Sol Gorss

Nacimiento : 1908-03-22, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1966-09-10


Sol Gorss was born on March 22, 1908 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He is known for his work on "Climax! (1954)", "Flowing Gold (1940)" and "China Girl (1942)". He died on September 10, 1966 in Los Angeles, California, USA.


Batman: La película
Guard (uncredited)
Adaptación a la gran pantalla del popular cómic de Bob Kane, que ese mismo año y con los mismos protagonistas conocía una exitosa versión en formato de serie de televisión que duraría dos años en la pequeña pantalla. Batman y Robin se enfrentan a un grupo de criminales entre los que se encuentran sus eternos rivales Joker y El Pingüino, quienes se han apoderado de un sofisticado artilugio para dominar el mundo.
Slave Leader (uncredited)
Hacia el año 75 antes de Cristo, un esclavo llamado Espartaco es vendido a una escuela de gladiadores donde le adiestran para combatir en la arena de los circos romanos. Pronto, Espartaco lidera una rebelión por el maltrato sufrido.
Con la muerte en los talones
Stunt Double
Debido a un malentendido, a Roger O. Thornhill, un ejecutivo del mundo de la publicidad, unos espías lo confunden con un agente del gobierno llamado George Kaplan. Secuestrado por tres individuos y llevado a una mansión en la que es interrogado, consigue huir antes de que lo maten. Cuando al día siguiente regresa a la casa acompañado de la policía, no hay rastro de las personas que había descrito.
Guns Girls and Gangsters
Armored Car Guard (uncredited)
Chuck Wheeler gets out of the Pen and sets up an elaborate heist of Vegas casino money travelling by armored truck. He enlists the help of shady club owner Joe Darren and his ex-cellmate's wife, Vi. Vi's husband Mike is a trigger happy and jealous hothead and will not grant her a divorce. Mike escapes from prison right before the armored truck job goes into motion and promises trouble as he tries to locate his associates and his wandering wife.
The Tijuana Story
Courageous newspaper editor Manuel Acosta Mesa tries to take on the mob in Tijuana through his newspaper, reporting on the violence, prostitution and drug sales in the border town.
Yaqui Drums
Second Henchman
In this western, a Mexican bandit and an angry rancher team up and take on a crooked saloon keeper.
Té y simpatía
Burly Man
Un grupo de alumnos deciden reunirse años después de acabar sus estudios. La presencia de Tom Lee (John Kerr) sorprende a sus compañeros, porque siempre fue un chico solitario, tímido y retraído cuyos gustos se apartaban bastante de los de sus compañeros. La única persona con la que se sentía a gusto era Laura Reynolds (Deborah Kerr), la mujer del profesor de deportes y ama de llaves de la residencia donde Tom se alojaba.
Noche de pesadilla
Bob Clune (Uncredited)
Un hombre sufre una pesadilla donde asesina a un hombre en una habitación llena de espejos, y lo oculta dentro de un armario; todo ello en presencia de una hermosa mujer. Cuando despierta, en su mano se halla una llave. La pesadilla parecía real, y el hombre empieza a atormentarse hasta que le pide ayuda a su cuñado, un agente de policía. Juntos empiezan a investigar cuál es el misterio que envuelve aquella terrorífica pesadilla y el origen de la llave, pero se encontrarán con algo diabólico que no esperaban. (FILMAFFINITY)
Atraco perfecto
Track Guard Slugged by Johnny (uncredited)
Después de pasar por la cárcel, Johnny Clay ha decidido dar el último golpe de su vida, el que le permita retirarse junto a su amada Fay. El plan es llevarse la recaudación de las carreras de caballos de un hipódromo. Después de una meticulosa selección de colaboradores, planea la estrategia del asalto con una precisión insospechada. Tratará de provocar un altercado en la sala de apuestas y matar al caballo favorito de la séptima carrera. Clay cuenta con la ayuda de Randy, un policía sobornado, George, el cajero de las apuestas, y Mike, barman del hipódromo. El atraco se desarrolla según lo previsto, pero los problemas se presentan con el reparto del botín.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Injun Joe
This made-for-TV production originally aired on the "Climax!" show and opened up its second season. Huck and his buddy Tom Sawyer become blood brothers right before Huck takes off down the Mississippi River to try and get away from his abusive father. Along his journey Huck comes across a wide range of characters including The Duke.
