Raymond Pellegrin

Raymond Pellegrin

Nacimiento : 1925-01-01, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France

Muerte : 2007-10-14


Raymond Pellegrin (1 January 1925 – 14 October 2007) was a French actor. Born in Nice, Pellegrin made his screen debut in the 1945 French feature Naïs. He was also famous in France for dubbing Jean Marais for the voice of Fantômas in the eponymous film trilogy. He married actress Dora Doll on 12 July 1949; the couple had a daughter named Danielle, and divorced in 1955. He married actress Gisèle Pascal on 8 October 1955; on 12 September 1962, the couple had a daughter, Pascale Pellegrin, now also an actress. In his films, he is sometimes credited as "Raymond Pellegrini." He died in Garons. Source: Article "Raymond Pellegrin" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Raymond Pellegrin


Der Leibwächter
Serge Mazra
La garçonne
The neglected daughter of an industrialist who made his fortune in explosives supplies during the war and of a mother who was mostly concerned with herself, Monique Lerbier is a pretty blonde with generous but strong ideas and a hard character. She has chosen to be an atheist since her adolescence and does not tolerate injustice and social hypocrisy. She was to be married to an engineer, Lucien Vigneret. It was an arranged marriage, the dowry having to allow Vigneret to enter the capital of his father's company, which needed it to finance its business. But two weeks before the wedding, Monique surprises the fiancé with a mistress.
Don Bosco
Papa Pio IX
Piamonte (Italia), siglo XIX. Don Bosco, un sacerdote piamontés de humilde origen campesino, se entregó apasionadamente a la tarea de recoger de las calles de Turín a los muchachos abandonados y carentes de toda protección social. Tuvo que vencer mil obstáculos e insidias para crear albergues, escuelas y talleres, donde pudieran recibir una educación cristiana y cívica. La culminación de su obra fue la fundación de la Congregación Salesiana.
Jubiabá is a French-Brazilian film based on the homonymous novel by Jorge Amado. The film tells the story of the interracial love between the daughter of a rich Commander and Antonio Balduíno, a rascal, fighter and famous lover from Salvador.
Naso di cane
Antonio Garofalo
Viva la vida!
En un principio ni Michel Perrin, un importante industrial, ni Sarah Gaucher, una renombrada actriz, tienen nada en común. Ambos desaparecen en el mismo día y a la misma hora para tres días más tardes reaparecer, como si nada. Lo que parece una extraña coincidencia esconde un fenómeno que viene sucediéndose desde hace un tiempo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Virginia Tregan regresa a su hogar en el sur profundo de los EE.UU, de una estancia en París, sólo para descubrir que la plantación de su familia y sus posesiones se han perdido.
Ronde de nuit
Sissia Carpelli
With the help of journalist Diane Castelain, Parisian police inspectors Leo Gorce and Gu Arenas are trying to solve the murder of a member of the French Parliament, but some dangerous powerful people try to make sure that doesn't happen.
Plus beau que moi tu meurs
L'inspecteur Tétard
Un seductor con acento italiano intenta escapar de la policía, que quiere detenerle por un crimen que no ha cometido.
Porca vacca
Una mujer se interpone entre un actor-cantante enviado al frente durante la I Guerra Mundial y un campesino que se enriquece con el conflicto.
Los unos y los otros
M. Raymond
Cuatro familias de distinta nacionalidad (rusa, alemana, americana y francesa), apasionadas por la música, ven cómo la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) trastorna sus vidas y sus carreras musicales. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Telephone Bar
Robert Pérez
A gangster (Daniel Duval) incurs the wrath of the patriarch of a well-established crime family.
On purge bébé
Horace Truchet
Pigs with a P.38
After an elderly crime boss retires from business, his three lieutenants each inherit a piece of his empire: Max is given the kidnapping ring, while the prostitution racket and the drug trafficking go to the others. Max is not satisfied with his share, and after killing the old boss he gets rid of the other two lieutenants. However, a police officer finds a lighter at the murder scene which could lead to Max, who then kidnaps the policeman's daughter.
