Mario Ferrari

Mario Ferrari

Nacimiento : 1894-09-03, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Muerte : 1974-06-28


Mario Ferrari


El rey de Israel
Pharao Ramses II.
Egipto, año 1300 A.C. Bajo el reinado del Faraón Ramsés II se ordenó la muerte de todos los recién nacidos varones de raza judía. Pero uno de ellos sobrevivió al ser recogido de las aguas del Nilo por una princesa egipcia, que le puso de nombre Moisés, que significa "salvado de las aguas". Cuando alcanzó la edad adulta, Moisés abandonó el palacio del Faraón y se convirtió en emisario de Dios. Su misión será la de guiar al pueblo de Israel hacia la Tierra Prometida.
Yo, yo, yo... y los demás
Sandro, un popular periodista, prepara un reportaje sobre el egoísmo humano. Todas las personas que conoce le sirven para su investigación, incluso su propia esposa, Titta. Pero poco a poco se irá identificando con ellos, y le hará replantearse su vida...
La leyenda de Eneas
King Latino
Un grupo de fugitivos que proceden de Troya siguen a su jefe Eneas de camino hacia el río Tíber, en cuyas orillas quieren fundar una nueva ciudad. El idílico proyecto presupone una urbe en la que sus habitantes podrán vivir en paz, lejos de la injusticia y la esclavitud.
La venganza de Hércules
Hércules (o Goliath, según el doblaje) regresa a su hogar tras terminar las doce pruebas a las que fue desafiado por los dioses. Pero poco le dura la calma, ya que tendrá que hacer frente a los insidiosos planes del rey Euritos, quien planea conquistar Tebas, la patria de nuestro héroe.
Passo falso
Signor Prescott
A scientist kills his rival with a perfect alibi and tries to get away with it.
Il Conte Aquila
Vitaliano Confalonieri
Giuseppe Verdi
Ufficiale Austriaco (uncredited)
The life and loves of great composer Giuseppe Verdi are played against a background of the great operas of the 19th Century. A tender love story of his successful and turbulent life, with more than 20 excerpts from his acclaimed operas.
The Barbarians
Rome, 1527. Massimo Colonna is in love with Angela, a member of the Orsinis, the Colonnas'arch enemies. As she is officially engaged to Tancredi Serra, the latter, a faithless individual, has Massimo accused of the murder of Prince Orsini whereas he himself has woven it. Massimo is rejected by an outraged Angela and banned from Rome.Meanwhile the Eternal City has to face a brutal attack by armed invaders from Spain. The Spaniards are about to storm Rome when Massimo and his troops appear. The invading forces are defeated and Massimo is acclaimed by the crowd. After clearing his name, he can marry Angela.
Madonna delle rose
A young couple, Renato and Maria, struggle to provide for their young daughter Pia.
Mario, un joven estudiante de familia aristócrata, se enamora de Lulú, una joven cantante de Cabaret. Una noche cuando el estudiante está en casa de la chica, llega de improviso su protector y tranquilamente entrega las llaves del apartamento a Mario, en el que había mantenido a la muchacha y se marcha. Mario, quien había creído ingenuamente en la honestidad de Lulú, abandona la ciudad algo trastornado, aunque vuelve. Mientras tanto, Lulú se va a vivir con sus padres, una pareja pobre de dudosa moralidad. Un día, Lulú le hace saber a Mario que está embarazada, a pesar de las objeciones de sus padres, Mario se casa con su amante y mientras continua sus estudios en Milán, la pareja de va a vivir a una cabaña que les deja su abuela. Pero Lulú pronto encuentra su solitaria vida insoportable y mantiene una relación con un hombre mayor. Mario, que ha ido a Milán, por la muerte de su padre y avisado por una carta anónima, regresa a la cabaña inesperadamente y descubre a su rival.
il prefetto
Desventuras continuas para un cirujano de fama, casado y con un hijo que ha caído en las garras de una trapecista húngara. La mujer resuelve radicalmente la situación.
Nosotros los pecadores
L'avvocato Rinaldi
Gira la narración en torno a un episodio amoroso surgido a la llegada a Nápoles de un prisionero de guerra y una linda enfermera, lo que da Iugar a una serie ininterrumpida de escenas, en las que la abnegación, y el sacrificio, tan bien logradas, hacen triunfar al hermoso film.
