The film tells a series of hilarious romantic stories about the workplace collision between a cold-faced demon boss, He Zhizhou (Chen Ziyu), and a social animal girl, Shen Xi (Tan Yanyan), whose destinies are subtly changed by a chance encounter and assisted by their best friend, Doudou (Jin Jing)
In the toxic haze of Chang'an the Crown Prince, one of the candidates for the role of the future emperor, is trying to seize power. Meanwhile the beautiful merman Yixia becomes the male favorite of Che Yuanshan, the Minister of Criminal Justice . Fleeing from Chang'an with hatred, he finally returns to Che Yuanshan with a sharp knife of revenge.
Chosen jade man Qiao Lanxin witnessed his father being killed after gambling to save his sister's life, thus inspiring the story of the awakening of the jade soul in his body.
Mr. Six es un hombre de recta moral, un ex-gánster que, de vez en cuando, aún tiene contacto con los ex-miembros de su banda. Cuando su hijo, al que hace tiempo que no ve, se mete en problemas, intenta resolverlo a su manera, sin usar la violencia.
El hijo de la realeza del clan de los monstruos es amenazado por los cazadores de criaturas que impiden que se mezclen con los humanos. El hijo de un famoso espadachín, pero poco dotado para el heroísmo, terminará siendo el encargado de proteger al heredero del trono, enfrentándose a monstruos malignos, cazamonstruos y otros enemigos.