Ferdy Mayne

Ferdy Mayne

Nacimiento : 1916-03-11, Mainz, Germany

Muerte : 1998-01-30


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ferdy Mayne (11 March 1916 – 30 January 1998) was a German actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ferdy Mayne, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Ferdy Mayne
Ferdy Mayne


Chief Zabu
Seth the Butler
An outrageous social comedy about a New York realtor who dreams of having political influence by taking over a new Polynesian nation.
In the Shadow of the Sandcastle
The ex-cop Robin kills an actor and steals his money and cocaine. And now he is supposed to find the killer together with an interpol inspector. To hide his guilt Robin goes on murdering leaving hints that lead to the actress Angel...
The Killers Within
General Karl von Weber
A man must track down the reasons behind his brother's mysterious death, and uncovers a secret neo-Nazi group headed by a powerful congressman.
Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror
Explore the most legendary horror studio of all time with this fascinating, frightening journey hosted by terror titans Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. England's most successful independent film company, the "fear factory" of Hammer Studios, has a history filled with feuds, censorship battles and streaks of luck both good and bad. Now the legacy of horror returns, featuring interviews with such Hammer legends as Raquel Welch, Veronica Carlson, Caroline Munro, Ingrid Pitt, Jimmy Sangster, Hazel Court, Martine Beswicke, Freddie Francis, Val Guest and Ray Harryhausen. Plus you'll be treated to behind-the-scenes home movies and nonstop shock scenes from over 40 classic films, including Horror of Dracula, Curse of Frankenstein, The Devil Rides Out, Curse of the Werewolf and many more! It's the definitive study of one of the greatest names in horror!
Warlock 2: Apocalipsis final
One-Eyed Man
Warlock, el despiadado brujo a las órdenes de Satanás, es enviado a la tierra para recuperar unas piedras cuya unión propiciará un eclipse de Sol y posteriormente el renacer del señor de las tinieblas en nuestro planeta.
Benefit of the Doubt
Veintidós años atrás, Karen ayudó a condenar a su padre, Frank, por el asesinato de su madre. Con su nueva libertad, gracias a la libertad condicional, Frank vuelve a casa en busca de venganza. El siempre se declaró inocente, así que Frank trabaja su camino de regreso a la vida de Karen.(FILMAFFINITY)
Die Spur führt ins Verderben
The Tigress
Viennese Count
It's the roaring twenties in Berlin. The Tigress, a gorgeous, wild, and very independent street walker, falls for a handsome grifter. When one of her lovers gets jealous, she betrays him and has to skip town. The grifter reveals he has what it takes to move in upper class circles and suggests they flee to Carlsbad, a spa in Czechoslovakia. Does he love her or is he only using her? Is the Tigress madly in love with him or does she want to satisfy her vanity and drop him once he falls for her? The ancient cat and mouse game between a man and a woman unfolds amidst sensual seduction, the scheme of robbing a rich Texan and the jilted lover arriving from Berlin, gun drawn.
Jaque al asesino
Jeremy Edmonds (as Ferdinand Mayne)
La estrategia del juego del ajedrez permite a un psicópata criminal actuar a modo de vampiro sobre mujeres jóvenes que osan dormir solas. Un campeón de la especialidad colaborará con la policía, en su condición de sospechoso y conocedor de las reglas del juego, para la captura del asesino.
The Hit Man
When a desperate kid tries to steal the car of a famous movie director to help his family pay their debt to a predatory lender, the director and his special effects crew decide to help the kid teach the greedy man a lesson.
River of Diamonds
Fred Shelborne
My Lovely Monster
Cowboy / Vampire
A silent film character is stuck in a German theater and wants to return to his film.
Mrs. Harris und der Heiratsschwindler
Major Watkins
Ich will leben
Mrs. Harris fährt nach Monte Carlo
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Call from Space
A movie director and his wanna-be actor/eccentric inventor nephew are filming a low-budget sci-fi movie. Things get interesting when the nephews' bizarro invention starts bringing visitors from other times, including Napoleon, Archimedes, and people from the future and cavemen from the past. Just when they are filming what they are convinced will be one of the greatest movies ever, the same machine sends an alien visitor to their set. Also includes a last-minute cameo from James Coburn, as the infuriated head of the studio.
