Dany Robin

Dany Robin

Nacimiento : 1927-04-14, Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France

Muerte : 1995-05-25


Dany Robin (born Danielle Robin, 14 April 1927 – 25 May 1995) was a French actress of the 1950s and the early 1960s who was married to fellow actor Georges Marchal. She performed with Peter Sellers in The Waltz of the Toreadors and co-starred opposite Kirk Douglas in the 1953 romantic drama Act of Love. Robin co-starred with Connie Francis, Paula Prentiss, and Janis Paige in Follow the Boys (1963). Her last leading role was the agent's wife Nicole Devereaux in Alfred Hitchcock's Topaz (1969). Hitchcock said that Robin and Claude Jade, cast as Robin's daughter, would provide the glamour in the story. She died with her husband, Michael Sullivan, during a fire in their apartment in Paris. Description above from the Wikipedia article Dany Robin, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Dany Robin


Nicole Devereaux
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1962. Cuando un alto funcionario soviético decide cambiar de bando, un agente de los servicios de inteligencia franceses se ve envuelto en una fría, silenciosa y sangrienta conspiración en la que su propia familia desempeñará un papel decisivo…
The Best House in London
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
Carry On Don't Lose Your Head
The time of the French revolution, and Citizen Robespierre is beheading the French aristocracy. When word gets to England, two noblemen, Sir Rodney Ffing and Lord Darcy Pue take it upon themselves to aid their French counterparts. Sir Rodney is a master of disguise, and becomes "The Black Fingernail", scourge of Camembert and Bidet, leaders of the French secret police.
How Do You Like My Sister?
Martine Jolivet
The brother of a delinquent schoolboy falls in love with his teacher and intrigues to make him reciprocate her love, and succeeds.
Contigo para siempre
Bonnie, Toni, Michele y Liz son cuatro mujeres que pasan unos días en la Riviera francesa. Allí serán seducidas por unos marineros. Cuando el buque de guerra en el que estos viajaban será desviado desde Cannes hacia Santa Margarita las jóvenes irán tras ellos. La búsqueda y el posterior encuentro con los muchachos provocará multitud de situaciones cómicas. Secuela de 'Where The Boys Are', film que dirigió en 1960 Henry Levin y que también contaba como protagonistas con las actrices Connie Francis y Paula Prentiss.
Mandrin, bandit gentilhomme
la baronne d'Escourt
La sombra del vengador
Baroness d'Escourt
Bajo el reinado de Louis XV, el descontento entre el pueblo va en aumento. Entre los opositores se encuentra Mandrin, hostil con todo lo que oprime a los pobres. Decide convertirse en un proscrito y adquiere reputación de vengador y justiciero. Aunque ama y no olvida a su prometida, Antoinette, queda prendado de Myrtille, una joven gitana que se cruza en su camino. Mandrin deberá escoger entre el amor o la aventura y, fiel a su leyenda, decide inclinarse por seguir defendiendo a los oprimidos.
El hampa de París
Adaptación "Los misterios de París", novela del escritor francés Eugène Sue. Después de atropellar accidentalmente a un hombre con su carruaje, el Marqués Rodolphe de Sombreuil ayudará a su viuda a encontrar a su hija desaparecida. (FILMAFFINITY)
El mayor mujeriego
El general Fitzhugh, siempre tiene los ojos muy despiertos para las mujeres bonitas. A pesar de su larga y satisfactoria carrera como seductor extraordinario, siempre se le resistió la bella y arrebatadora Ghislaine, su primer y verdadero amor.
Tales of Paris
Antonia (segment "Antonia")
Amores célebres
Mme de Monaco
Diversas historias de amor protagonizadas por personajes célebres de la Historia. Los episodios son "Lauzun", "Les comédiennes", "Agnès Bernauer" y "Jenny de Lacour".
Scheidungsgrund: Liebe
The Great Deception
la comtesse De Monval, l'envoyée spéciale du Roi Louis XV
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
The Chasers
Two men spend a night in Paris trying to pick up women.
Suivez-moi jeune homme
Mimi Pinson
Mimi Pinson
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
