Grant McCord


Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Lo que esconde Silver Lake
Costume Assistant
En su apartamento de urbanización prototipo de Los Angeles, Sam (Andrew Garfield) anda por la vida muerto de aburrimiento. Ningún aliciente hasta ese día en que descubre a una nueva vecina sexy, deslumbrante, inquietante, misteriosa y, de repente, desaparecida. Y aún hay mayores rarezas esperando a Sam, porque por el barrio anda suelto un asesino de perros...
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
The Lyft Driver
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Costume Assistant
Sin sus poderes, por primera vez, Lobezno es verdaderamente vulnerable. Después de una vida de dolor y angustia, sin rumbo y perdido en el mundo donde los X-Men son leyenda, su mentor Charles Xavier lo convence de asumir una última misión: proteger a una joven que será la única esperanza para la raza mutante.
Animales nocturnos
Costume Assistant
Susan Morrow es una galerista afincada en Los Ángeles que comparte una vida llena de lujos, aunque vacía, con Hutton Morrow, su segundo marido. Un día, Susan recibe una novela escrita por su exmarido Edward Sheffiel, del que lleva años sin tener noticias. En una nota le pide que lea la novela inédita y que se ponga en contacto con él, pues se quedará unos días en la ciudad. Es de noche. Susan, sola en la cama, empieza a leer, y es la historia de un matrimonio con una hija que conduciendo por Texas una noche, son perseguidos por otro vehículo...
Juego de armas
Production Assistant
Historia de dos jóvenes a los que el Pentágono pagó 300 millones de dólares para armar a los aliados americanos en Afganistán
Alicia a través del espejo
Costume Assistant
En una fiesta en casa de Lord Ascott, Alicia se encuentra con Ábsolem, que ahora es una mariposa monarca azul que ayuda a Alicia a regresar al fantástico mundo de Infratierra, donde encuentra a sus amigos: el Conejo Blanco, el Gato Sonriente, Lirón, la Liebre, los Tweedles y el Sombrerero Loco, pero éste, desafortunadamente, ya no es el mismo: ha perdido su “muchosidad”. Alicia tendrá entonces que ir a ver a Tiempo. Tiempo, una peculiar criatura mitad humano, mitad reloj, vive en un vacío infinito y posee la cronoesfera, una esfera metálica que permitirá a Alicia volver para salvar a la familia del Sombrerero.
Take My Hand O'Precious Lord
Lawrence, 3 months on the run, is living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere when a masked man pays him a visit.
Take My Hand O'Precious Lord
Lawrence, 3 months on the run, is living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere when a masked man pays him a visit.
Los Juegos del Hambre: Sinsajo - Parte 2
Costume Assistant
"Los Juegos del Hambre: Sinsajo - Parte 2" nos trae la impactante conclusión de la franquicia, en la que Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) se da cuenta de que ya no sólo está en juego su supervivencia, sino también el futuro. Con Panem sumida en una guerra a gran escala, Katniss tendrá que plantar cara al presidente Snow (Donald Sutherland) en el enfrentamiento final. Katniss, acompañada por un grupo de sus mejores amigos, que incluye a Gale (Liam Hemsworth), Finnick (Sam Claflin) y Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), emprende una misión con la unidad del Distrito 13, en la que arriesgan sus vidas para liberar a los ciudadanos de Panem y orquestan un intento de asesinato del presidente Snow, cada vez más obsesionado con destruirla. Las trampas mortales, los enemigos y las decisiones morales que aguardan a Katniss la pondrán en mayores aprietos que ninguna arena de Los Juegos del Hambre.