Father Joseph Mohr, a newly appointed priest in the town of Oberndorf (near Salzburg), meets the beautiful prostitute Magdalene. He struggles to change her situation and make a new life for her, and while doing so, they fall in love. Mohr struggles with his feelings for her, versus his commitment to God. Meanwhile, the Prior, Mohr's superior, whose corrupt dealings with the Baron von Seidl are threatened by Mohr's integrity and honesty, works (unsuccessfully) to falsely accuse Mohr of sexual misconduct with Magdalene, and thereby remove him from office. Meanwhile, Mohr and local schoolteacher Franz Gruber compose the hymn "Silent Night".
A Friendship in Vienna
Father Bernard
Inge Dournenvald and Lise Mueller are best friends in pre-WW2 Austria, despite the fact that Inge is Jewish and Lise is the daughter of a Nazi sympathizer. When they are forbidden to see each other, they meet secretly. After the Germans invade Austria in 1938, Inge and her family escape to America with the help of Lise
Dem Tod auf der Spur
Dr. Sam Walter
Der vierte Mann
Freckled Max and the Spooks
A parody of Frankensteinian stories. It is a story of a little boy, an orphan who arrives at the Castle of Count Frankenstein - a world inhabited by mysterious and sometimes a bit ridiculous scary creatures. Although each one of them is different, they all share one thing: they feel lonely and they are desperate for a little love and affection.
The Gold Diggers
Captain Linares
El temido Capitán Red es un pirata que ha sobrevivido cuatro años en una isla desierta y al que todos dan por muerto. Por fin, un día, se hace a la mar en una destartalada balsa, y tiene la suerte de ser rescatado por un galeón español que esconde un objeto muy valioso (un trono de oro). Red utilizará todas sus artimañas para provocar un motín y apoderarse del tesoro.
Aullidos 2: Stirba, la mujer lobo
Una joven contacta con un investigador de lo oculto durante el entierro de su hermana. Él les cuenta que la fallecida ha sido víctima del ataque de un licántropo. Al principio, la chica y su novio se muestran reticentes, pero acabarán por creer al desconocido, tanto que le acompañarán a Europa, a una aldea en la montaña en busca de la líder de un grupo de hombres lobo, la malvada y explosiva Stirba, que resulta ser la hermana del ocultista. Pero la mujer loba no tardará en darse cuenta de la llegada de sus enemigos, y dará las órdenes necesarias para acabar con ellos.
Hot Chili
Mr. Houston (as Ferdinand Mayne)
A group of American teenage boys goes south of the border to work for the summer at a Mexican resort. There they encounter many wacky guests and have zany adventures involving a German dominatrix, a music teacher that gets hot when giving lessons, a buxom cook, and an uptight socialite that eventually thaws. More often than not they end up in bed with someone, but one of the teens is holding out for True Love.
Noche en el tren del terror
God (segment "The Night Train") (as God)
Dios y Satanás discuten en un tren el destino de las almas de tres individuos. La suerte está echada.
Wallenberg: A Hero's Story
Rabbi Preiss
The story of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat responsible for saving thousands of lives from the Nazi Holocaust.
Conan, el destructor
The Leader
La poderosa Reina Taramis promete a Conan hacer volver a su amada del reino de la muerte, pero le impone una condición: debe traerle un legendario cuerno incrustado de piedras preciosas y una bella y joven princesa. Lo que Conan ignora es que la Reina quiere utilizar el cuerno para despertar al durmiente dios Dagoth y sacrificarle a la joven princesa. Enfrentado con enemigos mortales y sobrenaturales, Conan debe convocar a las fuerzas del Bien para derrotar a Taramis e incluso al mismísimo dios Dagoth.
The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud
Herr Herrmann
Screwball account of the legendary psychologist's life leading up to his ground-breaking theories.
Los desmadrados piratas de Barba Amarilla
Mr. Beamish
Yellowbeard huye de prisión para buscar un tesoro que le pertenece. Lo que ignora es que las autoridades lo han dejado escapar para poder seguirlo y apoderarse de sus riquezas. Por otro lado, el hijo de Yellowbeard también emprenderá la búsqueda del oro de su padre.