School for Coquettes
Ginette Masson
A young Parisian woman attends a school for coquettes in order to rise in society.
Quand sonnera midi
Christine Dumartin
In Six Easy Lessons
Eléonore 'Nora' de Savigny
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Le coin tranquille
Good Evening Paris
Annick Bernier
It Happened in Aden
Maid in Paris
Penny Benson
Jenny es una chica pizpireta que, cuando viaja a París, se escapa y conoce a un chico al que toma por un gangster, aunque no lo es. Sus aventuras terminarán bien.
Antoinette Dubois dite « Frou Frou »
Con la ayuda de cuatro protectores, uan joven parisina se convierte en una famosa cantante de cabaret. Ella se casa con un príncipe ruso, pero luego tiene otros amores hasta que un pintor suicida le da una hija.
Désirée Clary
Talleyrand, el gran político francés de finales del siglo XVIII y primer cuarto del XIX, rememora en una reunión de amigos, la vida del Emperador de los franceses, desde su nacimiento en Córcega, pasando por sus gestas militares, hasta su muerte en el destierro. La cinta es una pequeña lección de la historia de Francia.
Escale à Orly
Michèle Tellier dite 'Baby Face'
Las aventuras de Cadet Rousselle
Violetta Carlino
Cadet Rousselle ama a la bella Isabelle, pero el padre de ésta no entiende el amor de su hija con un actor. Cadet decide entonces partir de su pueblo para hacer fortuna. Este será el inicio de sus aventuras.
The Rebels of Lomanach
Monique de Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Nuestros tiempos
Comienza con tres pequeñas historias: "El beso", "Los enamorados" y "Disculpe, pero..." Los episodios principales son: "Mara" con Danièle Delorme e Yves Montand. Una prostituta se enamora y decide cambiar de vida. "El niño" con Lea Padovani y Marcello Mastroianni. Unos padres desesperados por la pobreza deciden abandonar a su hijo pero no saben dónde. "Escena en abierto" con Vittorio De Sica y Elisa Cegani. Un actor y una actriz muy mayores se vuelven a ver después de varios años. "Casa ajena" con Michel Simon y Sylvie. Un párroco intenta convencer a una anciana para que no se suicide. "Don Corradino". Vittorio De Sica interpreta a un conductor de autobús napolitano que no permitirá que el reglamento de la empresa interfiera en sus conquistas amorosas. "La cámara de fotos". Totò interpreta a un vividor que trata de seducir a Sophia Loren con la excusa de hacerle una foto.
Acto de amor
Lise Gudayec
Robert Teller (Kirk Douglas) es un soldado estadounidense que, en 1944, participa en la liberación de Francia. En París, conoce a una chica pobre (Dany Robin) que le inspira compasión y finge estar casado con ella para evitar que sea arrestada por prostitución. Cuando Teller intenta legalizar la unión, sus superiores le niegan el permiso. La chica, que está realmente enamorada de él, acabará demostrándolo de manera trágica.
Julietta Valendor
Julietta is a French comedy comedy romance film from 1953, directed by Marc Allégret, written by Françoise Giroud, starring Dany Robin and Jean Marais. Film was based on a novel of Louise de Vilmorin.
The Lovers of Midnight
Françoise Letanneur
Marcel, rich and alone for Christmas, invite Françoise to celebrate whim him. Soon, the fairy tale turns into a bad dream.
She and Me
Juliette Capulet
You never can tell. Jean had always been one of the most confirmed bachelors that kept swearing to anyone that would listen he would never put a ring on a female finger. But that was before he met Juliette, a capricious but irresistibly lovely young woman. Well, what else can you do when you fall dead in love with a creature of the kind? And too bad if their honeymoon proved catastrophic. To say nothing of their housing problems : what to do when neither husband nor wife has any money? How to build one's love nest when the housing crisis rages? How to get by when your wife has luxury tastes?
La fête à Henriette