Antonio Gramsci. Los días de la cárcel
"Gramsci, los años de cárcel" es un riguroso drama biográfico que realiza un recorrido por el complejo devenir personal e ideológico de este líder y teórico político italiano. El filme se detiene concretamente en los años que Gramsci estuvo recluido en prisión a causa de su praxis política y en la intensa actividad teórica que desarrolló hasta su muerte en abril de 1937.
Italia a mano armada
Commissioner Arpino
El comisario Betti se empeña siempre en limpiar la ciudad con sus métodos expeditivos. Esta vez seguirá las huellas del criminal Albertelli y para ello se desplaza a distintas ciudades del norte de Italia como Turín, Milán o Génova.
Pánico en la ciudad
Una banda de malhechores escapan de la cárcel llevándose un rehén e inmediatamente se cometen los asesinatos de cuatro supuestos chivatos. Es encargado el caso a un comisario que no goza de buena reputación por sus métodos violentos y tajantes.
Shattered Dreams
A young Viennese policeman can not free himself from his mistress and is also extorted over his illegal arms business.
Miedo al escándalo de una mujer casada
Professor Henri Michoud
Francia 1940, en vísperas de la invasión alemana. La farmacéutica Eliane (Lisa Gastoni) tiene un marido muy aburrido y una hija adolescente. Ella es una mujer atractiva cuya pasión se ha ido apagando poco a poco. Una noche, un empleado de la farmacia, confundiéndola con otra mujer, la seduce. A partir de entonces, se dejará arrastrar por la pasión, convirtiéndose en su esclava sexual e involucrando en el "affaire" a su propia hija.
Puttana galera!
Un grupo de presos de una penitenciaría asentada en una isla, prepara el asalto de un valioso yate. Después de estudiar, organizar y tenerlo todo calculado, dan el gran golpe con inmejorables resultados, dejando el botín sumergido en las profundas aguas que rodean la isla. Pero tras volver a sus celdas para no despertar sospechas, ocurre algo misteriosamente inesperado que desembocará en un intrigante final.
Antoine Mäzen
When the City Awakes
An armored van is attacked and the gangsters hide the loot in a graveyard.
El hombre de la calle hace justicia
Inspector Bertone
En la ciudad de Milán, durante el robo a una joyería, Clara, la hija del ingeniero David Vannucchi, es asesinada accidentalmente por un disparo efectuado por uno de los atracadores en su huida. Basándose en el testimonio proporcionado por la menor antes de morir, se sabe que uno de los miembros de la banda tiene un escorpión tatuado en su brazo. Dado que, sin embargo, la policía no puede hacer mucho, David, contra los deseos de su esposa, comienza a investigar por su cuenta...
The Climber
Don Enrico
Joe Dallesandro plays a hungry young buck who aspires to be a career criminal. He starts out working at a warehouse for a gangster where he helps to relocate illegal contraband, and because of his ruthlessness and dependability he begins to ascend the ladder of organized crime. Of course, the more powerful he becomes, the more "Climbers" come out of the shadows to take his place.
Only the Wind Knows the Answer
Commissaire Lacrosse
The yacht of millionaire Hellmann explodes in the Mediterranean Sea, with him and 8 men crew on board. Insurance agent Lucas investigates at the Cote D'Azur, because there's the suspicion that it could have been suicide. He finds out that Hellmann's villa was monitored, the tapes also contain information about the explosion. He uses them for blackmail.
Corrupción policial
Luc Merenda gives the performance of his career as a highly regarded police detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for departmental favors. His father, a simple man, also works for the department but on a lower rung; he isn't jealous of his son, but rather proud of him, little knowing that he's a crooked cop. A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by the syndicate) and it doesn't take long for the detective's father to realize his son is on the take... which leads to numerous complications.
