Yanna Soentjens


Set in Brussels, the film revolves around a potential love story between a Romanian construction worker and a Belgian-Chinese doctorate student of moss, who cross paths just before the former is about to move back home.
Hijo Del Crimen
Hijo Del Crimen
Sisyphus at Work
Sound of Metal
Sound Recordist
El baterista de metal Ruben comienza a perder la audición. Cuando un médico le dice que su condición empeorará, cree que su carrera y su vida han terminado. Su novia Lou lleva al ex adicto a un centro de rehabilitación para sordos con la esperanza de que esto evite una recaída y lo ayude a adaptarse a su nueva vida. Después de ser bienvenido y aceptado tal como es, Ruben debe elegir entre su nueva normalidad y la vida que una vez conoció.
Sound Engineer
Stephanie smiles as she’s applauded by the crowd. The 11-year-old gymnast just won her first international title. Her coach Patricia embraces her as they both admire the gold medal they have worked so hard for. The girl is crushed with attention, everybody wants to have a picture with her and expresses their high hopes, but the more recognition she gets, the more she realises that the game only has begun.
Ghost Tropic
Sound Recordist
After a long day at work, fiftyeight-year-old Khadija falls asleep on the last subway train. When she wakes up at the end of the line, she has no choice but to make her way home on foot. On her nocturnal journey she finds herself compelled to ask for and give help to the other inhabitants of the night.
Sound Engineer
Lara, de 15 años, sueña con convertirse en bailarina. Con el apoyo de su padre, se lanza de lleno a esta búsqueda interminable. Pero su cuerpo no se doblega tan fácilmente a la disciplina que le impone, porque en realidad cuando nació era un niño.
Kiss Me Softly
17 year old Jasper lives in a very grey, small town. In his family, he cannot be himself. Jasper's dad is a singer, named Lukkie Luk. All the attention in the family goes to his career. Jasper searches a way to handle this and is faced with the typical questions in the life of an adolescent. Questions that will not be answered when he stays in his own routine.