producer becomes a nostalgic journey down memory lanes where fears, turmoils and disappointments of recent months are mixed together. The path to dream's implementation is hampered by mainstream's lack of understanding - the confrontation which resembles a fight with windmills.
Correspondências cuenta la historia de dos poetas protugueses de la segunda década del pasado siglo, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen y Jorge Sena, que se intercambian cartas, ya que el segundo de ellos se encuentra en el exilio.