Ambición maldita
Andy Martín llega a un pueblo del oeste para reclamar a su antiguo socio, Pete Menlo, un dinero que le debe. Después de una pelea olvidan los rencores y se asocian para explotar una mina de oro. Bannon, dueño de las minas restantes se las quiere comprar, pero no acepta. Andy gana en el juego la mina del padre de Nevada, una joven de la que se enamora. Bannon hace toda clase de trastadas para impedir la explotación de la mina que en definitiva resulta tener un gran filón de oro. Luego de una serie de peripecias, ambos amigos triunfan sobre Bannon quien, queriendo eliminar a Andy, es muerto por Menlo.
Su Majestad de los mares del sur
Tough Sailor in Fight (uncredited)
Un marinero aventurero es abandonado en un bote a la deriva a causa de un motín. En medio del mar, y a causa del sol, pierde el conocimiento, que recobra ya cuando está en una pequeña isla bajo los cuidados de un curandero indígena y de un comerciante alemán. El aventurero pronto se hace con la confianza de los indígenas, a quienes enseña nuevas costumbres y a defenderse de los piratas. Así, consigue también el control sobre la producción de copra del que se extrae un rico aceite, que también una compañía alemana pretende monopolizar. Poco a poco se va convirtiendo en el rey de la isla.
Flame of Calcutta
Jehan Man / Soldier (uncredited)
A British captain and a French official's daughter save the East India Company.
Las fronteras del crimen
Dan Milner, un jugador sin oficio ni beneficio, recibe de un misterioso caballero una substanciosa oferta (50.000 dólares). A cambio tendrá que trasladarse a Morros Lodge, un hermoso centro turístico mexicano, alojarse en un bungalow y esperar la llegada de alguien que le dará instrucciones. Sin embargo, antes de llegar a su destino, Dan conoce a la atractiva Leonore Brent...
Flying Disc Man from Mars
Mota is a Martian representative, who has come to impose interplanetary law on the Earth (which has become too dangerous); opposing his authority is Kent Fowler, who resists the alien plot, without understanding its details.
La jungla de asfalto
Policeman (uncredited)
La meticulosa planificación de un atraco a una joyería por parte de una banda de delincuentes le sirve a Huston para ofrecer un poderoso relato lleno de intensidad, amén de un realista e insuperable estudio de personajes y sus motivaciones. Sin lugar a dudas, una de los mejores películas del cine negro de todos los tiempos, con el gran Hayden y una seductora y sexy Marilyn Monroe.
Dakota Lil
En 1899, un agente americano es enviado al Oeste tras la pista de una banda de asaltadores de trenes. Para llegar al cerebro de la banda tendrá que ganarse primero la amistad de Lil, una bella bailarina.
Dakota Lil
En 1899, un agente americano es enviado al Oeste tras la pista de una banda de asaltadores de trenes. Para llegar al cerebro de la banda tendrá que ganarse primero la amistad de Lil, una bella bailarina.
Johnny Allegro
Johnny Allegro regenta tranquilamente una floristería, cuando una misteriosa mujer le pide ayuda para escapar de unos hombres que la persiguen. Pero Johnny no es quien parece ser -tiene un pasado oscuro y cuentas pendientes con la justicia- por lo que la policía le propone un trato: olvidar su pasado a cambio de información sobre los turbios negocios de la misteriosa mujer.