Group Madness
A behind-the-scenes documentary of the making of 1983's Yellowbeard
Como uña y carne
Abu Ben Ishak
Ja”Negro” es un magnífico caballo de carreras famosos en el mundo entero, pero para su joven dueño americano, Alec Ramsay, es mucho más. Así que, cuando roban el sensacional animal, Alec está dispuesto a hacer lo imposible por recuperarlo.
Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story
The life and tragic death of the "Playboy" centerfold model/actress Dorothy Stratten.
El Actor del Terror
Conrad Radzoff
Esta es la historia de un gran actor de cine de horror. Conrad Ragzoff interpreó durante muchos años, múltiples personajes malditos. Su tremenda personalidad y ambición poco a poco le llevó a convertirse en un ser vanidoso que acumuló una gran fortuna. Cuando al morir fue a ocupar el gran mausoleo de mármol presidido por una pantalla donde se proyectaría, interpretado por él mismo, su propio elogio fúnebre. Los extraños acontecimientos que siguieron a su muerte y enterramiento, profanado por unos jovenes insensatos, le harán, despues de muerto, llevar a cabo su mas grande y terrorifica interpretación digna solo de Conrad Ragzoff.
Evita Peron
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
Überfall in Glasgow
Kenneth Ferras
Ralph Zipper
When one of the foosball team members is injured, a 14-year-old girl takes the champion's place.
La Fórmula
En 1945, un general alemán consigue esconder en Suiza importantes documentos secretos. En 1980, una serie de asesinatos y pistas conducen al descubrimiento de un plan para recuperar esos documentos que contienen una fórmula que permite transformar el carbón en petróleo.
La espada invencible
Old Man
Hawk, habiendo sufrido la ignominia de ver tanto a su padre como a su prometida morir a manos de su hermano, Voltan, se embarca en una búsqueda de compañeros de batalla para que le ayuden en su lucha por derrocar el reino del mal de su hermano y liberar a la abadesa.
Michael, the Dog That Sang
Dr. Emory
Un hombre llamado intrépido
Alexander Korda
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un canadiense adinerado usa su propio dinero para ayudar a los Aliados a formar una red de espionaje.
The Music Machine
Basil Silverman
At a famous London disco venue, a competition is announced to select two dancers to star in a new film.
Der Schuft, der den Münchhausen schrieb
The Pirate
An Israeli man, raised by a wealthy and powerful Arab, is put in charge of his country's vast oil fortunes. He comes into conflict with a fanatical terrorist group--headed by his daughter.
First Director
Fedora, una famosa actriz, fallece en París atropellada por un tren. En su funeral, un productor de cine recapacita sobre los hechos ocurridos en las dos últimas semanas y se pregunta hasta qué punto podría él haber influido en su muerte. Todo empezó cuando fue a Corfú para verla y descubrió que vivía en una isla privada con una enfermera, una anciana condesa y el cirujano plástico que conseguía mantenerla con una asombrosa apariencia juvenil.
Diener und andere Herren
La venganza de la pantera rosa
Dr. Paul Laprone
El inspector Jacques Clouseau, condecorado por sus servicios a Francia por el mismo presidente de la Nación, se enfrenta, por primera vez, con la mafia. El jefe de esta organización en Francia, Douvier, quiere acabar con el inspector definitivamente. Este asesinato puede servir también, para que el Padrino de la mafia en Estados Unidos deje de criticar la falta de acción de la organización en Francia. Guy Algo, el teniente de Douvier, piensa en lo fácil que puede ser deshacerse de Clouseau...
Sanfter Schrecken
Generale - Anatomie der Marneschlacht
Feldmarschall French
The movie depicts the events from July until September of 1914 which led to the defeat of the German troops at the Marne. While Sebastian Haffner explains and comments on operations and decisions on the basis of situation maps, key scenes are depicted by actors. A main focus is thereby placed by Haffner onto the controversial mission of lieutenant-colonel Richard Hentsch who is said to have, during a war patrol to the various army high commands, contributed to the abortion of the operations significantly.