Los guapos
Nicola Bellizzi sueña con convertirse en abogado. Sin embargo, cuando busca la razón por la cual las personas no quieren ayudarle en sus objetivos, descubre que algunos de su sangre son miembros de alto rango en la mafia. Trata de romper con las obligaciones de su familia, pero cae en una vida de crimen y violencia.
El super poli
De Ribbis
El comisario Rizzo es un hombre tranquilo al que le gusta solucionar los asuntos a su manera. Aunque cree en la ley, en Nápoles es difícil de aplicar, ya que con ciertas personas los códigos no valen. La introducción de drogas en la ciudad por parte de un clan de Marsella provoca que Rizzo sea alejado del caso por su forma de hacer hablar a los camorristas.
Le Solitaire
Isnard, 'Kepi-Blanc'
Viaggia, ragazza, viaggia, hai la musica nelle vene
After 16 years of marriage ends with him running away and vanishing into thin air. The wife goes in search of him, but instead of finding him, he ends up in various perversions, eventually reaching suicide.
Le Complot
Paris 1960. DeGaulle determines to end a bitter war in Algeria by granting its independence. Millions oppose him, including a group of DeGaulle's disenchanted Arm Officers. In a desperate attempt to save the colony for France, they plan a daring jailbreak of their imprisoned leader. A network of snitches inform a tenacious detective leading to an explosive three-way cat-and-mouse game among the rebels, the Gaullist politicos and the police.
A Police Officer Without Importance
Commissaire Dekervan
Camille, Dov y Joëlle viven al borde de la sociedad y están involucrados en pequeños robos para ayudarlos a comprar sus dosis de medicamentos y sobrevivir lo mejor que puedan. Un día, mientras intentan robar una sala de cine, activan la señal de alarma y es Pierre, el hermano de Camille, quien está haciendo un atraco en el mismo edificio, quien es arrestado con las manos rojas. Los tres jóvenes deciden secuestrar a un oficial de policía y cambiarlo por Pierre.
Creced y multiplicaos
Comedia italiana
La honorable familia
Don Peppino Scalise
Un antiguo mafioso ya retirado y que no quiere volver a oír hablar de su pasado recibe la visita de un emisario de sus antiguos compañeros, que le exigen colaborar con ellos en un asunto turbio. Ante la negativa de éste a colaborar y no prestar su empresa de construcción para el turbio negocio, recibe la visita de unos sicarios disfrazados de policías que matan a todos los trabajadores y lo dejan a él con vida. A partir de este momento una lucha sin cuartel se desata entre el viejo gangster y los mafiosos. En medio de los dos bandos, un inspector de policía intentará aclarar el asunto y detener a los culpables.
don Mario Capece
Tras cumplir una condena de dos años por robo, Tonino Russo, hijo de un pobre y honrado zapatero, y novio de una obrera llamada Ana, es desafiado en duelo por un compañero de barrio. A la lucha, que se realiza a navajazos y de la cual Tonino sale vencedor, asiste el miembro de la Camorra don Mario Capece. Sorprendentemente impresionado por el joven, le ofrece una plaza en su propia organización. A partir de este momento, empujado por una insaciable sed de poder, Tonino sólo se preocupa de subir lo más alto posible... (FILMAFFINITY)
Federic Personne
An esteemed surgeon, Charles Bernard, and his family are victims of a violent home invasion. When his young child is held for ransom, Charles must decide whether to comply or fight back.
Los secuaces
Diego Alvarez
Narra la historia de venganza personal entre el único superviviente de un clan corso, retirado hace años en Tailandia, obligado a volver a Marsella para enfrentarse a un indeseable constructor con aspiraciones políticas.
El último en saberlo
A partir de que en un consultorio sentimental una mujer casada reconoce ser infiel a su marido, todos los hombres del pueblo comienzan a sospechar de sus esposas.