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Relato Criminal
El jefe de la organización criminal más importante de la ciudad es sospechoso de haber evadido impuestos. La operación para atraparle es asignada al agente del Tesoro Frank Warren. El y su compañero pretenden apoderarse de los libros de contabilidad del cabeza de la banda para poder acusarle de fraude fiscal. A pesar de todas las dificultades, entre las que se incluyen las amenazas de muerte a Judith, la mujer de Frank, los dos policías deciden seguir adelante con su trabajo.
El burlador de Castilla
Don Juan de Mañara, un caballero español, después de provocar un escándalo amoroso que da al traste con un matrimonio de conveniencia impuesto por la reina, regresa a la corte de España. Una vez en su patria, encuentra acomodo como maestro de esgrima en el Real Colegio de Guardias Nobles, lo que le rehabilita a los ojos de todos, borrando del recuerdo su borrascoso pasado. Pero, debido a su carácter pendenciero, se verá de nuevo envuelto en situaciones comprometidas.
The Exile
Soldier (uncredited)
In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
El Diablo y yo
Gangster (uncredited)
El gangster E. Kagle ha sido asesinado por su socio y amigo S. Williams. Kagle acaba en el infierno, donde "Nick" le ofrece la oportunidad de vengarse, a cambio de su ayuda con un problema que tiene. Nick lo dispone todo para que Kagle ocupe el cuerpo del honrado juez Parker. En el transcurso de los acontecimientos, Kagle se ve involucrado con Bárbara Foster, la novia del juez, de la que se enamora, hecho que le hará replantearse todo lo que ha sido su vida.
The Royal Mounted Rides Again
In time-honored fashion, a couple of supporting players -- George Dolenz and Bill Kennedy -- found themselves elevated to starring roles in this minor Universal serial. They played Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers investigating the murder of a miner. The story, of course, was less important than speed and action, which directors Ray Taylor and Lewis D. Collins delivered in typical slap-dash Universal style. Starlet Daun Kennedy did not make much of an impression as the imperiled leading lady, and former star Robert Armstrong (of King Kong fame) was wasted in a subordinate role. Rondo Hatton, a non-actor whose grotesque appearance (caused by acromegaly, the so-called "Elephant Man" disease) was tastelessly exploited by Universal in the '40s, appeared as one of the outlaws.
"Brooklyn" Adams
A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a "stay-way" message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.
Arsénico por compasión
New York Pitcher (uncredited)
Un crítico teatral que acaba de casarse decide visitar a sus ancianas tías antes de marcharse de luna de miel. Durante la visita descubrirá que las encantadoras viejecitas tienen una manera muy peculiar de practicar la caridad.
La máscara de Dimitrios
Man Shadowing Peters and Leyden (uncredited)
Un escritor holandés que cultiva el género policíaco investiga el misterioso pasado de un personaje que fue ladrón, asesino y espía. Sus averiguaciones lo sumergen en una intriga que lo lleva a numerosos países, entre ellos Turquí­a, donde apareció el cadáver del criminal.
El señor Skeffington
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Nueva York, 1914. Para salvar a su hermano, que ha cometido un desfalco, Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis), una mujer egoísta que sólo se preocupa por su belleza, se ve obligada a casarse con Job Skeffington Claude Rains), el director del banco, un hombre poco atractivo y mucho mayor que ella, pero paciente y bondadoso. El matrimonio, concertado y sin amor, pasará por varias etapas en las que ambos verán pasar dos guerra mundiales, varios amantes, una cruel enfermedad, persecuciones nazis, la ceguera y el pánico al envejecimiento.
El bombardero heroico
Sergeant (uncredited)
Película ambientada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) en la que un avión de bombardeo de las fuerzas aéreas de Estados Unidos, el B-17, combate en el Pacífico. Viaja a Pearl Harbor, después del ataque nipón, y más tarde es enviado a Manila para ayudar con la defensa en Fipilinas.