Heiße Ware
Ha llegado el águila
Radl's Doctor (uncredited)
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, Hitler se propone asestar un golpe mortal a la moral inglesa: el asesinato de Winston Churchill. Para ello, el alto mando alemán envía a Inglaterra a un comando de paracaidistas de élite, disfrazados como soldados norteamericanos, cuya misión es acabar con la vida del Primer Ministro aprovechando los planes de este de pasar un fin de semana en una apartada mansión en la campiña.
Prozeß Medusa
Colonel Schmaltz
a TV-Movie by Wolfgang Staudte
Das Schweigen im Walde
Baron Sternfeld
The young Count Ettingen leads a dissolute life in Munich with the demanding Baroness Prankha at his side. To finance his life, he has his uncle cut down the forests in his estate without caring about the consequences. When he catches his girlfriend having an affair, however, he retreats to the mountains. From the young alpine dairymaid Lore he learns about another side of life and wants to stop the overexploitation of the forest. But the baroness still wants his money.
Zwei Finger einer Hand
Chief Inspector Brooks
Barry Lyndon
Col. Bulow
Siglo XVIII. El joven Redmond Barry, huérfano de padre, se ha enamorado de su prima, a la que también pretende el Capitán John Quin. El asunto se resuelve por medio de un duelo, del que Redmond resulta vencedor. A continuación se va a Dublín y decide alistarse en el ejército inglés, donde empieza a desarrollar sus extraordinarias habilidades para sobrevivir. Estando en Alemania, se le presenta la posibilidad de desertar, pero es capturado por el Capitán Potzdorf, un oficial prusiano que le ofrece la posibilidad de unirse a sus tropas o ser colgado por desertor. Una vez en el ejército prusiano, tiene la fortuna de salvarle la vida a Potzdorf, lo que le abre las puertas del servicio secreto prusiano.
To the Bitter End
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on his wife's money for many years, he's sick of it and wants to work again. A romantic affair with his stepdaughter, Shirley, gives him the guts to ask for a role. His former agent gets him one but it's with a small company in Vienna, Austria. The stress worsens his alcoholism; the tablets he takes to hide the effects lead him to hallucinations. When his wife and girlfriend appear at the same time, he's no longer capable of handling the situation.
Keine Spürhunde für den Fiskus
Die Ameisen kommen
Tausend Francs Belohnung
Baron de Puencarral
Die Reise nach Wien
Mariu Moltenau
Two women during WW2 living in a Hunsrück village embark on a trip to Vienna.
Plaza Fortuna
Don Delicio
De Oriente a Occidente para matar
Marcus Kaplan
Un agente de la organización británica K, especializada en espionaje, sufre un desequilibrio emocional debido a las torturas sufridas tras caer en poder del enemigo. A pesar de ello, lo eligen para llevar a cabo una peligrosa misión: se trata de encontrar a un científico ruso que ha escapado de una cárcel siberiana. El principal problema es que el KGB también lo está buscando.
Doppelspiel in Paris
Rechtsanwalt Maitre Brault
Max Hölz. Ein deutsches Lehrstück
Dr. Paul Levi
Au Pair Girls
Sheik El Abab
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
Jo, un cadáver revoltoso
Mr. Grunder
Comedia de intriga que gira en torno al plan que ha tramado un escritor para cometer el crimen perfecto. Pronto descubrirá que, si bien existe, los detalles son lo más importante para que todo salga bien.
Cásate con una sueca y verás
Professor Grutekoor
En Italia, Rosario, un vendedor de zapatos, corre el riesgo de ser asesinado por sus continuos romances con mujeres solteras y casadas. Así que cuando Rosario tiene la oportunidad de trabajar en Dinamarca, donde todo es legal, no lo duda. Allí se enamorará y casará con una danesa.
El Barón Rojo
Richthofen's father
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Muestra la rivalidad en los combates aéreos entre dos prestigiosos pilotos enemigos: el barón alemán Von Richthofen y el inglés Brown. Basada en hechos reales.
Chúpame…la sangre, tío
Count Dracula
An American actress inherits a castle in Transylvania. What she doesn't know is that her ancestor, the Baroness Catali, was in actuality a vampire countess, and emerges from her tomb to ravage the nearby village and Catholic seminary.