La verdadera historia de Beatrice Cenci
Cardinal Lanciani
La verdadera historia de Beatrice Cenci, una joven que fue condenada a morir, acusada de preparar la muerte de su padre, un hombre perverso y falto de escrúpulos, bajo cuyos abusos vivió Beatrice una dura y penosa vida. Ante la carencia de pruebas, logran bajo tortura que un joven amigo de Beatrice confiese que ha sido ella y su madre los que prepararon el crimen
Bajo el signo de Montecristo
Edmond Dantes participa, activamente, en la resistencia contra los nazis, y, por el contrario, es acusado de ser colaborador del Tercer Reich. Así, está preso en la fortaleza de Sisteron.
¡Cuanto cuesta morir!
Bill Ransom
Un grupo de forajidos aislados por la nieve en un pueblo imponen su ley. El sheriff decide pararle los pies a los cuatreros. (FILMAFFINITY)
Million Dollar Man
A U.S. Treasury Department agent is sent to Morocco to find a fortune in counterfeit money hidden by the Nazis during World War II. The agent escapes from prison with the only man who knows the location of the bogus bills. The duo is shadowed by a group of former Nazi soldiers who hope they will lead them to recover the lost loot. The feature plays as a crime drama with overtones of international espionage.
Fantomas contra Scotland Yard
Fantômas (voix) (uncredited)
Fantomas vuelve a actuar extorsionando a millonarios escoceses, a los que amenaza de muerte si no le pagan. Cuando el comisario Juve se entera, se traslada a Escocia a investigar el caso. Se aloja en un castillo medieval para proteger a su rico propietario y tratar de capturar a Fantomas. Sin embargo, los problemas y la confusión que reina en el castillo no facilitan el trabajo del comisario.
Maigret at the Pigalle
Fred Alfonsi
Maigret is about to leave for the holidays but a colleague asks him for help in investigating the mysterious murder of a stripper and a noblewoman, both of which took place in Pigalle.
Hasta el último aliento
Paul Ricci
Gustave Manda es un peligroso criminal que, después de escapar de prisión, va a París para reunirse con sus socios y se ve envuelto en una matanza entre bandas rivales. Antes de abandonar el país, Gu necesita dar un último golpe para conseguir dinero, pero es perseguido por el inspector Blot. (FILMAFFINITY)
Brigade Anti Gangs
Roger Sartet
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
Fantomas vuelve
Fantômas (voix) (uncredited)
Cuando el profesor Marchand, un célebre científico, desaparece misteriosamente, el comisario Juve sospecha inmediatamente de Fantomas. Mientras tanto, el periodista Fandon se hace pasar por Lefèbvre, el ayudante de Marchand, y es capturado por Fantomas. Pero también Juve cae en la trampa que el criminal, disfrazado de Lefèvre, le ha tendido. Fantomas se propone acabar con sus prisioneros durante un congreso científico que se celebra en Roma.
Furia en la bahía
Un agente secreto es enviado a buscar una droga rara y valiosa.
Y llegó el día de la venganza
Una vez terminada la guerra civil española (1936-1939), Manuel Artíguez (Gregory Peck), un popular miembro del maquis, abandona España y se refugia en Francia. Veinte años más tarde, el hijo de su mejor amigo, atraviesa la frontera para pedirle que vuelva a España y mate a Viñolas (A. Quinn), un sargento de la Guardia Civil responsable de la muerte de su padre. Pero Artíguez, hastiado de todo, no atiende la petición del chico. Sin embargo, cuando la madre del guerrillero cae gravemente enferma, Viñolas aprovecha la ocasión para tenderle una trampa. Este film estuvo prohibido en España hasta 1979.