You Can't Escape Forever
Seated at Lonesome Club (uncredited)
A demoted reporter (George Brent) and his girlfriend (Brenda Marshall) seek to expose a crime kingpin.
Men of the Sky
Shoe Repair Shop Prorietor (uncredited)
A propaganda film, made in the early months of World War II, dramatizing a new group of U.S. Army Air Force pilots receiving their wings from Lt. General H.H. Arnold. An off-screen narrator introduces four of them to us; we see them before the war, during flight training, and in their first assignments as pilots.
I Was Framed
Paul's Gang Member
A reporter runs from charges by a corrupt politician only to face them years later.
Bullet Scars
Dude, lodge gate guard
Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.
El hombre que vino a cenar
Chauffeur (uncredited)
El famoso escritor Sheridan Whiteside tiene una lengua viperina y un cerebro que puede resolver el crucigrama del New York Times en cuatro minutos. En un viaje a Ohio para dar una conferencia, sufre un accidente a causa del hielo y se ve obligado a permanecer recluido en la casa de un matrimonio burgués. Su comportamiento en la casa es tiránico, la gobierna como un zar y, por si fuera poco, se entromete en la vida amorosa de todo el mundo.
Dangerously They Live
John's Driver Following Jane (uncredited)
A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.
Steel Against the Sky
Security Guard (uncredited)
Steel-worker brothers compete for the same woman.
Murieron con las botas puestas
Adjutant (uncredited)
George Custer (Errol Flynn) llega a la Academia de West Point lleno de arrogancia y vanidad. Su carácter indisciplinado le ocasionará numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), es enviado al frente. Terminada la guerra, se casa con Beth (Olivia de Havilland), pero pronto le asignan un nuevo destino: la guerra contra los indios. Al frente del Séptimo de Caballería, el Teniente Coronel Custer se enfrentará a los indios de Caballo Loco. La campaña termina con la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn (Montana, 1876).
One Foot in Heaven
Panhandler (uncredited)
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Highway West
Police Patrolman (uncredited)
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Highway West
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
The Nurse's Secret
An apparent suicide by a rich woman leads her nurse and a policeman to an insurance scam.
The Wagons Roll at Night
Trainer with Tex (uncredited)
An escaped circus lion provides the impetus for the meeting of carnival owner Nick Coster and Matt Varney, a small-town man who suddenly becomes a lion tamer when he manages to subdue the big cat. While acclimating to carnival life, Matt begins a romance with Nick's sister, Mary, causing tension between Matt and Nick. The latter must also juggle his stormy relationship with glamorous circus star Flo Lorraine.
Here Comes Happiness
Messenger from Burke (uncredited)
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
Flight from Destiny
Cab Driver #1
After his doctor informs him he will die in six months, Professor Henry Todhunter decides to spend his last days killing someone who contributes nothing but harm to society. When Henry learns that his friend Betty's husband, Michael, has been painting forgeries of ancient paintings for gallery owner Ketti Moret, he investigates the fraudulent dealer's life. Judging that Ketti is truly evil, Henry prepares to murder her.
East of the River
Prisoner (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
Knute Rockne All American
Man Wheeling Knute's Wheelchair (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Flowing Gold
In the American oilfields, a fugitive from justice's destiny is intertwined with the fortunes and the misfortunes of a small oil company that hires him as a roughneck.
La pasión ciega
Driver Warning About Farnsworth (uncredited)
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
A Fugitive from Justice
Reporter at Train Station (uncredited)
Leslie is being chased by the gangsters, the police and the insurance investigators. He is on the run. Falsely accused of a murder, he embarks upon a life-and-death journey to save his family.
Tear Gas Squad
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
'Til We Meet Again
Sailor (uncredited)
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
King of the Lumberjacks
Lumberjack On Line for Cashier (uncredited)
Outdoor drama about a newly-hired lumberjack discovering that his former girlfriend is now his new boss's wife.
