Kirsty Young, Huw Edwards, Sophie Raworth y Claire Balding son sus guías para la histórica coronación de Sus Majestades el Rey Carlos III y la Reina Camilla el sábado 6 de mayo. Desde su estudio fuera del Palacio de Buckingham, Kirsty estará acompañada por invitados, incluidos amigos y colegas del Rey y la Reina, que compartirán sus ideas personales.
From St James's Palace in London, the historic proclamation of His Majesty the King takes place. For the first time since 1952, the Accession Council meets to make the formal declaration of the accession of the new sovereign. Following the Accession Council, the principal proclamation is read by Garter King of Arms.
Stop The Tour discovers the extraordinary story of how sport helped bring an end to Apartheid which paved the way towards the multi racial 2019 Springbok champions.
Vivimos en un mundo donde los poderosos nos engañan. Sabemos que mienten. Ellos saben que sabemos que mienten. No les importa. Decimos que nos importa; pero no hacemos nada, y nada cambia. Es normal. Bienvenidos al mundo de la postverdad. De cómo llegamos adonde estamos ahora…
Taking Liberties Since 1997is a documentary film about the erosion of civil liberties in the United Kingdom and increase of surveillance under the government of Tony Blair. It was released in the UK on 8th June 2007. The director, Chris Atkins, said on 1 May that he wanted to expose "the Orwellian state" that now threatened Britain as a result of Mr Blair's policies.