Alarma en la flota
(Voice dubbing for Pierre Cressoy)
Después de un fallido ataque a la fortaleza inglesa de Malta, una nueva escuadra italiana lleva a cabo una peligrosa misión en el puerto de Gibraltar, y hunde el acorazado inglés "Valiant" en la bahía de Alejandría.
He Who Is Without Sin...
John Morresi
Stefano es perseguido por la policía y se esconde en casa de María, ella acepta ocultarlo y él se salva de ser detenido. Con el tiempo Stefano enmienda su rumbo y ambos se enamoran. Debido a lo poco que gana en su trabajo, Stefano decide dejarlo e ir a trabajar a Canadá en un buen puesto, y así volver con dinero suficiente para casarse con María y vivir juntos... pero el destino tendrá planes menos románticos.
La reina de Saba
Chaldis, High Priest of Sheba
La reina de Saba se enamora del rey de Israel. Éste, sin embargo, ama a otra. La reina, irritada, invade Israel. (FILMAFFINITY)
El secreto de Ana
Il padre di Mariella
Luisa Sangro es una adinerada viuda que se traslada a un pueblo de pescadores para alejarse de su amante. Allí comienza un romance con un pescador local, Gianni, del que está enamorado la joven Mariella...
Venice FilmFestival 1952
Una joven, en persecución de la gloria y la riqueza, cae en las garras de tratantes de blancas. Un joven honrado luchará por salvarla.
Il capitano nero
duca Fabrizio Riano di Corvara
Women Without Names
The Captain
Women Without Names (Italian:Donne senza nome) is 1950 Italian drama film directed by Géza von Radványi and starring Simone Simon, Vivi Gioi and Françoise Rosay.[1] It is set in a displaced persons camp after the Second World War. It was made at Cinecittà in Rome.
L'avvocato Bianchi
Anna y Carlo se quieren, pero esta relación no le gusta a la madrasta de Anna. Tras una discusión, Carlo se marcha con Anna a Roma para recoger un dinero para casarse. Acusado injustamente de asesinato, Carlo es provisionalmente encarcelado al tiempo que Anna da a luz una niña. Pasan varios años y sale la sentencia definitiva para Carlo: 20 años de prisión. Anna, viendo que no va a poder sobrevivir sola con su hija, decide volver a casa de su padre, pero éste acaba de morir de un infarto. Su madrasta le dice que se hará cargo de la niña, tal como se lo prometió a su padre antes de morir, pero que ella debe marcharse. Ante la negativa de dejarla sola, Anna decide irse con su hija. A partir de este momento, empezará su tormento...
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere
conte Raimondo della Motta
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
Il cavaliere del sogno
Prince von Walternburg
Luisa's dreams of love comes true in a hotel in the mountains.
All'ombra della gloria
La carne e l'anima
This melodrama was directed by an émigré Russian from a story by Corrado Alvaro and Emanuele Caracciolo. The latter was murdered by the Nazis in the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, before the film’s post-war release. Featuring Miranda and Girotti prior to neo-realist stardom.
Tempesta sul golfo
Il generale Nunziante
il capitano del Grande
The Italian troops at Giarabub defend themselves against the British.
Il vetturale del San Gottardo
Il cavaliere senza nome
L'ambasciatore di Venezia
Piccolo alpino
La última Falla
Juan José
A una famosa cantante le roban el bolso durante una visita a unos grandes almacenes, donde Julio, el director, es famoso por las conquistas galantes.
Abuna Messias - Vendetta africana
The film takes place at the end of the 19th century. The Cardinal Guglielmo Massaia has spent 20 years in Ethiopia to convert people to the Catholic Church. He comes back to Italy and he tries to get the help of the government of Piedmont. The Count Cavour, although he appreciates the Cardinal's deeds in Africa, cannot grant his Cabinet's support to the Cardinal's plans. The missionary man, trusting the Divine Providence, goes back to Africa by himself. The Cardinal, who is known among the people as Abuna Messias, becomes a friend of king Menelik. The support of the king is fundamental to spread his word and accomplish his mission. The Head of the Coptic Church, Abuna Attanasio, does whatever he can to prevent Massaia from reaching his goals and to get him exiled from Ethiopia. Menelik refuses to help Abuna Attanasio, who decides to address the Emperor, thus igniting a war between the Emperor and his subject Menelik. In order to end the war, the Cardinal decides to leave Africa.