Alice in Movieland
Microphone Man (uncredited)
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Charlie Chan in Panama
Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.
Castle on the Hudson
Silent Gangster in Car (uncredited)
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
Private Detective
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A female private eye joins forces with a police detective to investigate the suspicious murder of a millionaire.
A Child Is Born
Intern in Gallery (uncredited)
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
On Dress Parade
Doctor Attending Duncan (uncredited)
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
Smashing the Money Ring
Dice's Henchman (uncredited)
T-Man Brass Bancroft goes undercover in a prison which has a secret counterfeit operation set up in the print shop.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
Reporters' Driver (uncredited)
Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters.
La solterona
Departing Soldier at Train Station (uncredited)
Cuando Delia Lovell (Miriam Hopkins) está punto de casarse con Jim Ralston, su antiguo novio Clement Spender (George Brent) aparece, y entonces su hermana Charlotte (Bette Davis) tratará de calmarle, al tiempo que sabremos que también ella está enamorada del visitante, quien pronto se ira a la guerra dejàndole como herencia un recuerdo eterno.
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Court Attendant (uncredited)
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Indianapolis Speedway
Frank, Replaced Driving Mechanic
A champion auto racer who unhappily learns his kid brother wants to enter the same profession rather than finish school.
The Cowboy Quarterback
Cozy Walsh - Packers Player
Football scout for the Chicago Packers Rusty Walker signs Harry Lynn, a legendary broken-field runner. Harry won't leave his home town without his girlfriend Maizie Williams. He gets tangled up with gamblers and Rusty's girl Evelyn Corey makes a play for him.
Hell's Kitchen
Sweet Al - a Henchman (uncredited)
A paroled convict's efforts to improve conditions at a boys' reform school alarm the school's corrupt warden, who has been embezzling funds from the institution. He hatches a plan to derail the reformed convict's efforts and have him sent back to prison, and part of that scheme involves cracking down hard on the reform school's inmates.
Naughty But Nice
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.
Code of the Secret Service
Secret Service agents try to solve the theft of treasury banknote plates.
Confesiones de un espía nazi
Nazi Goon at Bund Meeting (uncredited)
Un agente del FBI (Robinson) investiga una amplia red de espionaje nazi que opera en Estados Unidos. Sus contactos llegarán hasta Suramérica y Europa. Se trata de una de las pocas películas del género antinazi rodadas antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, época en la que los Estados Unidos y, por consiguiente, Hollywood seguían una política aislacionista.
Dodge, ciudad sin ley
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Dodge, ciudad sin ley
Train Fireman (uncredited)
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Secret Service of the Air
Border Patrol Pilot
Brass Bancroft and his sidekick Gabby Watters are recruited onto the secret service and go undercover to crack a ruthless gang that smuggles illegal aliens.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Citizen Driver (uncredited)
Mientras participa en un concurso del periódico local en el que se les pide a los escolares que envíen una noticia, la hija del abogado local Carson Drew, Nancy, intercepta una asignación de historia real. Ella "cubre" la investigación de la muerte de una mujer que fue envenenada. Nancy no cree que la joven acusada del crimen sea culpable y acorrala a su vecino Ted para que busque una evidencia vital y tropieza con la identidad del verdadero asesino.
Torchy Blane in Chinatown
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Torchy Blane joins her police-detective fiance to solve a series of murders involving a set of Chinese grave tablets taken and sold to a collector and death-threats written in Chinese characters.
Devil's Island
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Devil's Island
Guard Escorting Gaudet After Operation
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Heart of the North
Andre (uncredited)
A two-fisted Canadian Mountie leads lawmen in pursuit of the thieves who stole an Edmonton-bound freighter's cargo.
Girls on Probation
Patrol Officer
A dizzy young girl falls into crime but wins her lawyer's heart.
Torchy Blane in Panama
First Cab Driver (uncredited)
Torchy, Steve, and Gahagan are on the trail of a bank robber aboard an ocean liner traveling from New York to L.A. via the Panama Canal.