When Eight Bells Toll
In a vein similar to Bond movies, a British agent Philip Calvert is on a mission to determine the whereabouts of a ship that disappeared near the coast of Scotland.
Mister Haines
Der Polizeiminister 1759-1820 Joseph Fouché
Polizeiminister Joseph Fouché
Las amantes del vampiro
Un joven caballero acude al castillo de los Karnstein para vengar la muerte de su hermana, muerta por los vampiros. Allí, tras apoderarse del sudario de uno de los vampiros, lo atrae hacia sí. Pero el terror lo paraliza, y sólo lo salva la cruz que pende de su cuello. Y entonces, decapita a una vampira.
The Walking Stick
Douglas Dainton
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
Los libertinos
Sergei's Father
Adaptación de un best seller de Harold Robbins ambientado en un imaginario país sudamericano en el que tiene lugar una revolución. Considerables dosis de sexo y violencia para un filme que obtuvo críticas bastante negativas.
Si quieres ser millonario no malgastes el tiempo trabajando
Sir Guy Grand es “el millonario más grande del mundo”. Tras adoptar a un vagabundo joven e introducirlo en las complejidades de su vida cotidiana, Sir Grand se dedicará, principalmente, a probar hasta dónde puede llegar la ambición durante un viaje en el crucero llamado El Cristiano Mágico.
The Limbo Line
The Limbo Line tells a story of Cold War double-crossing with British secret agent Manston trying to break up a group of Russian agents who return defectors to Moscow for brainwashing. When a Russian ballerina defects to Germany, Manston goes after the head of The Limbo Line in an effort to stop the group from kidnapping the defectors. Acting against the orders of his boss, Manston is faced with killing the communist leader of the movement in Germany or allowing the dancer to be turned over for interrogation and reprisals for her political beliefs. Matters are further complicated when Manston finds himself falling for the ballerina…
The Best House in London
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
El desafío de las águilas
En plena Segunda Guera Mundial, John Smith es el jefe de un grupo de élite, cuya misión es infiltrarse en las líneas enemigas alemanas para rescatar a un general americano, prisionero de los nazis, para evitar que hable del plan de invasión de Normandía.
Gates to Paradise
Count Ludovic de Vendôme
In 1212, a Children's Crusade is launched after a young shepherd, Jacques de Cloyes, claims to have had a vision in which it is said that the innocence of children would be able to liberate Jerusalem. A monk, returning from Holy Land, joins the crusade and hears the children's confessions, gradually realizing that most of them are taking part not for religious, but for more worldly reasons, like rejected love and hopes for freedom.
Grandes vacaciones
Charles Bosquier es el estricto director de una prestigiosa escuela. Cuando su hijo suspende inglés, quiere mandarlo a Inglaterra de intercambio, pero el joven ya tenía planes para el verano. Así que decide mandar a un compañero en su lugar.
The Bobo
Silvestre Flores
Unsuccessful singing bullfighter Juan arrives in Barcelona to try his luck in a big town. He finally persuades a devious local impresario to book him, but only on the condition that Juan first manages to spend an evening with Olimpia, a "shrewd merciless beauty" who seems effortlessly to collect apartments and Maserati sports cars while leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her. Juan approaches the challenge by pretending to her he is an emissary for a rich count. Written by Jeremy Perkins
El baile de los vampiros
Count von Krolock / Narrator
El doctor Abronsius y su ayudante Alfred, viajan por Transilvania para confirmar una teoría que afirma la existencia real de los vampiros y que tropieza con el escepticismo de sus colegas de la Universidad de Könisberg. Se detienen en una posada, cuyas paredes y ventanas están cubiertas de ristras de ajos, pero tanto los parroquianos como el posadero afirman que no existe ningún castillo por los alrededores y justifican la presencia de los ajos como un motivo ornamental típico de la región. El rapto de la hija del posadero y la vampirización de éste proporcionan a los protagonistas pistas suficientes para llegar al castillo.
Prométele cualquier cosa
Vittorio Fettucini
Una joven viuda se propone consequir un nuevo marido y un padre para su bebé. Su jefe le parece el hombre ideal y decide enamorarlo. Para ello deja a su hijo al cuidado de un atractivo vecino que termina enamorándose de ella.