Un director y un guionista están trabajando en el argumento de una película, pero se sienten algo bloqueados. Así, un periodista llamado Robert recibe un día una extraña invitación de una mujer de mediana edad llamada Rita. Mientras, Henriette, la novia de Robert, se ve involucrada por un timador. La idea se les ocurrió al guionista Henri Jeanson y al director Duvivier cuando estaban intentando crear su siguiente película conjunta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Yvette Cornet
A provincial chemist's daughter is to marry her cousin Gilbert.The day before he arrives, a stranger, who has just escaped from an insane asylum, claims he is the famous cousin.
Young Love
Catherine Mareuil
Catherine, 18, loved Jean, a young accountant, who loved her in return. And yet, one morning, two policemen find their dead bodies on a stretch of waste ground. The case is obvious: the two young people have killed themselves. But why? Chief Inspector Ernest Plonche, feeling upset, decides to investigate personally.
Two Pennies Worth of Violets
Thérèse Desforges, la vendeuse de fleurs
Thérèse, a young flower girl, tries hard to remain virtuous but the whole world seems to conspire against her, whether her petty Paris family, or her relatives in the province bristling with false respectability, or her lustful employer, or the boy she loves who seduces her and abandons her. But at the end of the day there is Yvon, her childhood friend. Will he be the one that will love her truly?
The Prettiest Sin in the World
Zoé, a pretty penniless girl, decides on the advice of her neighbor to embark on gallantry. After a brief failure, she meets a young boy, Jacques Lebreton who is about to get married. After causing the failure of this arranged marriage, she will have to play the role of wife of Jacques with his family, until the arrival of the uncle from America.
Thirst of Men
The establishment of a French family who came to cultivate vines in Algeria.
Au p'tit zouave
Au p'tit Zouave, a café, sees a colorful clientele from working-class Paris. An assassin will shake up the daily life of the regulars.
The Unexpected Voyager
Marc, a photographer, works out of love to help Dany, a car thief, to get back on the right track: he offers her to work with him, as a model. But the former accomplices of the young woman compromise this action.
The Passenger
Nicole Vernier
When her godmother dies, Nicole's happiness collapses and her fiancé leaves her because she is ruined.
Monelle Picart, la jeune pianiste
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
A Girl Knew
An actor, a great seducer, has a 20-year-old son (François Périer) to whom he gives advice that has always succeeded; however this son has difficulties with Corinne (Dany Robin) who considers herself his fiancée.
The Fan
Martine is a lonely girl in an exclusive boarding school who conjures up a glamorous existence in order to make her dull life tolerable and to impress the other girls. One of her flights of fancy is a love affair with Brevannes, a famous composer. She leaves the school and goes to the French Alps to find the life she's only dreamed about, where she meets Brevannes and a December-May romance develops until she meets a young mountain guide, Henri Vidal.
Silence Is Golden
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Six Hours to Lose
A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means.
Le destin s'amuse
A guardian, abusing his prerogatives, imposes on a young girl the husband he has chosen for her. On the very day of the wedding ceremony, the bride fled. She is picked up on the road by four bandits who are going on a business expedition. After many adventures, each as implausible as the next, the heroine will marry the man of her choice.
Las puertas de la noche
París, 1945. Tras la liberación de la ciudad por los Aliados, Jean Diego se encuentra con un vagabundo que le predice que se enamorará de una bella mujer, pero que las próximas horas que va a vivir serán dramáticas. La profecía se hace realidad y Jean conoce a Marlou, una joven cuyo matrimonio la hace infeliz.
A drifting woman hangs out in the suburbs of Marseille. A young engineer picks her up drunk and takes her to the hospital. He does not know then that it is the Countess Armance de Lunegarde, driven from her home and performing as a gummy in third-rate music halls.