Over the Wall
Hospital Trusty
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
He Couldn't Say No
Mike, the Linoleum Truck Driver
A lowly office clerk angers his fiancee and future mother-in-law by spending money intended for marriage furniture on a statue of a pretty girl, which he refuses to part with at any cost.
Romance Road
A Royal Canadian Mounted Police sergeant must mediate a land rights dispute between an advancing railroad construction gang and French Canadian trappers in the rugged Northwest Territory of Canada.
The Invisible Menace
Army Private Eddie Pratt smuggles his new bride into camp in hopes of having a happy wedding night. Instead they discover a murder. Colonel Rogers of Army Intelligence arrives to take over the case. The prime suspect, Jevries, is well-known to Rogers, who sets out to get a confession from Jevries even though there are plenty of other suspects.
She Loved a Fireman
Company B Leader
A young man with a checkered past struggles to make good as a fireman.
Over the Goal
Second Trainer
The Carlton State star quarterback is wrongly thrown in jail, almost guaranteeing a major loss as well as costing the college a donation which would save the school from closing.
Varsity Show
Winfield College students rebel against a stodgy professor who won't permit "swing" music be played in their varsity show. They appeal to a big Broadway alumnus and have him direct their show. What they don't know is that this "star's" last three shows were flops.
Men in Exile
Gomez's Aide Outside Office
An ex-con takes flight after he's framed for a jewelry store robbery and murder.
Ready, Willing and Able
Two starving songwriters will only get funding if they get British actress Jane Clarke to star in their show.
Penrod and Sam
Hanson's Driver
A boy (Billy Mauch) and his gang catch bank robbers using their clubhouse as a hide-out.
Her Husband's Secretary
Fellow Steel Worker
A businessman buys trouble when he hires his wife"s best friend as his secretary.
King of Hockey
Man Yelling at Dugan
Gamblers try to pressure a star hockey player into throwing a game.
El caso del Gato Negro
Poker Player (uncredited)
El abogado Perry Mason es convocado a la mansión del inválido Peter Laxter en la oscuridad de la noche para redactar un documento que evite que su nieta Wilma, que está por casarse, pierda su fortuna en un posible futuro divorcio. Peter pronto muere en un misterioso incendio y dos de sus nietos, Sam y Frank, heredan sus bienes con la condición de hacerse cargo del viejo cuidador Schuster y del gato Clinker. Luego Schuster es encontrado muerto en un sótano; y los diamantes de la familia Laxter están desaparecidos. También aparece muerta Louise, la enfermera de Peter, asesinada a golpes con la muleta de Schuster.
Here Comes Carter
Police Driver
A radio commentator avenges an old wrong by blowing the whistle on Hollywood scandals
Love Begins at Twenty
Jim - Bank Robber
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Satan Met a Lady
Jackie Farrow (uncredited)
In the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon, a detective is caught between a lying seductress and a lady jewel thief.
Sons o' Guns
Apache Dancer
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
Road Gang
Guard in Blackfoot Mine (uncredited)
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Moonlight on the Prairie
Saloon Cowboy #3
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
Prison Visitor
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
Contra el imperio del crimen
G-Man Guarding Leggett (uncredited)
Un abogado abandona su profesión para convertirse en agente del gobierno con la intención de descubrir al asesino de su mejor amigo. Las primeras investigaciones le conducen hasta un gángster que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Mientras resuelve el caso, en escena aparece la hija de su jefe, de la que se enamora locamente.
Bureau of Missing Persons
Dock Worker (uncredited)
Butch Saunders has been transferred to Missing Persons because he was too brutal in other police work...
Avidez de tragedia
Replaced Driving Mechanic
Joe Greer, un famoso campeón de carreras automovilísticas, regresa a su ciudad natal para competir en una carrera. Allí descubre que su hermano menor aspira a convertirse en campeón.