Aquellos chalados en sus locos cacharros
French Official
En 1910 tiene lugar una gran carrera entre Londres y París que es patrocinada por el rico editor de un periódico británico. Los participantes proceden de todas partes y protagonizan toda clase de peripecias, rivalidades y aventuras amorosas.
Operación Crossbow
German Officer
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a un comando secreto de las fuerzas aliadas le encargan la misión de localizar una fábrica donde ingenieros nazis están trabajando en la creación de un nuevo y poderoso misil. Uno de los agentes logrará infiltrarse en la factoría.
Shadow of Treason
Steve, newly arrived in Trieste, saves Tina from being shot in her own night-club. She engages him as a bodyguard come detective, giving him a list of names and a map she has inherited. Steve discovers that her father was blackmailing a group of traitors and the map locates money hidden in Somaliland with evidence of their guilt. Having contacted all the names, they leave for Africa taking Nadia in place of her father who is killed. Michael tries to persuade her to join him against the others and escapes when she refuses. Later, in the caves he re-appears and in the ensuing fight falls over a cliff edge after the money. Steve throws the incriminating document after him. Melodrama involving a treasure hunt and an old blackmail system during the war, which is cleared up by a bodyguard.
The Password Is Courage
1st German Officer at French Farm
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, el sargento mayor Charles Coward ha sido capturado por los alemanes. Enviado a un campo de concentración cerca de Auschwitz, intentará escapar a toda costa. En su periplo vivirá todo tipo de peripecias e intentará salvar de la muerte a un judío.
It's Trad, Dad!
Head Waiter
The hero and heroine want to popularize a trad jazz in their town. Some older people feel displeased about a trad jazz, and prevent their trying. The hero and heroine go to London television studio to ask trad jazz musician to support their trial.
Three Spare Wives
Fazim Bey
A man inherits a harem of three wives from his late uncle, which he brings home to his real wife in England. British comedy from 1962.
Highway to Battle
Months before the out break of WWII, suspicion falls on a German ambassador when one of his envoys fails to return to Berlin. The arrival of two Gestapo agents searching for the missing man causes the ambassador and his family to rethink their Nazi allegiance but is it too late to escape from Hitler's evil grasp?
Crossroads to Crime
Crossroads to Crime is about the investigations of a police constable (Anthony Oliver) who, working undercover without support from his colleagues, confronts and brings down a gang of vehicle hi-jackers.
The Spider's Web
Mystery film based on an Agatha Christie story.
Nuestro hombre en la Habana
Prof. Sanchez
Jim Wormald, un comerciante inglés afincado en La Habana, se dedica a la venta de aspiradoras; casi por casualidad y muy a su pesar es reclutado como espía del servicio secreto británico en la Cuba de Batista. Acepta el trabajo porque considera que el dinero le permitirá pagar los estudios de su hija. Sin embargo, su falta de vocación y de entusiasmo son tales que acaba inventándose los informes que envía a Londres.
Captain of Rescue Ship (uncredited)
Antigua Roma, bajo el reinado de los emperadores Augusto y Tiberio (s. I d.C.). Judá Ben-Hur, hijo de una familia noble de Jerusalén, y Mesala, tribuno romano que dirige los ejércitos de ocupación, son dos antiguos amigos, pero un accidente involuntario los convierte en enemigos irreconciliables: Ben-Hur es acusado de atentar contra la vida del nuevo gobernador romano, y Mesala lo encarcela a él y a su familia. Mientras Ben-Hur es trasladado a galeras para cumplir su condena, un hombre llamado Jesús de Nazaret se apiada de él y le da de beber. En galeras conocerá al comandante de la nave y más tarde a un jeque árabe que participa con sus magníficos caballos en carreras de cuadrigas.
El tercer hombre en la montaña
Film basado en una historia real. Rudi Matt (James MacArthur), un joven que trabaja de cocinero, está decidido a conquistar la Ciudadela (el Cervino o Matterhorn), el pico nevado que se cobró la vida de su padre. Alentado por su novia (Munro) y por un famoso escalador inglés (Michael Rennie), se somete, durante un tiempo, a unas sesiones de entrenamiento extenuantes gracias a las cuales estará preparado para afrontar terribles peligros antes de coronar la montaña.