How to Make a French Dish
Armand Boulard
In this romantic drama, a middle-aged gambler tells a casino croupier her life story. The story is told in flashback and chronicles the woman's romantic exploits with men. Though she was involved with many men, only one really touched her heart. He was a bartender who was tragically shot and killed during an attempted robbery. She later marries and has a daughter. Unfortunately she alienates herself from her daughter when she has an affair with her daughter's fiance. Her remorse is short lived. The film jumps back to the present with the woman leaving the casino on the arm of a handsome millionaire.
Venus imperial
Napoleon Bonaparte
La vida de Pauline, la hermana favorita de Napoleón Bonaparte, es uno de sus sacrificados y frustrados romances. Su primer encuentro fue interrumpido por su hermano por razones políticas. Luego, en sus desplazamientos a Italia, conoce y se enamora de su ideal, Jules de Canouville. Una vez más, el partido no es del agrado de Napoleón y ella es obligada a casarse con uno de sus generales, Leclerc.
El hampa de París
Baron de Lansignac
Adaptación "Los misterios de París", novela del escritor francés Eugène Sue. Después de atropellar accidentalmente a un hombre con su carruaje, el Marqués Rodolphe de Sombreuil ayudará a su viuda a encontrar a su hija desaparecida. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Fabiani Affair
Noël Colonna
The tale of the famous vendetta, vengeance over the years between two families. For nearly nothing at the start, as always with Sicilians or Corsican people, from the underworld or not...
A View from the Bridge
Marco Paccia
Eddie Carbone, a Brooklyn longshoreman is unhappily married to Beatrice and unconsciously in love with Catherine, the niece that they have raised from childhood. Into his house come two brothers, illegal immigrants, Marco and Rodolpho. Catherine falls in love with Rudolpho; and Eddie, tormented but unable to admit even to himself his quasi-incestuous love, reports the illegal immigrants to the authorities.
Lo imprevisto (Los secuestradores)
Serizeilles - a rich industrialist
Un profesor de inglés seduce en la escuela a una joven alumna para que en compañía de su mujer lo ayude en un plan ambicioso con el secuestro de un bebé recién nacido en una clínica.
Jack of Spades
It Only Happens to the Living
Henri Brunier
A young garage owner, Henri, whose business is not going well, fixes the lovely Gloria's car on the road. She suggests he let part of his garage to her friends.
Mimi Pinson
Frédéric de Montazel
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Secrets of a French Nurse
le docteur Augereau
Amarga victoria
Un oficial del ejército británico es enviado al Norte de África para luchar a las órdenes de un militar de graduación superior en un ataque contra los cuarteles de Rommel en Libia. Allí descubrirá que la mujer de su vida se ha casado con su superior, lo que hará crecer la rivalidad entre ambos.
Vacances explosives
L'homme dans le placard du Coq Hardi (uncredited)
Arlette thinks she has made a wonderful gift to her daughter Sylvie, who has just married François Morel, a young journalist. And, to tell the truth, not everybody receives a posh little bar like the Royal Montmartre as a gift. The trouble is that Monsieur Jo, the former owner of the joint is also the boss of a gang of drug traffickers. And that he has managed to persuade the pair of naive lovebirds to drop a painting to a friend on their way to their honeymoon place. Now the picture is stuffed with drugs! The honeymoon trip promises to be eventful...
Until the Last One
Fernand Bastia
Just released from prison after serving a six-month sentence, Fernand Bastia goes into hiding. He has indeed double-crossed his gang by keeping part of the product of a robbery for himself. Thanks to his sister Marcella, Fernand has taken refuge in a small circus where she works. There, he falls in love with Gina but also arouses the jealousy of Quedchi, a fairground stall-holder who has seen him hiding the stolen money. After a while, Fredo Riccioni, the boss of the gang and his men, manage to trace him...
Le Feu aux poudres
Law of the Streets
Jo le Grec
El propietario de un bar de poca monta acoge bajo su protección a un joven delincuente.
