
Las amantes del vampiro (1970)

An erotic nightmare of tormented lusts that throb in headless, undead bodies!

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Roy Ward Baker
Escritor : Tudor Gates


Un joven caballero acude al castillo de los Karnstein para vengar la muerte de su hermana, muerta por los vampiros. Allí, tras apoderarse del sudario de uno de los vampiros, lo atrae hacia sí. Pero el terror lo paraliza, y sólo lo salva la cruz que pende de su cuello. Y entonces, decapita a una vampira.


Ingrid Pitt
Ingrid Pitt
Marcilla / Carmilla
Peter Cushing
Peter Cushing
General von Spielsdorf
George Cole
George Cole
Roger Morton
Kate O'Mara
Kate O'Mara
The Governess (Mme. Perrodot)
Ferdy Mayne
Ferdy Mayne
Douglas Wilmer
Douglas Wilmer
Baron Joachim von Hartog
Madeline Smith
Madeline Smith
Emma Morton
Dawn Addams
Dawn Addams
The Countess
Pippa Steel
Pippa Steel
Jon Finch
Jon Finch
Carl Ebhardt
Kirsten Lindholm
Kirsten Lindholm
First Vampire
John Forbes-Robertson
John Forbes-Robertson
Man in Black
Shelagh Wilcocks
Shelagh Wilcocks
Harvey Hall
Harvey Hall
Janet Key
Janet Key
Charles Farrell
Charles Farrell
Joanna Shelley
Joanna Shelley
Woodman's Daughter
Olga Anthony
Olga Anthony
Village Girl
Graham James
Graham James
Young Man
Tom Browne
Tom Browne
Young Man
Roy Beck
Roy Beck
Jill Easter
Jill Easter
Salo Gardner
Salo Gardner
Hubert Hill
Hubert Hill
Gordon Humphries
Gordon Humphries
Sion Probert
Sion Probert
Roy Seely
Roy Seely
Vicki Woolf
Vicki Woolf


Roy Ward Baker
Roy Ward Baker
Harry Fine
Harry Fine
Tudor Gates
Tudor Gates
Michael Style
Michael Style
Moray Grant
Moray Grant
Director of Photography
James Needs
James Needs
Sheridan Le Fanu
Sheridan Le Fanu
Harry Fine
Harry Fine
Michael Style
Michael Style
Harry Robertson
Harry Robertson
Original Music Composer
Scott MacGregor
Scott MacGregor
Art Direction
Tudor Gates
Tudor Gates
Tom Smith
Tom Smith
Makeup Supervisor
Brian Cox
Brian Cox
Costume Designer
Philip Martell
Philip Martell
Music Supervisor
Tom Sachs
Tom Sachs
Production Manager
Derek Whitehurst
Derek Whitehurst
Assistant Director
Claude Hitchcock
Claude Hitchcock
Sound Recordist
Roy Hyde
Roy Hyde
Sound Editor
Neil Binney
Neil Binney
Camera Operator
Betty Harley
Betty Harley
Pearl Tipaldi
Pearl Tipaldi
Hair Supervisor
Laura Nightingale
Laura Nightingale
Wardrobe Master
Bill Greene
Bill Greene
Construction Manager
Dennis Whitlock
Dennis Whitlock
Sound Mixer

Carteles y fondos


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Drácula, príncipe de las tinieblas
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Una lagartija con piel de mujer
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Wolf Creek
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