Deadly Record
Ramon Casadas
A young airline pilot wrongly accused of murdering his unfaithful wife searches for the real killer.
Next to No Time
Unassuming planning engineer David Webb finds himself on the Queen Elizabeth to New York with instructions to negotiate a high-powered loan. His lack of confidence means he is completely out of his depth, at least until he finds his personality changes every day during the hour the ship's clocks stop to make allowance for their westward passage.
The Big Money
Petty thief Willie Frith steals a suitcase full of bank notes, only to find out that they have been given all the same serial number. But this is only the start of his troubles, now he has to find a way of changing the notes, so he can impress the barmaid of his local pub.
A Woman of Mystery
UK mystery about a reporter investigating the suicide of a seemingly insignificant hatcheck girl.
Blue Murder at St. Trinian's
Italian Police Inspector
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
The End of the Line
The wife of a night club owner frames an American writer for his murder.
Three Sundays to Live
George Davis
Band leader Frank Martin is convicted and sentenced to death for murdering the owner of a club in which he had performed. Frank's innocent of the crime, and singer Ruth Chapman can provide him with an alibi. But Ruth is missing, and records show she died years before. As Frank awaits execution, he enlists the help of his heiress girlfriend and his lawyer to clear his name.
The Big Chance
Dimitri Aperghis
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
El mar no perdona
Solly Daniels
Cuando un crucero de lujo (el Crescent Star) se hunde al chocar contra una mina flotante, en un bote salvavidas de capacidad para nueve personas se refugian 26 supervivientes. Pronto se acaba el repelente de tiburones, se acerca un huracán, hay pocos alimentos y poca agua y, en estas circunstancias, no queda más remedio que decidir sobre quién se queda y quién debe abandonar el bote.
You Pay Your Money
Crime drama in which a couple get involved in a web of intrigue surrounding the husband's employer.
Find the Lady
Tony Del Roma
During New Year's Eve, a young model spends the day searching for her grandmother, who has suspiciously gone missing.
The Baby and the Battleship
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
The Narrowing Circle
Bill Strayte
A journalist is framed for the murder of a rival and has to prove his innocence, whatever the cost.
The Magic Carpet
A short documentary feature with Marius Goring and Ferdy Mayne.
Tempestad sobre el Nilo
Dr. Harraz
En 1865, el Regimiento Royal North Harvey se dispone a partir para Egipto para sofocar la rebelión de los derviches. Al mismo tiempo, el oficial Harry Faversham ha decidido abandonar el ejército, decisión que no comparten ni sus familiares ni sus amigos. Nuevo remake de "Las cuatro plumas", dirigida también por Korda. En este caso incluso usó el mismo guión y parte del rodaje de la versión anterior.
Value for Money
A wealthy young man (Gregson) from Yorkshire visits a London nightclub and meets a performer (Dors). She decides to take him for every penny he is worth, and he decides to let her.
The Glass Cage
A circus barker stages a sensational new act, the world's longest fast undertaken by “Sapolio”, on view in a glass cage. But this act also results in several murders, a kidnapping, and a poisoning!
Bernard J. Maskell
Two years before he first donned The Count's cloak for Dracula, Christopher Lee had one of his earliest leading roles in this fascinating low budget short subject. Arguably Lee's first venture into Gothic territory on screen, it memorably features the camera - perhaps for the very first time - zooming in for a chilling close up of those unforgettably steely eyes.
The Divided Heart
Dr. Muller
During World War II, a German woman, Inga, goes missing and is presumed dead. Her infant son is placed in an orphanage where, years later, he's adopted by a childless couple. The adoptive parents' happiness is shattered when Inga reappears and insists on custody of her son.
Third Party Risk
Maxwell Carey
Vacationing at a resort hotel in Spain, a man discovers he is the only one not mixed up one way or another in murder, drugs and microfilm smuggling. But, the police are after him!
La bella desconocida
Police Chief
Johanny Victor se enamora de Louis Galt, un importante hombre de negocios involucrado en asuntos turbios, pero acaba averiguando que está casado y no tiene intención de divorciarse de su esposa. Después conoce al alfarero Pierre Clemont y se enamora de él. Emil Landosh, un amigo en el que confía, le roba un brazalete (regalo de Louis) para pagar una deuda. Por puro azar, el brazalete termina en manos de Louis, quien da por supuesto que Emil es amante de Johanny...
