Grant McCord


Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
Teenage Badass
Set in 2006, the band Stylo and the Murder Dogs score a shot to play on the local news. But as all of their dreams start to become reality, the band's egocentric singer-songwriter threatens to make them lose everything.
O Mistério de Silver Lake
Costume Assistant
Sam é um jovem meio perdido na vida, que um dia encontra a garota perfeita: sua vizinha, com quem passa uma noite. No dia seguinte, ela desaparece. Não existem mais sinais da garota, e todas as suas coisas desapareceram do apartamento onde habitava. Sam começa a investigar o caso, buscando todos os indícios possíveis: os pequenos rabiscos na parede, as mensagens escondidas em músicas. Seria tudo isso parte de uma grande conspiração, ou Sam está ficando louco?
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Deep Cuts
The Lyft Driver
Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Costume Assistant
Em 2029, Logan ganha a vida como chofer de limousine para cuidar do nonagenário Charles Xavier. Debilitado fisicamente e esgotado emocionalmente, ele é procurado por Gabriela, uma mexicana que precisa da ajuda do ex-X-Men para defender a pequena Laura Kinney / X-23. Ao mesmo tempo em que se recusa a voltar à ativa, Logan é perseguido pelo mercenário Donald Pierce, interessado na menina.
Animais Noturnos
Costume Assistant
Um escritor pede a sua ex-mulher para ler o manuscrito de seu novo romance, uma história sobre um homem de família cuja vida dá uma guinada sombria.
Cães de Guerra
Production Assistant
Após uma experiência mal sucedida em fazer negócios com o governo, dois amigos moradores de Miami Beach, que levam uma vida tranquila e que só queriam dinheiro para sustentar seu vício em maconha, descobrem que existe um mercado ilícito em expansão com a venda de armas para o exterior. Ao fechar um contrato de 300 milhões de dólares, eles terão de ir para o Afeganistão acompanhar a explosiva transação pessoalmente.
Alice Através do Espelho
Costume Assistant
Alice retorna após uma longa viagem pelo mundo, e reencontra a mãe. No casarão de uma grande festa, ela percebe a presença de um espelho mágico. A jovem atravessa o objeto e retorna ao País das Maravilhas, onde descobre que o Chapeleiro Maluco corre risco de morte após fazer uma descoberta sobre seu passado. Para salvar o amigo, Alice deve conversar com o Tempo para voltar às vésperas de um evento traumático e mudar o destino do Chapeleiro. Nesta aventura, também descobre um trauma que separou as irmãs Rainha Branca e Rainha Vermelha.
Take My Hand O'Precious Lord
Lawrence, 3 months on the run, is living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere when a masked man pays him a visit.
Take My Hand O'Precious Lord
Lawrence, 3 months on the run, is living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere when a masked man pays him a visit.
The Hunger Games: A Revolta - Parte 2
Costume Assistant
Com Panem em guerra, Katniss decide ir além do que lhe é pedido pela Resistência: em vez de fazer propaganda e ficar em segurança, ela vai tomar a dianteira do conflito, e engajar-se na batalha decisiva pela Capital no desejo de matar Snow, cada vez mais obcecado em destruir Katniss e aniquilar a resistência.