La luz de enfrente
Georges Marceau
Olivia cumple su promesa de casarse con un transportista, a pesar de que un accidente le causa impotencia sexual. Ambos abren un restaurante de carretera, y claro, muchos viajeros tiran los tejos a la bella Olivia.
Le Crâneur
A singer tries to rescue a man drawn into the drug trade.
Les Hommes en blanc
Dr. Jean Nérac
Old Napoléon Bonaparte
Talleyrand, el gran político francés de finales del siglo XVIII y primer cuarto del XIX, rememora en una reunión de amigos, la vida del Emperador de los franceses, desde su nacimiento en Córcega, pasando por sus gestas militares, hasta su muerte en el destierro. La cinta es una pequeña lección de la historia de Francia.
Woman of Rome
gerarca Astarita
Un gran éxito en su momento para esta adaptación de Alberto Moravia, en torno a una hermosa joven, que redimirá su más bien escabroso pasado gracias al amor puro y desinteresado.
Nights of Shame
Flesh and the Woman
In this romance, a jilted lawyer joins the French Foreign Legion to help him forget his faithless love. While in the desert he espies a village beauty who is the exact double of his true-love.
The Scheming Women
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
Les impures
When Mario, a bad boy, is released from prison, he plans to live honestly with his wife Geneviève. But the latter has not waited for him and Mario, out of spite, accepts to work as a tout for Mr. Charlie, the boss of a white slave trade gang. His first assignment consists in seducing Michèle, a Montmartre nightclub singer and hostess, into signing a contract for Tangier. The young woman, however, who does this job only to support her young sister Danièle, falls for him and he for her. From then on Mario, without betraying himself, does his utmost to save Michèle -and Danièle for that matter - from the clutches of the gang...
Tempest in the Flesh
Antonio 'Tonio' Borelli
A dam is under construction in the Pyrénées mountains. All the workers only have eyes for pretty, sensual Clara, the canteen waitress. And what she exchanges with many of them is more than just looks, this is for sure. Nevertheless, despite her frivolity, Clara falls truly in love with Tonio Borelli, the site foreman. The latter takes her to Paris and they marry. But Clara soon realizes that the call of the flesh still consumes her...
Les Compagnes de la nuit
Jo Verdier
Three events that seemingly nothing related, namely the murder of a truck driver, the discovery of the corpse of a vitriolic young woman, and the death of another who was crushed, will launch the Inspector Maréchal on the trail of a prostitution network. The girl-mother Olga, a friend of the trucker, confesses her the underwear of the women's exploitation.
Le feu dans la peau
Célestin Rabou
The Midnight Witness
Roger Noël
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier writing. But his wife, a cold-hearted, money-minded, bossy woman won't allow. All the more as she is the one who supplies Jacques with the plots of his detective stories. When Jacques, yearning for true love, meets young, pretty Muriel, he can't stand the situation any longer. Fortunately - for him - the plot of the 101st detective story imagined by his wife is about a ... perfect crime. He simply has to follow her instructions to ... get rid of her. Everything goes according to plan until Jacques discovers a scary detail: the presence of a mysterious witness on the scene of the crime.
La venganza de Manon
Bernard, l'instituteur
Manon, la hija de Jean de Florette, ha crecido. Sabe que Le Papet y Ugolin son responsables de la muerte de su padre. Su venganza comienza cuando revela a todo el pueblo secretos guardados desde hace años. Segunda parte de la película "El manantial de las colinas".
Forbidden Fruit
A doctor, leading an agreed life of the provincial petty bourgeoisie, falls in love with a young woman. As their relationship deepens, he becomes violently jealous and blames her for her dating and friendships.
Three Women
Julien (segment "Mouche")
The short stories of Guy de Maupassant enjoyed a renaissance in the early 1950s, thanks in great part to the Max Ophuls production Le Plaisir. In Trois Femmes, three De Maupassant stories are dramatized, each conveying the central theme of women falling in love. In the first, a black female carnival entertainer causes an uproar when she falls in love with a white soldier. In the second, a young bride is pressured into having a baby to collect a huge inheritance. And in the final episode, a pregnant girl is "adopted" and protected by a small circle of friends. In standard De Maupassant fashion, each of the three stories in Trois Femmes is capped by a surprise twist.