Fuego sobre Africa
Joanna Dane es enviada a Tánger por las autoridades norteamericanas con el fin de averiguar quién está detrás de una red de contrabandistas que actúa en España e Italia, y que contribuye a su vez a la elevada tasa de mortalidad de la policía tangerina.
Three Steps to the Gallows
Mario Satargo
A U.S. sailor (Scott Brady) docks in London and in three days tries to save his brother from the gallows.
Roadhouse Girl
Nicky Everton
A middle-aged garage owner's life is turned upside down when his new mechanics gets it on with his sexy younger wife.
The Blue Parrot
'Rocks' Owen, the well-off owner of a car-hire business, is found murdered; the last place he was seen alive was the Blue Parrot nightclub. Scotland Yard go in to investigate, with the help of a visiting American detective and a nightclub hostess who may not be all she appears to be.
El paraíso del capitán
The Sheikh
Henry St. James, capitán de un ferry transmediterráneo, tiene su vida sentimental perfectamente organizada. Tiene una esposa inglesa en Gibraltar y otra más exótica en Tánger. Pero, cuando ambas deciden, cada una por su cuenta, ir a esperarlo al puerto de destino del barco, su idílica vida correrá un grave peligro.
All Hallowe'en
A woman falls in love with a ghost on All Hallows Eve.
El expreso de París
El contable de una casa de comercio en Holanda, hombre con una especie de obsesión con los trenes, descubre al dueño de la firma en el momento en que éste va a escapar con el dinero del negocio. En una lucha que sostienen, el hombre cae en un canal y el gerente cree que lo ha matado. Tentado por el dinero, toma el Expreso de París que pasa en ese momento, abandonando a su mujer y sus hijos.
Venetian Bird
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Hotel Sahara
World War II farce about the hotel of the title
Head Waiter
Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.
Cairo Road
Doctor, Port Said
A police chief stationed in Egypt sets out to crack down on drug traffickers along the frontiers. With his assistant, he attempts to block the smugglers' passage along the notorious Cairo Road route into the country.
Prelude to Fame
Carlo Ferugia
Prelude to Fame is a 1950 British drama film directed by Fergus McDonell from a story by Aldous Huxley. While vacationing in Italy, Nick Morell (Robin Dowell), son of John Morell (Guy Rolfe), a famous English philosopher and amateur musician and his wife Catherine (Kathleen Ryan), becomes friendly with young Guido (Jeremy Spenser), and Morell discovers the boy has an extraordinary instinct for orchestration and a phenomenal music memory. A neighboring couple, Signor and Signora Boudini (Henry Oscar and Kathleen Byron) become aware of the boy's talents, and she appeals to his parents to let her educate him musically. Torn by their love for their son and, they feel,the duty to let the world hear his talent, they consent.
Vote for Huggett
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Celia: The Sinister Affair of Poor Aunt Nora
A private detective (Bruce Lester) and an aspiring actress (Hy Hazell) join forces to thwart a man's scheme to murder his wealthy--and much older--wife. British thriller, directed by Francis Searle.
One Night with You
First Detective
Two strangers meet when they both miss their trains, and end up spending a penniless day and night together. An English version of 'It Happened One Night'.
Broken Journey
Pelotti (uncredited)
Passengers and crew struggle to survive after their plane crashes in the Alps.
The Echo Murders
Paul Dacier
Detective Sexton Blake takes on Nazi spies while solving a series of crimes.
Meet Sexton Blake
The famous detective and his trusty side-kick, Tinker, are called in by the War Office to find some important papers that were stolen from a man killed during an air raid.
English Without Tears
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
Warn That Man
German Radio Operator
At the height of World War II, the Germans discover that a certain British personage is to stay at the country house of Lord Buckley. They devise a plan whereby they will kidnap the real Lord Buckley, and send to England an actor who will masquerade, lie in wait for the visitor with a number of gunmen, and take him back to Germany.
Old Mother Riley Overseas
Mrs. Riley is tricked out of her license for a pub and joins her daughter in Portugal.