Traversata nera
Bruce Brook, commissioner
"Black Crossing" - In an Oriental port a group of people embarks a trader designated for Europe. One of them, a shady individual, entrusts the captain with a box of valuables to be kept until the end of the journey.
Terra di nessuno
Pietro Gori
Ettore Fieramosca
Graiano d'Asti
ETTORE FIERAMOSCA was based on a widely-read literary action epic by Massimo D'Azeglio, published in 1833. Translated to the screen in 1938 by the most important director of the Italian fascist period, Alessandro Blasetti, it was intended to boost current patriotic fervor and pride in the Italian nation, and it contributed to a revival of Italian nationalism.
Luciano Serra, Pilot
Il colonnello Franco Morelli
Successful WWI pilot Luciano Serra has problems adjusting to an ordinary life in peace, so he leaves his family and becomes a pilot in America. In the 30s, his son in Italy wants also to become a pilot, and Luciano accepts an offer of a double dealing agent for a flight from Rio to Rome, but his plane crashes in the Atlantic. For the world Luciano Serra is missing, but he has entered the Italian army under a new name to fight in Ethiopia. The train in which his unit travels is attacked by Ethiopian soldiers, his son flying a reconasaince mission is shot down and wounded by the same attacking enemies. Will Luciano be able to fly the plane back, to get close air support for the outnumbered Italian troups?
Il conte di Bréchard
Regina della Scala
In order to encourage the young maestro Vernieri not to break down after the first failures, the director of the theater "La Scala" in Milan tells two significant episodes concerning the theater.
But It's Nothing Serious
Magnasco (uncredited)
Based on a Pirandello play, Vittori De Sica plays a wealthy young social lion who has to constantly fight off a horde of women who are eager to marry him because of his position and money. He weds Elisa Cegani, a servant girl, who turns out to be a more appealing wife than any of the others could have been. Assis Noris decorates the screen well as one of the chasers and pursuers. In 1937, De Sica and Noris made a film, "II Signor Max," which, other than the setting and character role names, basically has the same plot as this film.
Alberto Ponza
Umberto Solaro loses the love of his life Speranza, a noble but poor girl who has been forced to marry a rich Austrian army officer. Heartbroken Umberto becomes a riding instructor but during a competition his horse dies and he decides to give up equitation and become an aviator.
Re di danari
conte Fabrizio
Lorenzino de' Medici
Ser Maurizio
Lorenzino de 'Medici manipulates Alessandro ruler of Florence to save his beloved Bianca.
Destiny Unknown
Don Pablo Ramirez
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.
La maestrina
Giacomo Macchia
colonnello Carini
The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan, as part of the risorgimento, to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type. There is a key train scene, and the film ends on the battlefield, Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses.
La mujer de todos
Il produttore cinamatografico
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Salvatore Gotta. Narra la desdichada y rocambolesca vida de la estrella de cine Gaby Doriot (Isa Miranda). Tras un intento fallido de suicidio, es ingresada en un hospital, donde bajo los efectos de la anestesia empieza a rememorar su pasado y sus desventuradas y trágicas relaciones amorosas. Tras escapar de la Alemania Nazi, Max Ophüls se estableció definitivamente en Francia. Ésta es su única película italiana. Tras varios años de ostracismo, la figura de Max Ophüls está siendo rehabilitada por parte de críticos y aficionados al cine.
It seems that Zarre (Guido Celano), the man chosen to be the jockey for the Lupa contrada, and fiance' to Fiora (Leda Gloria), becomes enamored of a cafe' chanteuse. Bachicche, the jockey of a rival neighborhood, wants to get even with Zarre for a past offense and enlists the help of the chanteuse, Liliana (Laura Nucci).
The Table of the Poor
avvocato Volterra
A bankrupt aristocrat tries to keep up appearances while his situation worsens. To top it off the life savings given to him by a beggar to invest has been mistakenly claimed by the aristocrat's altruist society for their annual Feast of the Poor.
L'isola scomparsa
Il castello dalle cinquantasette lampade
Il milione
Divieto di sosta
A wealthy widow becomes infatuated with an adventurer posing as a poet and, forgetting her responsibilities as a mother and her no longer young age, falls prey to a love frenzy in her family that puts her at odds with her daughter, who has just left boarding school, and her own brother, who is all about scientific research. The girl, who has learned of the alleged poet's less-than-honest intentions, tries every means to drive him away and restore her mother's sentimental balance. For this she pretends to be in love with him who, attracted by her youth and rich dowry, proposes that she elope.