Smuggler's Ball
Michel Demeuse
Smuggler's Ball is the English-language title for this French-Belgian seriocomedy. The action takes place along the borders separating Belgium, Holland and France. It is here that the worldly Pierre (J. P. Kieran) carries on a profitable smuggling operation, all the while romancing Siska (Christian Lenier), the daughter of a local customs official. Various subplots and secondary characters weave in and out as the plotline guides the viewer through the WW II years. Towards the end, the story shifts gears when the Benelux Frontier Agreement eliminates all government regulations. The film's screenplay is by Charles Spaak, himself the descendant of a Belgian political family, and thus well-versed in bureaucracy and red tape.
No matarás
Gino Bollini
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, René Le Guen será el encargado de ejecutar a un traidor de la Resistencia francesa, pero ya terminada la contienda continuará asesinando hasta que finalmente es detenido y condenado a muerte. Su abogado pedirá clemencia porque hace responsable a la sociedad de los crímenes cometidos por René.
Charles Walter, a forestry contractor, has helped Noël Portal to start a new life. When Victor, the new foreman and Charles'wife's lover, is found murdered, everything points to the guilt of the deceived husband. To save his benefactor, Noël decides to accuse himself of the the crime. He is condemned to death.
Le clochard milliardaire
Olivier Cabrol is an immature young reveler who lives from hand to mouth. One day he inherits a fabulous fortune from an eccentric uncle. But on the one condition to spend a certain amount of time as a tramp. Olivier accepts out of sheer greed but soon finds the experience rewarding. He finds himself as well as new friends (true ones this time) and even love in the person of Colette.
Le diamant de cent sous
For fun and to dazzle his wife, the novelist Morgan steals a ring and gets rid of it in the costume jewelry section of a supermarket. Sophie buys the diamond, which forces the novelist to embark on crazy adventures to recover the jewel.
A Cop
Georges Monnier
Georges, hunted by the Germans, had taken refuge with his brother, Commissioner PJ Paris. Once released, he teams up for the sake of a girl with the lackluster Zattore. A bank is robbed, but the police is fast and Georges will either lose his life.
The Woman in Red
Jean Talais
Two paintings are stolen. Amateur private detective Roland Gautier investigates.
Behind These Walls
Pierre, the pharmacist's son
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Frédéric Rostaing
Toine, the local hunchback, works at the tile manufacturing plant, but during the summer, he gives a hand to Micoulin, the farmer, thereby being able to spend more time close to Nais, Micoulin's daughter. That summer, the estate owner's son, Frederic Rostaing, decides to rest on the farm during his vacation from Law school. But his real motives are to seduce young Nais, whom he knows from their childhood days, after having seen her in town. Who will win the power struggle between the possessive father, the naive daughter, the vile student and the golden-hearted cripple?
Destitute Mary
Marie is one of her kind. While the other girls are after gold, diamonds and jewels, she swears by ... poverty! She does not remain the companion of a banker too long for obvious reasons. But when she can be the muse of a poor music composer it is fine by her. Unless the musician becomes too famous...! Then, she leaves him! But maybe not forever... He can fall into poverty again, can't he?
Six Little Girls in White
Un jeune homme (uncredited)
On his fiftieth birthday, Serge Charan, a large industrialist overloaded with activities, decides to leave everything to go on an adventure. In a train heading for the Côte d'Azur, he meets six young girls returning to their boarding school. Arrived at their destination, Serge Charan rents, under an assumed name, a villa with a view of the garden of the boarding school. His presence arouses questions and the interest of young girls who are sensitive to his charm. But one of them, Simone, falls completely in love and runs away from boarding school.